• 收购
    企业2.0时代或将终结?Aurea以4.62亿美元收购企业协作软件公司Jive Jive是一个企业协作软件公司,于2011年上市,近日公司宣布已经同意由 ESW Capital’s Wave Systems以4.62亿美元收购。收购后的Jive将成为Aurea企业的一部分。 总的来说,ESW每股支付5.25美元购买该公司,比截至2017年4月28日的Jive的收盘价平均涨幅高20%。周五收于每股5.05美元。股东似乎已比较平和的方式退出,但并不是每个人都这样看待。Constellation Research的创始人兼院长Ray Wang在Twitter上称此次收购为“降价销售”,并称投资者损失了数百万美元。 收购后,Jive将整合到Aurea的客户体验管理平台中,为Aurea创建内部和面向客户的社区提供一个有效的工具。此外,Aurea还可以访问Jive的客户群,包括T-Mobile,施耐德电气,McAfee和EMC。Aurea首席执行官Scott Brighton认为,社区成分从总体上加强了Aurea平台功能。Jive与Aurea合作促使客户体验、员工和客户参与度更好得结合在一起。 很多分析师分析了此次收购, Community Roundtable负责人 Rachel Happe 对此次收购并不感到惊讶。在他看来,社交软件市场已经变得越来越大,而Jive正面临来自更大的玩家和小型参与者的竞争,这种竞争对Jive来说没有任何好处。Deep Analysis 负责人Alan Pelz-Sharpe多年来一直研究协作领域,他认为此次收购对于ESW和Aurea都是不错的选择。ESW Capital的实力能够确保Jive的未来。而Jive不仅拥有性能良好的传统软件,而且认真对待客户,并拥有非常广泛的客户群。 随着这次收购落下帷幕,企业2.0时代也正式结束。2006年,哈佛教授Andrew McAfee创造了“企业2.0”一词。员工可以通过更自然的沟通界面直接在团队内部和社区中直接交谈,而不是仅仅坐在工位上等待电子邮件。此外,员工还可以使用博客、维基和其它工具创建内容,而不是依靠专家的权威书籍,最终知识的共享延伸到企业之外。 企业2.0时代在2006-2012年处于全盛时期。Jive与Yammer、Socialcast、Socialtext和其他众多的企业在这段时间中突显出来,对企业内部和外部沟通方式进行了诸多改变。 Jive上市的2011年是“企业2.0”的顶峰。最成功的的案例则是2012年Yammer以12亿美元的价格被Microsoft收购。几年后,Slack的横空出世又带动了一批企业协作软件的兴起,比如Facebook的Workplace和Microsoft Team,这些协作工具创造了新一代更现代化的协作方式。 Constellation Research分析师Alan Lepofsky表示,企业2.0时代的结束不是因为这个赛道上的玩家越来越多,而是因为包括微软、Salesforce、思科和IBM在内的大公司纷纷入局,大公司的入局填补了领域的空白。 本文参考了多个信息来源:techcrunch.com,如若转载,请注明出处:http://36kr.com/p/5073092.html
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    传微软拟以6000万美元收购以色列云监控创企Cloudyn 据以色利媒体报道,微软打算收购当地云端监控和分析创企Cloudyn,收购价在5000-7000万美元之间。 Cloudyn成立于2012年,其SaaS平台通过提供分析和优化工具,能够帮助企业实现云端成本监控自动化。企业可以根据不同的运营和财务标准,收集实时数据,继而提高云端性能和效率。 自成立以来,Cloudyn融资已经超过2000万美元,包括2015年一轮融资的1100万美元。该公司宣称拥有几名知名客户,比方说Hewlett Packard Enterprise(惠普公司拆分出来的惠普企业)和Ticketmaster。 2014年,Satya Nadella成为微软CEO,自那之后,这家巨头加大了在云平台的投入,“智能云平台”是他们主要的投资领域之一,希望以此“重新定义工作效率和商务程序”,创造“更多的个人计算”。由于Nadella此前是微软的云与企业业务部门主管,着力发展云技术也是意料之中的事情。 过去几年间,微软在云领域进行了多起战略性投资,比方说近期有收购开源软件工具与服务开发商Deis背后的团队。在微软的云技术投资战略中,网络安全是一大主要议题。 在此次收购中,Cloudyn的自动化技术起到了关键作用。该平台能够通过自动监控和自动识别低效工作,减少人力投入,这就符合了微软更广范围的云技术战略。 【来源:猎云网(微信号:ilieyun)】4月20日报道 (编译:蔡妙娴)
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    企业云服务领域再出手,Oracle 收购数字广告分析公司 Moat Oracle 近期动作频频。继昨天宣布收购荷兰容器化应用开发部署平台 Wercker 后,Oracle 又宣布,已经签署了一项协议,将收购互联网广告分析公司 Moat,但收购交易的细节和财务条款尚未透露。Oracle 在其官网上表示,想要通过这一收购,来创造“世界上最全面的市场营销数据和分析云平台”。 Moat 成立于 2010 年,是一家通过广告搜索和分析来帮助企业衡量在线广告投放价值、效果的公司。随着广告客户对数字广告可视性、真实性和投放效果产生了越来越多的担忧,Moat 创始人& CEO Jonah Goodhart 认为,创造“数字广告的货币性”越来越重要。 去年 3 月,Moat 曾获 Insight Venture Partners 领投的 5000 万美元融资,总计从 SV Angel、Mayfield Fund 和 Insight Venture Partners 等投资人处募集了约 6700 万美元的融资。但从目前的情况来看,广告科技领域的公司融资进程都不太顺利,行业内收购和整合的趋势越来越明显。 Moat 目前的客户包括雀巢、保洁、联合利华、ESPN、Facebook、Snapchat 和 YouTube 等,收购完成后,Moat 将被纳入 Oracle 数据云部门,但仍作为独立平台运营,继续为这些客户提供广告投放测量和分析服务。Moat 的企业客户群对 Oracle 数据云部门的受众群体定位和测量解决方案提供了较好的补充。 Oracle 在过去的几年中一直在尝试推动数字广告和营销业务,曾在 2010 年出资 2100 万美元收购在线市场营销数据公司 BlueKai,并在2012 年出资 3 亿美元收购了社交媒体营销公司 Vitrue。 Jonah Goodhart 表示,此次被 Oracle 收购,他们看到了双方共同推动创新的潜力,Moat 希望通过更好的数据和分析来改变品牌发行商营销、讲故事的方式。 来源:36氪 ,作者:揭妤,如若转载,请注明出处:http://36kr.com/p/5071555.html
