自从 Google 出了教育应用,学生们再也不能跟老师说作业被狗吃掉了——CNET 是这么形容 Google 的新产品Classroom的。这款产品在今年五月份接受了来自全世界 45 个国家 10 万名以上的教师试用,经过几番改进的正式版本终于在 13 号发布了。
什么是Google Classroom?
Google Classroom 的产品经理 Zach Yeskel 说,这款产品的目标就是要消灭师生之间来来去去东一张西一张的纸头,使教学交流变得快捷轻便。Classroom 把传统教室里教师布置作业、学生做作业、学生上交作业和老师批改下发作业这几个步骤集中在了一站式平台上,纸笔变为了电子稿,一来二去的交流变为了即时交流和即时协作。
教师在 Classroom 的界面上可以像创建文档一样创建一门课程的主页,邀请学生加入这个主页,随后在主页上发布作业任务。学生在任务下可以利用 Google Docs 和 Google Drive 等工具,在线写作业并提交给老师。教师在收到作业以后也可以在线打分和点评。基于 Google Docs 的即时和易于复制的特点,未来学校还可能直接使用 Classroom 来出电子试卷或者 home quiz,也就是可以带回家做的小测验。
值得一提的是,Google Docs 等工具在 Classroom 上线以前仅仅方便了学生在各自家里完成多人协作的小组作业,而在 Classroom 里,Google 根据试用教师反馈,新增了一项允许教师协同监督的功能。当学生的作业还在创作的过程当中,教师就可以时时地在线上查看、指点和督促了。同理,在未来用 Classroom 出的试卷里,监考老师也可以完全了解到任一个学生在一道题目上花费了多少时间。
谁可以使用Google Classroom?
所有 Google Apps for Education 的用户都可以免费使用 Classroom。有 Google 教育账户的用户也可以免费添加这个应用,不过在尚未以机构为单位统一使用 Google Classroom 的学校,个体用户即便添加了应用也不能马上体验,而是需要等候 Google 的管理团队决定是否为其开通服务,等候时间不定。
Google Classroom有什么优势?
Google Classroom 的功能可以直接取代目前美国教育科技界诸如 BlackBoard 等巨头的技术方案。后者掌握着美国绝大部分院校的销售渠道,通过销售软件服务而获利,Google 与之不同的是,提供全线免费的软件服务,带动相关的硬件销售而获利。
专为 Google 教育类应用而制的小型笔记本电脑 Chromebooks 和平板电脑 Tablets with Google Play 已经普及到部分院校,根据华尔街日报的统计,Chromebooks 在今年第二季度里在院校间的销售量已经高达一百万台,累计占据了市面上校用移动电脑数量的五分之一。如之相结合的教育软件分为五大类,包括 Google Apps for Education, Drive,Docs,Sheets,Slides,Sites,Forms 等的协同类,包括 Chrome for Education,Google Vault 等的管理类,包括 Keys to the Web 等的网络安全类,包括 Art Projects, YouTube EDU 等的探索类,包括 Google App Engine 等的计算机科学类。现在 Classroom 的推出,会使这些硬件设备如虎添翼,对教育者成为更大的吸引。
[36氪原创文章,作者: 苑伶]
51job net income down 56% to $8.4 million Q2
(Aug. 12, 2014,Shanghai) 51job, a leading provider of integratedhuman resource services in China, announced its unaudited financial results forthe second quarter of 2014 ended June 30, 2014 showing that total revenues forthe second quarter were RMB457.5 million (US$73.8 million), an increase of13.1% from RMB404.4 million for the same quarter in 2013. Net income for thesecond quarter of 2014 was RMB52.0 million (US$8.4 million), a fall of 56%compared with RMB119.2 million for the same quarter in 2013.
