【HR术语】什么是人力资源流程(What are HR processes?)
What are HR processes?
HR processes refer to the fundamental strategies necessary to support the employee lifecycle and a positive employee experience. Each HR process follows an intricate pathway that demands strategic planning according to specific parameters and objectives. While every process involves its own procedures, all processes are interdependent.
What are some examples of HR processes?
The core HR processes include:
Human resource planning
Employee relations
Performance appraisals
Benefits administration
Performance management
Let’s take an in-depth look at performance management, for example, to understand what a process looks like. Performance management involves evaluating people’s productivity, efficiency, and work quality while also offering performance improvement options through coaching and training. As an HR process, performance management encompasses:
Establishing a clear company vision
Setting realistic personal goals
Continuously providing constructive feedback
Offering upskilling opportunities
To design an effective performance management process, HR must first ensure alignment between leadership and each department’s organizational strategy, a credible and transparent performance management system, and an appropriate framework for completing each step of the process. Only then can HR get started with the performance management process of planning, checking in with professionals, and reviewing their job performances.
Why should HR leaders care about HR processes?
HR processes serve as an organization’s arteries, carrying the lifeblood to every department and nurturing company-wide health. Systemic approaches can help HR leaders promote efficient processes, thereby boosting productivity, retention, and engagement in the workplace.
What’s the difference between HR processes and systems?
A system is a unified whole made up of interdependent processes. An HR management system encompasses all HR processes, creating a cohesive unit so the company can manage its workforce and deliver valuable services or goods to its customers. Today, most HR systems are software-based and involve digital automation.
What is end-to-end HR process management?
End-to-end HR process management means that HR is responsible for carrying out every people process from start to finish. Process management is comprehensive, involving breaking down each task into smaller steps so the process can flow smoothly.
For example, end-to-end onboarding does not involve a mishmash of duties HR teams must accomplish at some point. Rather, onboarding demands a sequence of actions to take at the beginning and end of the process. The initial stages could include emailing a job offer to the candidate, completing new-hire paperwork, and sending an informational welcome package.
In contrast, the final stages may involve emailing the onboarding schedule to the team manager and scheduling a welcome meeting for the new team member.
What are the advantages of HR process automation?
HR process automation assists companies in their HR processes, such as recruiting, hiring, paying, upskilling, and offboarding their people. Automation brings HR processes to the next level while also improving:
Workforce planning
The employee experience
Compliance with labor laws
The margin of error
What can HR leaders do to manage HR processes effectively?
HR leaders can incorporate the following methods into their approach to process management:
Review objectives. HR leaders should regularly check that process objectives align with company goals. Reassessing by asking a series of goal-oriented questions allows HR to ensure they’re progressing in the desired direction.
Let automation do its job. HR tech automation helps processes function more smoothly. For instance, team members and managers can use task lists instead of handwriting an infinite number of items on a to-do list. These remind people of their responsibilities while simultaneously allowing for convenient back-and-forth collaboration. Tech automation facilitates this crucial communication between professionals during processes such as onboarding, offboarding, and employee transfers.
Maintain flexibility within the framework. Using tried-and-tested management methods can help HR track progress, pinpoint areas for improvement, and redesign practices for better functioning. While a data-based framework provides structure and guidance, HR deals with humans, so there must be room for flexibility, critical thinking, and differing perspectives. Thus, within each HR process, HR must continuously assess its workforce data to ensure it consistently and accurately reflects its people.
Listen to your people. Individuals offer wellsprings of advice, information, and experience about how HR can better adjust process components. After running an employee satisfaction survey or a performance review with multi-directional feedback, HR professionals can glean how to improve processes internally.
How can well-managed HR processes improve company culture?
Seamless HR processes are essential for continuous workplace productivity. As people are the most valuable asset of any company, ensuring a positive employee experience is critical. HR processes that flow efficiently drive results that drive job satisfaction, engagement, and productivity—key elements in a robust company culture.
【HR术语】多元化管理的含义是什么?(What is the meaning of diversity management?)