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    创业分享社区——Indie Hackers被Stripe收购,Stripe此举是想吸引B端流量? 日前,第三方聚合支付工具Stripe收购了 Indie Hackers。 Indie Hackers 是一个为企业家提供知识共享的社区,这条收购消息是Indie Hackers 的创始人 Courtland Allen 的在他的博客中发布的,之后也被 Stripe 快速确认。 Indie Hackers 通过采访有独立收入来源(收入来自客户,非风投注资)的企业创始人,记录下他们的创业经历,如何从零实现营收等故事,并免费提供给有需要的创业者。 Indie 的创始人Allen表示,他在去年七月时创办了Indie Hackers,当时不知道怎么去开展在线盈利业务,于是就想创办一个创始人分享自己创业公司如何实现营收的社区,让有需要的创业者在这里找到一些灵感建议。他自己也从中吸取了很多建议,并将Indie Hackers的收入从几千美元增加到几乎每月6000美元。前期 Indie  Hackers 的收入主要是来自网站的广告收入,但创始人 Indie Hackers 表示被 Stripe 收购后不会再在网站上发布广告。 成立不到一年的时间,Indie Hackers 已经采访报道了很多独立创业者(这里“独立”意味着企业资金来自客户,而不是风投和雇主),这些创始人十分清楚如何让公司收入从每月几百美元增涨到几万美元。比较有趣的是,Indie Hackers 网站上的创业故事按公司平均月收入水平进行分类,月平均收入从几百美元到几万美元不等。读者可以根据自己的兴趣来选择阅读不同收入水平下的创业故事。 在这里,独立创业者以第一人称来叙述分享自己在创业过程中的具体细节、得失和一些数据,与36kr的报道手法稍有不同。 但是 Stripe 为什么要收购 Indie Hackers 呢? Stripe 联合创始人帕特里克·科里森( Patrick  Collison )表示,Stripe 收购独立黑客的目的是想让 Indie Hackers 壮大起来,吸引更多独立创业公司的报道和创业者们的关注 ,这将会为 Stripe 带来 B 端流量, 吸引更多的企业使用 Stripe 进行线上收付。 来源:36氪,作者:zoey,如若转载,请注明出处:http://36kr.com/p/5070564.html
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    Gartner 今日正式宣布完成对CEB(SHL)的收购 1月初的时候,Gartner 宣布26亿美金收购,美国时间4月6日宣布收购完成。 具体可以参看: Gartner 26亿美金收购CEB(SHL)通过现金加股票的方式,预计今年上半年完成: http://www.hrtechchina.com/15926.html   Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT), the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company, announced today that it has completed its acquisition of CEB Inc. (NYSE: CEB), the industry leader in providing best practice and talent management insights, for $54.00 in cash and 0.2284 shares of Gartner common stock, representing a total transaction value of approximately $2.6 billion. Including Gartner’s assumption of approximately $0.7 billion in CEB net debt, the transaction has a total enterprise value of approximately $3.3 billion. The completion of the transaction follows the approval of the merger agreement by CEB stockholders at a special meeting held on April 4, 2017, arrangement of financing, as well as the receipt of all required regulatory approvals. The addition of CEB further enhances Gartner’s ability to deliver value to its clients and help them make the right decisions with confidence. Gartner’s analyst-driven, syndicated research and advisory services in Information Technology (IT), Marketing and Supply Chain, combined with CEB’s best practice and talent management insights across a range of business functions, including Human Resources (HR), Sales, Finance and Legal, will provide a comprehensive and differentiated suite of advisory services aligned to the mission-critical priorities of virtually all functional business leaders across every industry and size of enterprise worldwide. "We are excited to complete this transaction, which creates the leading global research and advisory company for all major functions in the enterprise," said Gene Hall, chief executive officer of Gartner. "This highly complementary acquisition will further advance our strategy to drive long-term growth. We look forward to welcoming our new colleagues from CEB as we work to realize the multiple benefits of this compelling combination for our clients, shareholders and associates around the world." With the completion of the transaction, CEB, Inc. stock will cease trading and no longer be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. First Quarter 2017 Financial Results Scheduled for May 4th 2017 Gartner plans to report its