Udemy 是一家开放式在线教育网站 (MOOC),公司今天宣布刚完成一轮 6000 万美元的融资。此轮融资的投资方是跨国传媒集团 Naspers 旗下的投资基金 Naspers Ventures。到目前为止,Udemy 的融资总额已经超过 1.7 亿美元。
作为此轮融资的一部分,Naspers Ventures 的 CEO Larry Illg 将加入 Udemy 的董事会。这里首先简单介绍一下 Naspers。Naspers 是一家总部位于南非开普敦的大型跨国科技传媒集团,公司已经在约翰内斯堡交易所上市,主要业务包括互联网商业、社区、内容、通信和游戏、出版、发行和杂志、报纸等等,业务范围主要在新兴的发展中国家。这是 Naspers 最近在在线教育领域做的第二笔投资。上个月,Naspers 刚刚领投了 Brainly 的一轮 1500 万美元的融资,Brainly 是一家为 “学渣有问题学霸来解答” 搭桥的网上教育初创企业。
2015年6月,Udemy 曾获得过一轮 6500 万美元的 D 轮融资。Udemy 的 CEO Dennis Yang 表示,在去年的 D 轮融资后,公司并没有再去积极地融资,因为公司银行账户里还有大量现金。Udemy 一开始和 Naspers 接触的主要目的是想与对方展开一些业务层面的合作,以加快 Udemy 的国际化扩张步伐,而获得对方投资只是谈合作过程中的一个产物。
Udemy 成立于 2010年。Udemy 这个名字有它特别的含义。“Udemy” 是由 “you” 加上 “academy” 合成的,意思是 “你的大学”。与其他在线教育平台不同的是,Udemy 不仅开放各种课程,更开放了教学的机会。也就是说,只要你愿意,你也可以成为老师。用户可以随时在平台上学习任何课程,也可以建立自己的课程,将自己擅长的专业与知识介绍给全世界,课程费用由老师自主决定,通常在 20 美元到 100 美元之间不等。除提供网页版,Udemy 也有 iOS 及 Android 版 App,让用户可以以自己的节奏学习,不受时间、地点和设备的限制。
根据 Udemy 发布的数据,目前 Udemy 平台上共有超过 1100 万名学生和 2 万名授课老师,遍布全球近 200 个国家和地区。目前,授课老师在 Udemy 平台上共创建了大约 4 万门课程,这些课程覆盖 80 多种语言。有些学生会选择学习多门课程,现在所有学生报名学习的总课程量已经超过 5000 万。
“Udemy 平台上三分之二的学生和超过一半的老师都来自美国以外的其它国家,这表明我们在国际市场上已经跨出了很大的一步,这对我们还只是开始。” Yang 这样说道。
除了 C 端用户之外,Udemy 的课程还被一些公司用于员工的内部培训。 Dennis Yang 介绍到,Udemy 目前 2B 的培训业务发展迅速,已经与数百家公司展开了合作,为他们定制化员工培训课程,而这也是 Udemy 下一步发展的重点。
Yang 表示,Udemy 将主要利用这轮融资进行招聘、产品开发以及为平台获得更多的老师和课程,以加速国际市场的扩张步伐。此外,Udemy 还将与 Naspers 合作寻找渠道合作伙伴。
Udemy 目前在国内外市场都面临一些竞争对手的竞争,包括Coursera、EdX、Lynda、PluralSight、TutorGroup、淘宝同学等等。
编者按 : 克莱尔·霍夫(Claire Hough)是 在线学习平台 Udemy 的工程副总裁。
作为奥巴马总统提出的 ConnectHome 倡议 的合作伙伴,一批互联网服务提供商、创业公司和科技行业非营利组织,会携手将宽带接入服务扩大至 27.5 万生活在公共住房的低收入群体。随着科技已经成为我们日常生活的一部分,ConnectHome 项目应该会时刻提醒科技公司,他们有责任让尽可能多的人用到他们的产品。
《纽约时报》科技专栏作家法尔哈德·曼约奥(Farhad Manjoo)会经常谈到一个主题,即最近这次科技繁荣始终专注于改善少数人的生活质量,比如,他在 最新的专栏文章 中就讨论了点对点解决方案的价值。曼约奥对科技企业扩大产品生产规模的使命——为了让它们更便宜、被更多人所使用——始终抱着质疑态度,这种态度突出了硅谷在道德层面面临的两难局面。
即便是今天,美国仍有数千万人无法上网,而全世界更是有一半的人不能上网——知道这一事实,肯定让人觉得很沮丧。我们的政府 已经认识到 ,宽带接入对我们的生活,就同水和电一样的重要。
网络连接可以给那些拥有这种能力的人带来极大的便利,这一点不言而喻;因此,拥有网络连接的人和没有网络连接的人,他们之间存在很大的差异。Facebook 首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)试图通过 Internet.org 将廉价的互联网服务推向全世界的人,这也是最引人注目的项目之一。
ConnectHome 项目也许就是“科技为社会谋福利”的最佳例证。这是一个公私合作项目,谷歌和 Cox 之类的互联网服务提供商均有参与,旨在将高速宽带接入提供给美国 27.5 万低收入群体。奥巴马总统在周三宣布推出了这个项目,因为他已经认识到那些无法访问互联网的人,在教育和就业方面所面临的诸多劣势。对于部分美国人来说,今后每个月的上网费用将只有 10 美元。ConnectHome 就是创业公司如何回馈社会的一个模板。
尽管如此,回馈社会并不限于政府项目。肖恩·帕克(Sean Parker)为他的同名基金会 自筹资金 6 亿美元 ,用以证明科技企业领导人可以给这个世界带来社会效益。由于对 Facebook 的投资,帕克已成为硅谷最富有、影响力最大的科技人士之一。帕克基金会不仅致力于解决像公民参与这样发生在我们身边的小事,而且还积极参与全球公共卫生和生物科技等重要课题。他希望充分利用自己在过去多年来形成的创业心态,对社会大规模变革带来积极贡献。
SurveyMonkey 之类的公司也在开发可以回报全社会的产品。SurveyMonkey Contribute 允许用户进行调查,然后获得慈善捐款以参与他们选择的慈善事业。到目前为止,SurveyMonkey Contribute 已经向无国界医生组织(Doctors Without Borders)、美国红十字会、美国人道协会(The Humane Society Of The United States)等慈善机构捐款 500 万美元。SurveyMonkey 的平台正系统性地向给予他们最大帮助的人以回报。
Think Outside The Valley: How Tech Companies Can Change The World
Claire Hough is a VP of Engineering at Udemy, an online learning marketplace.
A handful of tech heavyweights did something remarkable earlier this week — they came together for the betterment of society.
As partners on President Obama’s ConnectHome initiative, internet service providers, startups, and tech nonprofits will expand broadband access to around 275,000 people living in public housing. As technology has become a part of our daily lives, ConnectHome should remind tech companies of their responsibility to make their products as accessible as possible.
The birth of the on-demand economy has redefined convenience as we know it. Virtually anything you can think of — dinner, groceries, work assistance, transportation — can be summoned to you in a single tap. While these services have improved the lives of many, only those who can afford or access them reap the benefits.