国内多元化管理: 这是指在一个国家范围内管理员工队伍,为少数群体和新移民提供机会。
跨国多样性管理: 也称为国际多元化管理,指管理由来自不同国家的公民组成的员工队伍,要求组织考虑其运营所在国家的法律、习俗和文化。
研究一再表明,多元化是企业的重要资产。被认为更具多样性和包容性的公司,其业绩超过竞争对手的可能性要高出 35%,成为创新领导者的可能性要高出 1.7 倍。当多元化深入管理层时,其回报是收入增加 19%。
重视多样性和包容性的组织还能吸引更多的求职者: Glassdoor 的一项调查显示,76% 的人表示,在评估公司和工作机会时,多元化的员工队伍是一个重要因素。
唯我独尊: 拥有一支多元化员工队伍的愿望可能会导致被误导的人力资源领导者在人才管理中采取 "象征性 "做法,即公司根据员工的身份而不是他们的优点来聘用和提拔员工,这就失去了多元化管理的意义。
人际冲突: 由于组织中的人员来自不同的背景,有着不同的生活经历和观点,多元化的员工队伍有可能造成人与人之间的分歧和冲突,这就需要谨慎的管理以及高度的同理心和包容心。
合作与沟通方面的挑战: 拥有一支多元化的员工队伍的部分原因是他们的工作和沟通方式各不相同,因此促进有效合作成为关键所在
超越招聘: 多元化管理不仅仅是实现员工队伍的多元化。将目光从招聘转向整个员工生命周期,在绩效考核、职业晋升、奖励和表彰等方面致力于包容性实践。
将同理心放在首位。富于同理心的领导力能带来更多的信任、透明度和参与度,50% 的人在与富于同理心的领导者共事时,工作场所的包容性会更高。
在当今的环境下,多元化和包容性的工作场所不再只是一个 "不错的拥有",而是一个 "必须"。它是必须的。真正的多元化管理就是要明白,多元化不仅仅是一个口号。要实现真正的多元化和包容性,你必须积极主动,而不是被动反应。这就是多元化管理举措的作用所在。
What is the meaning of diversity management?
Diversity management is an organizational process used to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This process involves implementing policies and strategies in hiring, management, training, and more. The goals of diversity management are to promote fairness and equality and leverage the advantages diverse organizations offer.
What are some types of diversity management?
There are two types of diversity management:
Intranational diversity management: This refers to managing a workforce within a single national context to provide opportunities for minority groups and recent immigrants
Cross-national diversity management: Also called international diversity management, this refers to managing a workforce comprising citizens from different countries and requires an organization to consider the laws, customs, and cultures in the countries in which it operates
Why should HR leaders care about diversity management?
Time and time again, research has demonstrated that diversity is a major asset to businesses. Companies identified as more diverse and inclusive are 35 percent more likely to outperform their competitors and 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders. When diversity reaches management, it pays off with 19 percent higher revenue.
Why is this the case? More diverse workforces have a broader range of backgrounds, skills, and areas of expertise, meaning they can bring more and more innovative ideas to the table.
An organization that prioritizes diversity and inclusion also attracts more job candidates: A survey from Glassdoor shows that 76 percent of people report that a diverse workforce is an essential factor when evaluating companies and job offers—and nearly one-third say they won’t apply to work at a company with poor diversity.
What can HR leaders do to succeed in diversity management?
The first step to achieving a diverse workforce is to hire people from diverse backgrounds. This means developing inclusive recruiting and hiring practices such as:
Recruiting through non-traditional talent pools
Implementing anti-discriminatory hiring processes such as anonymous aptitude tests
Not seeking to fill hiring quotas, which do not address the problem of unconscious bias
But diversity management goes beyond just hiring. It starts from the roots of an organization’s cultures, values, and leaders and touches every part of a company. This means, among other things:
Commitment from the board, C-suite, and other senior leaders
Providing a safe space for open, honest, and sometimes difficult dialogues about diversity and inclusion
Mandatory diversity and inclusion training for all team members
What are the challenges of diversity management at work?
While diversity management is critical, it can also be difficult to do well, touching upon sensitive issues and larger systemic problems. Challenges of diversity management in the workplace include:
Tokenism: The desire to have a diverse workforce can lead misguided HR leaders to take a “tokenism” approach to talent management in which companies hire and promote people based on their identity rather than their merits, something that misses the point of diversity management
Interpersonal conflicts: With people in the organization coming from various backgrounds and bringing different life experiences and perspectives, a diverse workforce can potentially create disagreements and conflicts between people, requiring careful management and a high degree of empathy and inclusion
Challenges with cooperation and communication: Part of having a diverse workforce is having various styles of work and communication, such that facilitating effective collaboration becomes key
What are some diversity management best practices?
Some tips that can help HR leaders with workforce diversity management include:
Focus on belonging. It isn’t enough to hire a diverse workforce. Once you’ve brought people into your organization, it becomes your responsibility to meet their needs and provide a positive employee experience. This requires actively creating spaces for marginalized individuals to speak up, create community, and have meaningful conversations about the reality of their experience with your company.
Looking past hiring: Diversity management isn’t just about attaining a diverse workforce. Look past recruitment to the entire employee lifecycle, committing to inclusive practices in performance reviews, career advancements, rewards and recognition, and more.
Put empathy first. Empathetic leadership allows for more trust, transparency, and engagement, with 50 percent of people working with empathetic leaders experiencing higher workplace inclusion.