financial results for the first quarter 2017 on Thursday, May 4, 2017. In addition to discussing its first quarter 2017 performance, Gartner plans to provide an updated outlook for its full year 2017 which will include the expected contribution from the acquired CEB business. About Gartner Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) is the world's leading information technology research and advisory company. Gartner delivers the technology-related insight necessary for its clients to make the right decisions, every day. From CIOs and senior information technology (IT) leaders in corporations and government agencies, to business leaders in high-tech and telecom enterprises and professional services firms, to supply chain professionals, digital marketing professionals and technology investors, Gartner is the valuable partner to clients in more than 11,000 distinct enterprises. Gartner works with clients to research, analyze and interpret the business of IT within the context of their individual roles. Gartner is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, U.S.A., and has almost 9,000 associates, including 1,900 research analysts and consultants, operating in more than 90 countries. For more information, visit www.gartner.com. Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This communication contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements generally relate to future events or Gartner’s future financial or operating performance. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as "may," "will," "expects," "plans," "works to," "estimates," or "continue" or the negative of these words or other similar terms or expressions, and include the assumptions that underlie such statements. These forward-looking statements concern Gartner’s expectations, strategy, plans or intentions. Gartner’s expectations and beliefs regarding these matters may not materialize, and actual results in future periods are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected, including but not limited to: the risk that the businesses will not be integrated successfully; the risk that synergies will not be realized or realized to the extent anticipated; uncertainty as to the market value of the Gartner merger consideration to be paid in the transaction; the risk that, following this transaction, Gartner will not realize its financing or operating strategies; litigation in respect of either company or the transaction; and disruption from the transaction making it more difficult to maintain certain strategic relationships. The forward-looking statements contained in this communication are also subject to other risks and uncertainties, including those more fully described in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016, which was filed with the SEC on February 22, 2017 and those discussed in "Risk Factors" in the Registration Statement on Form S-4, which was filed with the SEC on February 6, 2017 and amended on March 6, 2017 and in the documents which are incorporated by reference therein. The forward-looking statements in this communication are based on information available to Gartner as of the date hereof, and Gartner disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.
