• 了解就业法律
    【HR术语】什么是人才招聘?(What is talent acquisition?) 什么是人才招聘? 人才招聘是一个人力资源流程,涉及为公司当前和未来的劳动力需求寻找和聘用合适的候选人。 人才招聘通常包括: 制定和维护公司品牌 起草准确的职位描述 与候选人建立联系 招聘应聘者 面试候选人 挑选新员工 入职 人才招聘是人才管理的垫脚石。人才招聘强调寻找和聘用人才,以组建一支强大的员工队伍,而人才管理则关注员工的参与度、保留率和最佳工作绩效。 人力资源领导为什么要关注人才招聘? 人才招聘阶段使人力资源领导者能够通过寻找、吸引和聘用具备相应能力的人员来填补职位空缺和人才梯队,从而降低招聘成本。人才招聘为建立一支高效、敬业、投入的员工队伍奠定了基础,从而推动公司的发展。 人力资源领导者如何才能成功实施人才招聘计划? 作为一个多维度的过程,人才招聘需要一个结构化的方法。人力资源领导者可以通过以下方式带头实施最佳的人才招聘计划: 制定战略。战略的类型取决于公司的规模。大型企业需要建立人才库,大量招聘人才,并依靠自动化处理简历。相比之下,小型企业通常不需要人才库或批量招聘。人力资源领导者还可以将内部招聘和拥有紧缺技术技能者的招聘方法纳入其中。 了解就业法律。熟悉当地和国家的就业法律可以让人力资源领导者自信地做出决策,并知道何时需要求助专家。例如,在美国,各州以及联邦政府和地方政府的平等就业机会法各不相同。了解相关的就业法规能让人力资源领导者做出符合法律规定的招聘决定,保护公司的法律地位。 培训招聘经理。招聘经理扮演着至关重要的角色--他们负责与应聘者沟通并对其进行面试。解释整个招聘流程可以帮助经理们理解他们的角色在组织大环境中的重要性。此外,尽管招聘经理可能具备必要的能力,但提供日常学习机会可以帮助他们提高能力。职位描述撰写、候选人识别、面试和招聘礼仪等方面的培训,可以让经理们掌握将优秀候选人引入公司的技能。 整合提升技能。科技推动着快节奏的工作世界,人力资源领导者可能会发现,在公司内部招聘更有利于经济和文化发展。通过识别具有高潜力的团队成员,并为技能磨砺和进步基准创建一个 L&D 计划,人力资源领导者可以帮助员工获得晋升和职位空缺所需的技能。 为什么人才招聘应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 在当今瞬息万变的市场中,人才招聘,尤其是大公司的人才招聘,是必须要做的事情。通过将人才招聘纳入人力资源战略,人力资源领导者可以填补职位空缺,同时为突发情况做好准备。人力资源领导者不需要临时寻找合适的候选人,即使面临内部或外部挑战,也能促进人才的持续流动和稳定的生产力。 以下为文章原文: What is talent acquisition? Talent acquisition is an HR process that involves sourcing and hiring suitable candidates for a company’s current and future labor needs. Talent acquisition typically involves: Formulating and maintaining the company brand Drafting accurate job descriptions Building a connection with candidates Recruiting candidates Interviewing candidates Selecting new hires Onboarding Talent acquisition is a stepping stone to talent management. Acquisition emphasizes finding and hiring individuals to form a robust workforce, while management focuses on employee engagement, retention, and optimal work performance. Why should HR leaders care about talent acquisition? The talent acquisition stage enables HR leaders to reduce hiring costs by sourcing, attracting, and hiring people with appropriate competencies to fill job openings and the talent pipeline. Talent acquisition lays the foundation for building a productive, committed, and engaged staff who fuel company growth. What can HR leaders do to implement a successful talent acquisition program? As a multi-dimensional process, talent acquisition demands a structured approach. HR leaders can spearhead an optimal talent acquisition program through: Creating a strategy. The type of strategy depends on the company’s size. Large organizations need to build a talent pool, hire a lot of people, and rely on automation for resume processing. In contrast, smaller businesses often don’t need a talent pool or bulk hiring. HR leaders can also include methods for hiring internally and those with in-demand tech skills. Understanding employment laws. Familiarity with local and national employment laws allows HR leaders to make decisions confidently and know when to turn to an expert. In the US, for example, EEO laws differ from state to state and from federal to local government. Understanding the pertinent employment regulations enables HR leaders to make hiring decisions that align with the law and protect the company’s legal standing. Training hiring managers. Hiring managers play a crucial role–they communicate with and interview candidates. Explaining the entire recruitment process can help managers understand the significance of their roles within the greater context of the organization. Moreover, while hiring managers may have the necessary competencies, offering routine learning opportunities can help them enhance their abilities. Training in job description writing, candidate identification, interviewing, and job offering etiquette will equip managers with the skills to bring excellent candidates into the company. Integrating upskilling. With tech driving a fast-paced work world, HR leaders may find it more financially and culturally beneficial to hire within the company. By identifying team members with high potential and creating an L&D program for skill sharpening and progress benchmarking, HR leaders can help people gain desirable skills for promotions and job openings. Why should talent acquisition be a part of modern HR strategy? Talent acquisition, especially for large companies, is a must in today’s rapidly changing market. By integrating talent acquisition into the HR strategy, HR leaders can fill vacant positions while preparing for unexpected circumstances. Rather than ad-hoc searching for suitable candidates, HR leaders can facilitate a constant flow of talent and consistent productivity, even when facing internal or external challenges.