How can you set goals and metrics for managing diversity?
Diversity management programs can be qualitative, but tracking their success with goals and metrics is just as important. Some useful diversity management KPIs to track include:
Diversity across the organization
Candidate demographics
Retention and turnover across employee groups
Employee net promoter score
Advancement and promotion rate
Pay equity
Utilization rates of employee resource groups
Metrics related to the success of specific diversity management strategies such as diversity management training
Why should diversity management be a part of modern HR strategy?
In today’s climate, a diverse and inclusive workplace is no longer only a nice-to-have. It’s a must. Authentic diversity management is about understanding that diversity is beyond a buzzword. To achieve real diversity and inclusion, you must be proactive, not reactive. That’s where diversity management initiatives come in.
Simply put, diversity management is one of the most important things HR departments can commit to. It can lead to greater employee satisfaction, an enriched company culture, improved employee loyalty, and the ability to attract top talent.
总部位于新泽西州罗谢尔公园的人才咨询公司 ZRG 获得了 1.2 亿美元的债务融资。支持者包括 Main Street Capital Corporation 及其关联公司。
"ZRG 首席执行官 Larry Hartmann 说:"现在是收购利基人才咨询和管理业务、增强我们在猎头、临时、RPO 和咨询方面的能力的大好时机。"来自 Main Street Capital 的这笔额外融资,加上我们最近与一个投资者财团进行的股权融资,为我们实现战略目标奠定了坚实的基础。
在宣布债务融资之前,由 Timber Bay Partners 牵头的新老投资者财团于 2023 年 1 月筹集了增长资本。股权融资由私募股权公司 RFE Investment Partners 管理,该公司是 ZRG 的主要财务赞助商。
"RFE 的负责说:"我们很高兴能与 Main Street Capital 合作,因为这次战略性债务再融资将为 ZRG 提供更大的财务灵活性和更强大的资产负债表,同时也是执行公司长期发展计划的催化剂。
ZRG 今年迄今为止的收购包括英国的 Ignata Finance Group 和辛辛那提的猎头公司 Wiser Partners。
在首席执行官拉里-哈特曼(Larry Hartmann)的领导下,ZRG 是一家全球搜索和人才咨询公司,在五大洲设有 30 多个办事处,为客户的人才问题提供人才解决方案。其核心业务包括基于数据的高管寻聘,重点关注全球高级领导人才。公司的按需(临时)人才服务套件有助于填补空缺职位,并通过专业人才解决基于项目的工作。公司的咨询和顾问解决方案侧重于 "文化契合"、战略调整、辅导和销售优化等关键问题。
公司的数字 Zi 平台将人才情报、候选人洞察力和流程改进结合在一起,以更快的速度提供高管寻聘服务,并取得可靠的结果。
【印度】健康技术平台Alyve Health获得550万美元融资,为个人、雇主和企业员工提供医疗保健服务
总部位于印度孟买的健康技术平台 Alyve Health 获得了 550 万美元的融资。本轮融资由 Axilor Ventures 领投,1Crowd Fund 和 Inhealth Ventures 参投。作为本轮融资的一部分,公司还从 Trifecta Capital 募集了风险债务资金。
“这项投资使我们能够继续创新我们的产品和技术。我们很荣幸能够在塑造健康计划的未来方面发挥重要作用,“Alyve Health 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Shashank Avadhani 说。
“Alyve Health是保险业一家独特的技术企业,编织了一个服务提供商的生态系统,并为所有利益相关者提供有保障的体验,”1Crowd Fund联合创始人Anil Gudibande说。
Alyve Health 由 Shashank Avadhani、Sushant Roy 和 Vineet Mehta 于 2020 年 5 月创立,是一个健康计划技术平台,为个人、雇主和其他企业提供全面的医疗保健服务。Alyve 的健康计划涵盖医生咨询、诊断、购药、牙科手术、健身会员资格和主动健康等多种医疗保健服务。该平台与支付方(保险公司、TPA)、中介(经纪人、金融机构、数字平台)和提供方(诊所、诊断中心、健身工作室)集成,为员工、客户和渠道合作伙伴等多个群体提供量身定制的解决方案,目前为 100 多万会员提供服务。移动应用程序和门户网站为会员提供定制健康计划、门诊医疗服务、无现金支付、全天候医生咨询、诊断扫描、年度健康体检、习惯指导、生活方式改善和个性化计划。
美国SEC控告纽约的AI招聘公司Joonko的创始人证券欺诈和电信欺诈概要:伊利特·拉兹(Ilit Raz),AI招聘公司Joonko的首席执行官和创始人,因涉嫌对投资者进行重大欺诈被美国证券交易委员会(SEC)及纽约南区美国检察官办公室指控。SEC指控拉兹通过虚假和误导性的声明欺骗投资者,包括夸大Joonko的客户数量和质量、平台上的求职者数量以及公司收入,涉嫌欺诈金额至少达到2100万美元。
Joonko在2022年完成了由Insight Partners领投、包括Target Global、Kapor Capital和Vertex Ventures Israel等投资者参与的2500万美元B轮融资。《华尔街日报》报道称,该公司自2016年成立以来共筹集了超过3800万美元。Kapor Capital拒绝对此发表评论,而Insight、Target Global和Vertex Ventures Israel则没有回应《华尔街日报》的置评请求。
SEC执行局局长古尔比尔·格雷瓦尔(Gurbir Grewal)在一份新闻稿中表示:“我们指控拉兹利用老式的诈骗手法,但使用了新式的流行词如‘人工智能’和‘自动化’。随着越来越多的人寻求人工智能相关的投资机会,我们将继续监管市场,防止今天投诉中所指控的类型的不当行为。但与此同时,对于那些利用人工智能的热潮来筹资的公司,投资者也应保持警惕。”