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    Amazon收购会议生产力平台Do以增强AWS视频会议服务Chime 与一些公司喜欢大张旗鼓发通告不同,Amazon有时候是做了也不说,而且也不让别人说。上个月,Amazon刚刚推出了一项新的企业生产力服务——视频会议工具Amazon Chime。在几天后的2月15日,会议生产力平台Do宣布自己已经被收购。没人把这两件事联系到一起,但随后眼尖的网友在Do的LinkedIn账号简介上发现,Do现在已经是Amazon Chime的一部分。这说明Amazon已经收购了Do。Do的服务将会关闭,其会议记录、管理等功能已经集成进Chime,但此次交易的相关条款并未透露。 Do是一家提供会议生产力的初创企业,成立于2013年。平台的主要目的是想帮助企业提高会议的生产力。平台集成了包括Slack、Zapier、Google Apps、微软Exchange、Office 365以及Evernote等许多知名的第三方工具,然后让用户利用这些工具记录笔记、准备演示或文档,编写会议纪要等事情。最主要的是平台可以把与会议相关的资源集中到一起进行管理。避免了邮件往来之需。平台提供了web、移动app以及Apple Watch app等访问接口供用户访问上述服务。迄今共支持了超过500万场会议,越有25000家客户。此前,Do共进行了3轮240万美元的融资,投资者包括Salesforce、Sherpa Capital以及Mark Pincus等。 Chime是AWS于上月推出的视频会议工具。可为企业用户提供视频、音频、屏幕分享以及文件共享等服务,支持Windows,MacOS,iOS以及Android等平台。Chime包含了多个版本,其中基础版免费,只支持两人视频通话;如果想体验其它的功能,比如屏幕分享,则需要选择其他版本,其中定价最低每人每月2.5美元,最高的15美元(支持100人会议)。 Chime收购Do可以认为是AWS在虚拟会议业务争夺战中给自己增加砝码的表现。这已经是Amazon为增强Chime进行的第二笔收购。 去年,Amazon先是收购了视频会议工具Biba (虽然Amaozn从未直接确认过,但对Biba网站的访问均已被重定向到Chime),这构成了Chime服务的基础。而对Do的收购无疑将提高会议管理的效率。就在本周一,AWS还收购了专业视频编辑器工具Thinkbox Software,这种视频编辑能力无疑也将增强Chime的服务表现。这些能力的增强可以使得Chime增加与Microsoft Skype、思科WebEx以及GoToMeeting等既有者竞争的底气。 当然,Chime也只是AWS拓展云服务战略的一个棋子。以EC2、S3为标志,AWS先是通过IaaS打开了云计算的大门,培育了一大批用户,然后再慢慢朝着PaaS、SaaS拓展。目前已经推出了安全、分析、AI、应用服务、企业生产力、消息分发等服务,几乎有把整个云服务一网打尽之势。 来源:36氪,作者:boxi,如若转载,请注明出处:http://36kr.com/p/5066277.html
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    从0到$6.4亿:创立BrightRoll学到的不同寻常的经验教训 0 to $640M: Non-obvious Lessons Learned at BrightRoll Lesson #1: Overspend Lesson #2: Don’t Innovate Lesson #3: Focus on Edge Cases Lesson #4: Be An A**hole Lesson #5: Get a Low Valuation Lesson #6: Be Tribal Lesson #7: Love Being Last 里面小故事分享: 有一段时间公司的工程师经常被别人挖走,防不胜防,怎么办? 他们创建了一个假的LinkedIn账号对 recruiter 进行钓鱼,这份假的简历伪装成他们公司的工程师、有一个他们公司的邮箱,收到很多 recruiter 的来信、有工资范围等信息,靠这个假的LinkedIn账号,公司领导们了解到了工程师们的市场价,他们把这些信息也分享给公司里的员工,摆出一副公开透明、很开明的架势:)
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    云服务供应商Stratoscale收购了数据库服务公司Tesora Stratoscale是一家为企业数据中心提供AWS(Amazon Web Service)兼容环境的初创企业。这家公司在2月6日收购了一家DBaaS(Database-as-a-Service,数据库即服务)公司Tesora,用于加强其混合云产品。 Tesora成立于2010年,其创立宗旨是从根本上简化数据库的配置和管理。为此,Tesora与OpenStack Trove社区合作,创建了一个开放的数据库作为服务平台。构建在OpenStack上的DBaaS开放平台提供安全兼容、执行和修复等功能,帮助用户在云或者数据中心上提供数据库服务。通过使用Tesora,OpenStack管理员可以计算和存储,为其用户提供MySQL和其他领先数据库(例如MongoDB、Redis、Cassandra、DataStax Enterprise、Couchbase、MariaDB、Oracle、Percona、PostgresSQL和DB2 Express等)的自助管理数据库服务。 而Stratoscale成立于2013年,是一家云基础架构公司,允许任何人在任何数据中心部署AWS兼容区域。