【美国】SmartRecruiters完成1.1亿美元E轮融资,估值15亿美元,晋级独角兽【旧金山】招聘科技公司SmartRecruiters近期宣布完成了1.1亿美元的E轮融资,由银湖水务牵头,现有投资者Insight Partners和Mayfield Fund参与。新的资本使该公司的融资总额达到2.05亿美元,估值为15亿美元,以向全球企业提供Hiring Success。
"随着就业市场变得更加多变和动态,公司在获取最佳人才时需要竞争优势,"SmartRecruiters公司首席执行官兼创始人Jerome Ternynck说。"企业的成功从来没有像现在这样依赖于招聘的成功。当你拥有正确的招聘平台和正确的人才时,你就能实现商业成功"。
"银湖水务董事总经理兼集团负责人Shawn O'Neill说:"招聘人才和建设人力资本比以往任何时候都更加复杂和重要,SmartRecruiters已经做好准备,帮助企业吸引和引进顶尖人才。"他们的规模和客户增长证明了他们强大的领导力和行业领先的平台。我们很高兴为SmartRecruiters的下一个增长篇章提供帮助。"
SmartRecruiters已经帮助一些世界上最知名的企业,包括Visa、Square、麦当劳、育碧、FireEye、Biogen、Equinox、Public Storage等。该公司的招聘成功框架已被全球数百家大型企业和高增长初创企业采用,作为改进招聘流程和改善招聘结果的基础。SmartRecruiters还为客户提供持续的快乐,CSAT为9.1,净留存率超过95%,在产品支持和客户满意度方面明显优于其他企业SaaS供应商。
一起阅读下其CEO Jerome Ternynck的公开信,谈及这次融资:
在1100万左右的招聘之后,我们已经证明Hiring Success是有效的,而且我们已经帮助重新定义了人才招聘的功能,从一个成本中心变成了全世界成千上万的雇主的利润驱动。
当然,他们的成功就是我们的成功。这就是为什么今天我们宣布了E轮融资的结果,由银湖沃特曼领投,现有投资者Insight Partners和Mayfield Fund参与,筹集了1.1亿美元。
我们相信 "成功招聘",因为我们知道这对我们来说有多么重要。当你大规模地将人们与工作联系起来并使招聘变得更容易时,对每个人来说都是好事。这就是为什么我们致力于帮助企业实现招聘成功的结果--因为最终,你就是你所雇用的人,而你所雇用的人就是你获胜的方式。
When I founded SmartRecruiters, the vision was simple: connect people to jobs at scale by making hiring easier. Hiring is a fragmented, opaque process undermined by outdated technology that turns off candidates and hiring managers. But it doesn’t have to be.
I imagined a world where finding great candidates is easy, it’s easy for people to show interest in jobs, it’s easy for hiring teams to collaborate, and vendors are just a click away. And then we developed SmartRecruiters.
And in the process, we built more than just recruiting software. We built a completely new function, and created a new category based not on what recruiting had always done, but instead by rethinking what recruiting could be.
11 million or so hires later, we’ve proven that Hiring Success works, and that we’ve helped redefine the talent acquisition function from a cost center into a profit driver for thousands of employers all around the world.
Their success, of course, is our success. Which is why today, we announced the results of our Series E funding round, raising $110 million dollars led by Silver Lake Waterman, with existing investors Insight Partners and the Mayfield Fund participating.
With the support of these partners, we are able to continue, and greatly accelerate, our growth in North America, Europe, APAC and beyond. We are accelerating our disruption of the talent technology market that Deloitte forecasts as representing $140 billion in global spending, a number that’s only expected to continue to grow in the months and years ahead.
When we started, I never imagined this company would be worth $1.5 billion and that it would reach unicorn status. It’s something I’m extremely proud of, but I’m even more proud of the work we’ve done in helping our customers, and our candidates, achieve Hiring Success. I’m thrilled to see true market validation of the product so many of us worked so hard to build.
But I’m even more excited that, after many months of uncertainty during a global pandemic, we were able to continue growing our business, extending our value to both customers and candidates alike. Not only did we refuse to lay off any employees, our results last year were the best we’ve seen yet, with our revenues and customer base nearly doubling during the COVID crisis.
The pandemic changed how talent acquisition works forever – employers and workers across the globe dramatically shifted their expectations around what work means, and what makes work meaningful.
As a result, over 800 of the world’s best known brands and biggest employers have turned to SmartRecruiters to equip them with the right tools to adapt to the new normal, and today, Hiring Success is more important than ever.
And with today’s announcement, SmartRecruiters has the capital, along with our existing technology and proven expertise, to help companies achieve Hiring Success on a scale that’s never been done before.
Most importantly, we’re staying true to our mission and helping the world get back to work. Hiring Success starts with engaging people at every stage through an efficient process focused on connecting candidates with jobs they want while giving employers the talent they need.
What is blocking a company from getting there? Hiring Success demands change. And if there’s one thing we’ve all learned over the past year, it’s that change is the only constant.
