微软与edX合作推出 IT 课程,MOOC 平台纷纷转向职场教育
近日,edX 宣布与微软合作,将从 3 月底开始陆续推出 7 门技术课程,课程老师来自工作在微软的一线工程师,内容主要是 IT 技能的学习,包括云端管理到编程语言。
所有的课程都会将使用微软提供的开发软件,同时整个教学过程中,来自微软的专家将全程参与,为学生的学习进度进行评估,以及在 MOOC 平台上进行编码演习等等。在 edX 主页上,我们可以看到这 7 门课分别是:
Programming with C#
Introduction to TypeScript
Introduction to Bootstrap – A Tutorial
Querying with Transact-SQL
Building Cloud Apps with Microsoft Azure – Part 1
Introduction to Office 365 APIs
Windows PowerShell Fundamentals
MOOC 平台和企业合作,edX 并不是头一家。在今年 2 月份的时候,Coursera 宣布与 Google,Instagram 以及 500 Startups 合作,引入企业资源,为用户提供第一手的科技职场教育。
MOOC 的下一步是什么?答案越来越清晰。越来越多的 MOOC 平台开始引入职业教育的内容,在其中 IT 教育便是领跑者。而对于微软来说,与 edX 合作不仅仅是要圈住那些潜在的人才,还有一点就是努力地推广搭建在微软平台上的 IT 工具。
[本文参考以下来源:edsurge.com, edx.org]
微软与 YC 合作,向创业者提供免费 Azure 服务
Y Combinator 和微软在本周 公布 了一项合作计划,微软将会为参加 Y Combinator 本期孵化项目的创业公司免费提供 Azure 云端计算平台服务。
根据这份合作协议,微软会为这些创业公司提供价值 50 万美元的 Azure 云端服务和 Office 365 生产力套装的 3 年免费使用权限。50 万美元的 Azure 使用权对微软来说只是九牛一毛,但是对于参加 Y Combinator 的新生公司来说,这已经很大的一笔资金,而且能够帮助它们在孵化项目中更好地成长。所以这是一项意义重大的援助。
微软也有通过自己的 Microsoft Ventures 团队在世界各地开展 多个创业孵化项目 ,例如以色列。这个团队是在以前的 Bing Fund 整合了微软的创业孵化项目之后成立的。而 Bing Fund 现在的项目现在已经逐渐关闭了。Microsoft Ventures 的 前任 导师拉胡尔·苏德(Rahul Sood)在 Twitter 上向我表示,微软实际上已经“ 停止了这个基金的运作 ”。我向微软打过多次电话,请求对方就 Microsoft Ventures 目前的创业投资情况作出官方的说明。
(更新:在与微软的发言人交流过之后,了解到自从 Bing Fund 被归入 Microsoft Ventures 之后,它只进行过为数不多的种子投资。这家公司目前没有直接向创业公司进行现金投资。)
Y Combinator 向本期的创业公司发送了一条备忘录,其中对 Azure 进行了如下的描述:
Azure让每家创业公司都可以为自己的业务使用正确的技术——包括 Linux 和 OSS 、Node.js、PHP、Python、.NET等。此外,Azure 还拥有强大的平台即服务(PaaS)功能,例如机器学习和流分析等。
在 Y Combinator 获得的所有云端服务商赞助当中,微软是最为慷慨的一家:亚马逊提供了价值 10 万美元的 AWS 服务(亚马逊在一封邮件中告诉 TechCrunch 这些赞助会向“合资格的孵化器”提供);Digital Ocean 提供了 10 万美元;Heroku 提供了 5 万美元。微软所提供的服务价值实际上是其他服务商捐赠总价值的两倍。
作为合作协议的一部分,微软还为参加 Y Combinator 的创业者主办了一场为期一天的研讨会,其中包括由两位高管斯蒂夫·古根海默(Steve Guggenheimer)和斯科特·格思里(Scott Guthrie)主持的演示。古根海默在微软内部被称为“Guggs”,他是微软的首席传教士。格思里是 Azure 业务的负责人。
在这项合作公布之初,我跟一位参加本期 Y Combinator 孵化项目的创业者进行了交流。这位创业者对这项援助的评价是“难以置信的慷慨”,他提到他们团队在知道这项合作之前“没有考虑过使用 Azure”,不过在合作细则公布之后,他们就“开始尝试使用它,也许会把它作为唯一的服务。”这位创业者继续表示这项合作协议让他们感到“(微软)非常渴望,也非常努力地为创业公司提供帮助,希望提升自己在创业社区当中的地位。”
微软这样做是想在创业公司当中树立口碑,为它们未来的业务提供帮助。为创业团队提供价值 50 万美元的云端计算服务,这就相当于可以让小型企业可以在短期内减少融资 50 万美元。这样创业公司就可以更有效地使用手上的资金,同时可以延后它们进行估值的时间,从而提升它们得到更高估值的可能性。
在我了解过的硅谷创业公司当中,亚马逊的 AWS 云端平台仍然是他们的首选。这项 Azure 合作协议也许可以稍微提升它在本期 Y Combinator 创业公司中的份额,而且也会影响到以后参加的公司,因为这个项目会持续进行。不知道在本期 Y Combinator 的孵化公司中有多少会选择 Azure 而不是 AWS,又有多少会将这个选择一直保留到孵化完成之后。
Microsoft Wants To Buy Love In Silicon Valley
Y Combinator and Microsoft announced a program this week that will pour free access to the Azure cloud computing platform onto the incubator’s current class of startups.