其关键产品Symphony基于OpenStack构建,允许企业在自己的数据中心设置AWS区域,以便他们可以轻松地在私有云和公有云服务器之间移动工作负载或扩展容器,而无需迁移到不同的服务商。 长期以来,Tesora将其数据库作为一项服务,在一个重要的方面比AWS数据库产品要更好:由于其OpenStack基础,它可以再公有云或私有云中轻松运行。然而,Stratoscale发布了Symphony3,这款新一代云基础架构软件的AWS区域已经能够实现在公有云和私有云之间自由迁移,取代了Tesora在这方面的优势。 收购Tesora之后,Stratoscale计划使用它来扩展现有的托管数据库支持,其中包括AWS关系数据库服务和AWS NoSQL数据库DynamoDB。而Tesora将为其支持的数据库提供Stratoscale的自助配置功能。   本文参考了多个信息来源:techcrunch.com
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    ADP收购Marcus Buckingham 的TMBC公司以扩大人才投资组合 这个收购大家关注的不多,但是其实可以关注下~ 人力资源数据管理和咨询服务,更加凸显! ADP做了一个不错的买卖!详细可以看英文版本。 TMBC的创始人,Marcus Buckingham 可是大名鼎鼎的人物啊!著名商业思想家、畅销书作家!发现你的优势!打破一切常规! ADP has acquired The Marcus Buckingham Company (TMBC), an innovator in human capital management (HCM), to bring to ADP clients a more scientific approach to employee engagement and performance. TMBC, and its founder Marcus Buckingham, are pioneers in using data and research to drive talent management practices that help managers build engagement and increase performance in their teams. Their unique approach empowers managers to coach employees based on their strengths and custom-design teams based on those strengths. TMBC's cloud-based performance and talent management solution, StandOut, couples applications with coaching and education to give team leaders the tools, insights and data needed to turn talent into better employee performance. Built on decades of groundbreaking research that has uncovered the factors that differentiate high-performing teams, this solution will now be offered as ADP StandOut. TMBC has a global client roster that spans a broad range of industries from professional services to hospitality and includes many companies in the Fortune 100. "At its core, the strength and differentiation of any company lies in its talent," said Carlos Rodriguez, president and CEO, ADP. "That is why we are continuing to invest in data-driven talent management solutions with the acquisition of TMBC. The company's technology and renowned research will add to our existing talent portfolio and puts ADP in a position to better serve the growing number of innovative organizations who are thinking differently about how they manage and engage their talent. We are thrilled to welcome both TMBC's associates and Marcus into the ADP family." According to the Deloitte Global Human Capital Management Trends 2016 report1, 77 percent of executives say that people analytics are a priority, but only 29 percent think that they are successfully using outside