With this latest funding round, we are uniquely positioned to help drive that change. And this, to me, is the realization of the vision we had when we first launched SmartRecruiters – to give every company the tools they need to attract and hire the highest quality candidates as efficiently and effectively as possible, and to give every candidate a job they love.
We believe in Hiring Success because we know how much is riding on getting this right. When you connect people to jobs at scale and make hiring easier, good things happen for everyone involved. That’s why we’re committed to helping companies achieve Hiring Success outcomes – because ultimately, you are who you hire, and who you hire is how you win.
Over the past year, we, like nearly every company, were challenged to navigate a world of unprecedented change and uncertainty. Though it wasn’t always easy, we were also given the opportunity to redefine how we wanted to grow SmartRecruiters, the value we could unlock for our customers, what we envisioned for the future of talent acquisition technology, and what we needed to bring to our business to accomplish these goals.
In the face of adversity, we not only survived, but thrived – and achieved today’s milestone by staying true to the vision and values on which SmartRecruiters was built. Thank you to my fellow Smartians, our customers, partners, investors, candidates and everyone else who’s helped support and collaborate with us on our journey.
Every one of us are stakeholders in helping get the world back to work, and while we’ve come a long way in transforming our mission and vision into a reality, today’s announcement is really just the beginning.
Now, the real work begins. And I couldn’t be more excited.
【旧金山】AI驱动人才管理科技公司Censia 完成 2100 万美元的 A 轮融资
支持 AI 的人才智能平台丰富和简化了人才管理生命周期,帮助组织寻找、保留和培养多元化和面向未来的劳动力。
人才智能技术的领先供应商Censia今天宣布已在由Marbruck Investments 领投的一轮 A 轮融资中筹集了2100 万美元。Marbruck 加入现有投资者 Streamlined Ventures、Merus Capital、The CXO Fund 和 CerraCap,使公司的总资金超过 3000 万美元。
有了这笔资金,Censia 将扩大进入市场的努力,扩大其 API 优先的产品,并继续为人才招聘和劳动力规划进行产品创新,通过人工智能为未来的人力资源技术提供动力。
Censia 建立在这样一种信念之上,即人才决策中的无意识偏见正在影响全球数十亿优秀人才获得应得的机会,导致人才短缺,并影响组织的底线。
“我们招聘、雇用和晋升的方式是不知情的、主观的和手动的。Censia 正在通过使全球人才信息民主化来改变这种状况,”Censia 首席执行官兼联合创始人乔安娜·莱利 (Joanna Riley) 说。“通过构建一个人才智能平台,将数十亿个数据点与公共和专有数据相关联,Censia 使企业能够做出无偏见的数据驱动的人员决策。这是商业和人类的双赢。”
Censia 人才智能平台将人工智能和机器学习应用于人才数据,使人才招聘和人力资源专业人员能够通过 API 作为无头解决方案提供持续、广泛和可操作的见解。Censia 目前与许多领先的 HR 系统集成,包括 Workday、iCIM、SAP SuccessFactors、Recruiter.com、Jobvite、Greenhouse、Phenom、Lever 和 Smart Recruiter,并且最近为其 API 产品推出了一个开发人员资源站点。
Marbruck Investments 的执行合伙人 James Taylor 表示:“我们正处于全球人力资本管理发生巨大转变的战壕中。“在过去的一年里,我们资助了多家令人振奋的行业重新定义公司,并投资了 Censia,因为他们的 API 优先方法使组织能够利用正确的情报来增强和扩展人才生命周期的每个阶段,从而更有效地做出更明智的招聘决策、人才管理和战略劳动力规划,无论其人力资源堆栈的构成如何。”
Censia 在 2020 年期间增长了 10 倍以上,并一直持续到 2021 年,因为人才市场的快速和剧烈变化迫使公司重新思考他们如何寻找和管理人才。根据麦肯锡的一项研究,数字化转型提前了七年,对新的和急需的数字技能组合的需求呈指数级增长。与大流行相关的失业与大流行后的员工大规模迁移相结合,因为 Achiever 的报告显示,多达 52% 的员工打算在 2021 年寻找新工作。 结果,在人才短缺日益严重的情况下,招聘团队已经不堪重负。更加关注候选人的多样性。人力资源领导者越来越多地转向技术来提供解决方案。
Streamlined Ventures 创始人兼普通合伙人 Ullas Naik 表示:“当前市场格局对人才智能技术的需求是巨大的,团队需要一种以更少的资源做更多的事情、提高生产力并保持领先地位的方法。新兴技能。Censia 准备为企业提供巨大的价值,指导他们提供实现这一目标所需的数据以及更多。”
- Joanna Riley,Censia的首席执行官和联合创始人
关于 Censia
Censia 帮助企业招聘、培养和留住高质量、多元化的员工队伍,并预测未来的人才需求,从而以目前所需时间和成本的一小部分来快速扩展、实现创新和提高卓越运营