The deal includes $500,000 in credits to Microsoft’s cloud computing service Azure, and three years of access to its Office 365 suite of productivity tools. Half a million worth of Azure usage is nothing to Microsoft, but for young companies that are part of Y Combinator, the sum is a multiple of the cash that they receive to help build their firms as part of the program. That makes it a materially interesting offer.
Microsoft also runs a number of accelerators of its own around the world in places like Israel under its Microsoft Ventures team. That group was formed when disparate accelerator work was unified with what was formerly the Bing Fund. The latter effort appears to be either on the wane, or over. Former Microsoft Ventures don Rahul Sood told me on Twitter that Microsoft had indeed “stopped the fund.” I have a few calls into Microsoft requesting a formal explanation how, if at all, Microsoft Ventures is currently involved in actively investing cash into startups.
(Update: Chatted about this with a spokesperson, and after the Bing Fund was subsumed into Microsoft Ventures, a few more seed investments were made, but not many. The company is not currently making direct cash investments into startups.)
Here’s how Y Combinator described Azure in a memo sent out to companies in the current class:
Azure enables each startup to use the right technologies for their business – including Linux & OSS, Node.js, PHP, Python, .NET, etc. In addition, Azure provides powerful PaaS capabilities, like machine learning, stream analytics and more.
The Azure deal stands apart from the other offers that Y Combinator companies receive from different cloud providers: $100,000 in AWS credits from Amazon (Amazon told TechCrunch in an email that that offer is open to “qualified accelerators”), $10,000 from Digital Ocean, and $50,000 from Heroku. Microsoft is essentially offering double what those providers offer in aggregate.
As part of the deal, Microsoft hosted a day-long session for Y Combinator founders that included presentations from two of its executives: Steve Guggenheimer and Scott Guthrie. Guggenheimer, known as Guggs at Microsoft, is the company’s chief evangelist. Guthrie runs Azure.
I spoke to a current Y Combinator founder about the deal in the wake of its release. The founder called the offer “shockingly good,” noting that before the deal was announced, their team “wasn’t considering using Azure,” but following the terms’ release, are “exploring using it, possibly exclusively.” The founder continued, noting that the agreement gives them the “that [Microsoft] is hungry and that they are trying hard to be relevant and helpful to the startup community.”
The same founder went on to muse that they hope that Amazon ups its own commitment to startups by providing similar quantities free service.
Microsoft is making a play for the hearts, minds, and future business of startups. Give a team half a million in cloud computing, and that is a half million that the smaller company doesn’t have to raise in the near-term. That allows companies to spend more efficiently, and delay pricing their firms, likely allowing for a higher valuation mark to be set.
Amazon’s AWS cloud platform remains the de facto choice among startup founders that I speak to here in the Valley. The Azure deal may tip the scales slightly among the current Y Combinator class, and those that follow, as the program will recur. It will be interesting to see what percentage of the current Y Combinator class chooses Azure over AWS, and keeps that choice through the end of the period and into their life as a launched company.