data to predict workforce trends and target the right talent to meet those trends. With that in mind, the acquisition of TMBC helps ADP further deliver on its talent management strategy of helping companies build better workforces through the strategic use of data and research. Marcus Buckingham is a noted author and speaker and has been featured as a thought leader on talent management and leadership trends in a range of outlets that span The Harvard Business Review and Forbes to Oprah and Larry King. "In the world of people-at-work, everyone trusts ADP data, so I leapt at the chance to bring to the ADP ecosystem StandOut's data-based insights and tools on people's talents, engagement and performance," said Marcus Buckingham, co-head, the ADP Research Institute. "At a time when so many companies are clamoring for real-time and reliable people data, when they crave tools that leaders and team members actually want to use, the combination of ADP's scale, security and data-integrity with StandOut's focus on real-world teams, is unique and powerful. I'm so excited to see how many companies and people we can serve." ADP has helped organizations of all types and sizes for more than 60 years unlock the potential of their workforces. ADP's cloud-based talent portfolio -- which includes recruiting, recruiter training, outsourcing, screening and selection, onboarding, learning, goals, performance, data analytics, succession and compensation -- is expanded in breadth and depth with TMBC's technology, consulting and research. For more information, visit adp.com/standout.  
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    美国客户营销分析平台Clutch融资525万美元 并收购移动促销平台Persio 美国客户管理及营销分析平台Clutch宣布获得525万美元新一轮融资,同时公司还宣布支付处理领域专家Larry Stone将成为董事会成员。据了解,Clutch还曾于2016年7月获得409万美元风险投资;2015年5月获得500万美元B轮融资;2013年8月获得530万美元B轮融资。截至目前,Clutch已经累计募集资金总额达1964万美元。 数据显示,Clutch成立于2012年7月,总部位于美国费城,是一家由首席执行官Ned Moore所领导的客户管理及营销分析平台,为B2C品牌商提供客户智能以及个性化服务,帮助企业识别、了解以及激励每个细分领域的客户。Clutch的市场营销平台将POS、电子商务、移动端以及社交渠道的客户数据汇集起来,帮助企业为消费者提供个性化的互动,从而提升每个客户的价值。 Clutch除了获得525万美元的融资之外,公司还宣布收购智能移动促销平台Persio。合并之后,公司将继续沿用Clutch品牌,公司在费城郊区以及Persio芝加哥办事处的员工数量将达到75人。据创投时报了解,Clutch通过对Persio的收购将为平台添加全新的移动营销功能。据悉,Clutch计划2017年第一季度向客户提供全新的移动营销功能。 据了解,Persio成立于2012年,由Nick Doulas担任产品总监,是一家智能移动营销平台,通过消费者行为以及人口统计数据帮助SMS、移动应用以及网站获得用户以及提升用户留存,从而帮助企业提升收入。到目前为止,Persio通过创新的移动营销技术为零售商优化了数百个营销活动。 Clutch首席执行官Ned Moore表示:“通过本次收购,Clutch将成为第一家支持市场营销人员全面了解消费者所有购买渠道以及市场营销渠道的平台。Persio智能移动平台的引入将让我们立刻为客户提供这些服务。” 本文来源:创投时报