That the most recent tech boom has focused on improving the lives of the few is not lost on The New York Times’ Farhad Manjoo, who discussed the value of point-to-point solutions in a recent column. Manjoo’s skeptical take on tech companies’ mission to scale their products — making them cheaper and more accessible — underscores the moral dilemma Silicon Valley faces.
Although an endless number of startups has been enriched by catering to the Valley’s well-heeled residents, an opportunity remains for tech companies to give back to the community that made them.
Even today, it is disheartening to know tens of millions of people in the United States do not have access to the Internet, let alone over 50% of the world. Our government has recognized that broadband access is as vital to our lives as water or electricity.
It goes without saying online connectivity greatly advantages those who have it; hence, a wide disparity exists between those who have it and those who don’t. Mark Zuckerberg’s efforts to bring affordable basic Internet service to the world through Internet.org have been one of the most notable initiatives.
It’s the best way to ensure equal opportunity for a generation increasingly defined by a disappearing middle class. As beneficiaries of online services and marketplaces, tech companies should work toward making a positive impact in their own communities or a greater impact in the world.
No program better exemplifies the “tech for good” mantra than , a public-private partnership with internet service providers like Cox and Google that will expand high-speed broadband access to 275,000 low-income Americans. President Obama announced the initiative on Wednesday, recognizing the disadvantages those without Internet access face when it comes to education and employment. For some Americans, broadband access will cost just $10 a month. ConnectHome is a model for how startups can give back.
Giving back isn’t limited to government initiatives, though. Sean Parker has self-funded his eponymous foundation to the tune of $600 million demonstrating the social good tech leaders can bring to the world. Parker, whose contributions to Facebook make him among Silicon Valley’s wealthiest, established the. Parker foundation to tackle not only nearby issues like civic engagement, but moonshots like global public health and biotech as well. He hopes to leverage the startup mentality he’s gained over the years to affect large-scale change.
Companies like SurveyMonkey are creating products designed to give back, too. SurveyMonkey Contribute lets users take surveys and be rewarded with a charitable donation to a participating charity of their choice. So far SurveyMonkey Contribute has raised over $5 million in donations to charities like Doctors Without Borders, American Red Cross, and The Humane Society Of The United States. SurveyMonkey’s platform is now organically giving back to those who need help the most.s
There’s no doubt that we’re living in an entrepreneurial environment — startups shouldn’t be shamed for serving viable markets. But that economic imperative doesn’t absolve them of their responsibility to make their products as accessible as possible. These values shouldn’t have to be preached; they should be engrained in Silicon Valley culture.
We are privileged to benefit from technology, and ultimately that obliges us to take on greater responsibility that comes with the privileges we enjoy every day.