Second Quarter 2014 Financial Highlights:
1、Totalrevenues increased 13.1% over Q2 2013 to RMB457.5 million (US$73.8 million),exceeding the Company’s guidance range
2、Onlinerecruitment services revenues increased 15.8% over Q2 2013 to RMB312.0 million(US$50.3 million), which reflected the impact of a value-added tax (“VAT”)policy change effective June 1, 2014
3、Grossmargin of 73.9% compared with 73.7% in Q2 2013
4、Income fromoperations decreased 2.4% over Q2 2013 to RMB122.4 million (US$19.7 million)
5、Fullydiluted earnings per common share were RMB0.86 (US$0.28 per American depositaryshare (“ADS”)
6、Excludingshare-based compensation expense, gain from foreign currency translation,convertible senior notes issuance costs, change in fair value of convertiblenotes and change in fair value of zero-strike call options, as well as therelated tax effect of these items, non-GAAP adjusted fully diluted earnings percommon share were RMB2.75 (US$0.89 per ADS), exceeding the Company’s guidancerange
Cash andshort-term investments increased to RMB4,207.9 million (US$678.3 million) as ofJune 30, 2014
Print advertising revenues for thesecond quarter of 2014 decreased 78.8% to RMB2.3 million (US$0.4 million)compared with RMB11.0 million for the same quarter in 2013 primarily due to theongoing business transition away from print advertising services. Theestimated number of print advertising pages generated in the second quarter of2014 was 21 pages compared with 355 pages in the same quarter in 2013. The Company operates a print publication in the city of Xian as of June 30,2014 compared with five cities as of June 30, 2013.
Online recruitment services revenues forthe second quarter of 2014 were RMB312.0 million (US$50.3 million),representing a 15.8% increase from RMB269.5 million for the same quarter of theprior year. The growth was principally due to an increase in the number ofunique employers using online recruitment services, which was partially offsetby a decrease in average revenue per unique employer and the impact of the VATpolicy change effective June 1, 2014 (as described below in “Other CompanyNews”). Unique employers increased 21.3% to 280,203 in the second quarter of2014 compared with 231,011 in the same quarter of the prior year driven bystrengthened customer acquisition efforts and increased usage of onlinerecruitment services by employers. However, average revenue per uniqueemployer decreased 4.6% in the second quarter of 2014 as compared with the samequarter in 2013 primarily due to the addition of new customers who generallypurchase introductory, lower priced services and the effect of the VAT policychange on online recruitment services revenues.
Other human resource related revenuesfor the second quarter of 2014 increased 15.6% to RMB143.2 million (US$23.1million) from RMB123.8 million in the same quarter of 2013 primarily due togrowth and usage of business process outsourcing and training services.
Gross profit for the second quarter of2014 increased 13.9% to RMB325.8 million (US$52.5 million) from RMB286.0million for the same quarter of the prior year. Gross margin, which is grossprofit as a percentage of net revenues, increased to 73.9% in the secondquarter of 2014 compared with 73.7% in the same quarter in 2013.
Sales and marketing expenses for thesecond quarter of 2014 increased 28.3% to RMB142.6 million (US$23.0 million)from RMB111.1 million for the same quarter of the prior year primarily due toadditional sales headcount, higher employee compensation expenses and greateradvertising expenditures. General and administrative expenses for thesecond quarter of 2014 increased 23.0% to RMB60.8 million (US$9.8 million) fromRMB49.4 million in the second quarter of 2013 primarily due to highershare-based compensation expense and professional service fees as well asgreater office, rental and depreciation expenses.
Income from operations for the secondquarter of 2014 decreased 2.4% to RMB122.4 million (US$19.7 million) fromRMB125.5 million for the same quarter of the prior year. Operating margin,which is income from operations as a percentage of net revenues, was 27.8% inthe second quarter of 2014 compared with 32.3% in the same quarter of2013. Excluding share-based compensation expense, operating margin wouldbe 31.9% in the second quarter of 2014 compared with 36.2% in the same quarterof 2013.
Net income for the second quarter of2014 was RMB52.0 million (US$8.4 million) compared with RMB119.2 million forthe same quarter in 2013. Fully diluted earnings per common share for thesecond quarter of 2014 were RMB0.86 (US$0.14) compared with RMB1.99 for thesame quarter in 2013. Fully diluted earnings per ADS for the second quarterof 2014 were RMB1.72 (US$0.28) compared with RMB3.98 in the second quarter of2013.