来源: techcrunch.cn
微软宣布Office 2016将于下半年发布[摘要]新款Office应用将免费预装到Windows 10智能手机和平板。
科技网站VentureBeat报道称,在Windows 10发布会上,微软发布了触屏版Office。微软今天又宣布,下一版Office称作Office 2016,Office 2016将于“2015年下半年公开发布”。
此前,Office 2016称作Office 16(Office 15被命名为Office 2013)。Office 2016的预定发布时间正好在微软计划之内。前三版Office的发布时间大约间隔三年时间,它们的命名便说明这点:Office 2007,Office 2010和Office 2013。
微软表示,公司将在“未来数月”公布Office 2016的更多信息。除了触屏版本,Office 2016“将保留大家熟悉的全面的Office体验,它最适合配有键盘和鼠标的PC平台”。
微软尚未公布Office 2016的新功能。即便如此,从去年9月开始,Office 2016的截图和早期版本已经相继泄露,因此Office 2016并没有太多的秘密。实际上,今天的新闻主要是微软官方声明:Office 2016将成为Office 2013的继任者。
同时,Windows 10版Office(包括Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote和Outlook)预计将于今年底发布,但微软公布了更多细节,而且计划在未来数周提供预览版本。
新款Office应用将免费预装到Windows 10智能手机和平板。Windows Store也将为其他设备提供Office应用下载服务。微软今天还公布了触屏版Office应用的官方截图:
Windows 10版Word
触屏版Word应用可以让用户创建、编辑、审阅和标注文档。用户还可以与他人实时分享文档。阅读文档时,新增的Insights for Office(Office见解)可以让用户检索图片、参考文献和术语解释等网络资源。
Windows 10版Excel
Windows 10版PowerPoint
Windows 10版OneNote
Windows 10版Outlook邮箱和Outlook日历
微软新办公软件 Sway 面向所有用户开放
微软 Sway 是一款用于制作演示文稿的在线工具。这一工具目前已公开发布。此前有许多用户正在等待使用这一产品。
Sway 的正式推出已在意料之中。不过,令人有些惊讶的在于微软 在博客中公布 的关于这款产品的一些数据。
目前距离我们发布Sway预告 仅仅只有 10 周时间,而 Sway.com 的独立用户访问量已经超过 100 万,有 17.5 万人申请使用这款产品。这一数字仍在以每天数千的速度增长。
10 周时间是 70 天,这意味着到目前为止,Sway 网站平均每天的点击次数达到 14285 次,注册申请达到 2500 个。实际流量还可能更高,但由于微软仅仅提到“超过 100 万”,因此我们无法了解更精确的详情。
我无法猜测,像 Sway 一样的产品能获得什么程度的流量。这款产品来自一家大公司,这是一个很大的优势。不过,持续的等待很可能会不利于流量和用户申请注册的兴趣,至少到目前为止如此。
由于不再有传统的文件,例如由 Office 创建的文件,因此 Sway 是一款有趣的产品,基于云计算平台。毫无疑问,微软正在 将office转成云计算平台 ,从而通过用户订购获得经常性销售收入。我们将看看,这款产品将会有什么样的表现。
Microsoft’s New Office App, Sway, Is Now Open To Everyone
Microsoft’s Sway, an online tool for creating presentation documents, is now generally available to the public. Previously, a waiting list was in place.
That Sway has taken down its rope line isn’t surprising. What is perhaps slightly unexpected are the metrics that Microsoft announced in its blog post concerning the product’s availability.
Here’s the company:
It’s been only 10 weeks since we kicked off Sway Preview, and we’ve already had over one million unique visitors to Sway.com and over 175,000 requests to join, and those numbers grow by thousands daily.
Ten weeks is 70 days, implying that Sway has seen around 14,285 hits and 2,500 signups per day, so far, on average. The actual count on the traffic side of things is slightly higher, but as Microsoft only specified “over one million,” we can’t be more precise.
I would have had no guess what sort of traffic a product like Sway could attract. It’s from a large company, so that was an advantage. But being placed behind a wait list likely detracted both traffic and signups, at least until now.
(Microsoft, please keep the numbers coming.)
Sway is an interesting product given that it doesn’t have traditional files, like the original Office suite. So it was built for the cloud. Microsoft, of course, is working to convert Office into a cloud product that it can sell on a recurring basis via subscriptions. We’ll see how well it does.