Washington D.C., June 11, 2024 —
The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Ilit Raz, CEO and founder of the now-shuttered artificial intelligence recruitment startup Joonko, with defrauding investors of at least $21 million by making false and misleading statements about the quantity and quality of Joonko’s customers, the number of candidates on its platform, and the company’s revenue.
According to the SEC’s complaint, Joonko claimed to use artificial intelligence to help clients find diverse and underrepresented candidates to fulfill their diversity, equity, and inclusion hiring goals. To raise money for Joonko, the complaint alleges that Raz falsely told investors that Joonko had more than 100 customers, including Fortune 500 companies, and provided investors with fabricated testimonials from several companies expressing their appreciation for Joonko and praising its effectiveness. Raz also allegedly lied to investors that Joonko had earned more than $1 million in revenue and was working with more than 100,000 active job candidates. When an investor grew suspicious of Raz’s claims, Raz allegedly provided the investor with falsified bank statements and forged contracts in an effort to conceal the fraud. According to the complaint, the scheme unraveled in mid-2023 when the investor confronted Raz, who admitted to forging bank statements and contracts and lying about Joonko’s revenue and number of customers.
“We allege that Raz engaged in an old school fraud using new school buzzwords like ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘automation,’” said Gurbir S. Grewal, Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. “As more and more people seek out AI-related investment opportunities, we will continue to police the markets against AI-washing and the type of misconduct alleged in today’s complaint. But at the same time, it is critical for investors to beware of companies exploiting the fanfare around artificial intelligence to raise funds.”
The SEC’s complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, charges Raz with violating the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws and seeks a permanent injunction, civil money penalties, disgorgement with prejudgment interest, and an officer-and-director bar against Raz.
In a parallel action, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York today announced criminal charges against Raz.
The SEC’s investigation was conducted by Alicia Guo, Ariel Atlas, Neil Hendelman, and Lindsay S. Moilanen and was supervised by Sheldon L. Pollock of the New York Regional Office. The litigation will be led by Ms. Guo and Ms. Atlas, and supervised by Daniel Loss and Mr. Pollock. The SEC appreciates the assistance of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York and the FBI.
华盛顿特区,2024年6月11日 — 美国证切和交易委员会(SEC)今日指控现已关闭的人工智能招聘创业公司Joonko的首席执行官兼创始人伊利特·拉兹(Ilit Raz),因在Joonko的客户数量和质量、平台上的候选人数量以及公司收入方面向投资者做出虚假和误导性陈述,欺诈投资者至少2100万美元。
SEC执行局局长古尔比尔·S·格雷瓦尔(Gurbir S. Grewal)表示:“我们指控拉兹利用老式的欺诈手法,但使用了新式的流行词如‘人工智能’和‘自动化’。随着越来越多的人寻求人工智能相关的投资机会,我们将继续监管市场,防止今天投诉中所指控的类型的不当行为。但与此同时,对于那些利用人工智能的热潮来筹资的公司,投资者也应保持警惕。”
SEC的调查由纽约地区办公室的艾丽西亚·郭(Alicia Guo)、阿里尔·阿特拉斯(Ariel Atlas)、尼尔·亨德尔曼(Neil Hendelman)和林赛·S·莫伊兰宁(Lindsay S. Moilanen)进行,并由谢尔顿·L·波洛克(Sheldon L. Pollock)监督。诉讼将由郭女士和阿特拉斯女士领导,并由丹尼尔·洛斯(Daniel Loss)和波洛克先生监着。SEC感谢纽约南区美国检察官办公室和联邦调查局的协助。