收藏:100+HR关键指标(Top 100+ HR Metrics)
为此,我们特别整理出“100个HR关键指标(Top 100 HR Metrics)”,全面涵盖指标定义及计算公式,助您精准掌握组织的人才状况,制定切实可行的战略决策。希望这份指标指南,能帮助您及所在组织释放人力资源数据分析的全部潜力,提升HR工作的战略影响力。
Workforce Metrics(人员结构指标)
Headcount Growth(员工增长率)
FTE Growth(全职员工增长率)
Average Age(员工平均年龄)
Aged 60+%(60岁以上员工占比)
Average Years in Position(平均在职年数)
Average Years in Service (Tenure)(平均任职年限)
% Full-Time Employees(全职员工占比)
% Part-Time Employees(兼职员工占比)
% Contingent Workers(合同工占比)
Talent Acquisition Metrics(人才招聘指标)
Number of Hires(招聘人数)
Hire Rate(招聘率)
Failed Hires(失败招聘人数)
Hire Fail Rate(失败招聘率)
Time to Hire(招聘时间)
Time to Fill(职位填补时间)
Time to Start(入职周期)
Recruitment Costs(招聘成本)
Hiring Costs(入职成本)
Cost per Hire(每次招聘成本)
Source Channel Cost(招聘渠道成本)
Average Hire Pay(平均入职薪资)
Average Hire Age(平均入职年龄)
Number of Vacancies(职位空缺数量)
Vacancy Fill Rate(职位填补率)
Retention Metrics(员工保留指标)
Number of Leavers(离职人数)
Overall Turnover Rate(整体离职率)
Voluntary Turnover Rate(主动离职率)
Involuntary Turnover Rate(非自愿离职率)
Retention Rate(员工保留率)
Stability Index(稳定指数)
Average Tenure at Exit(离职员工平均任职时间)
% Regrettable Loss(遗憾流失比例)
Cost to Replace Employees(替代员工成本)
Cost of Turnover(离职成本)
Retention (Flight) Risk Score(离职风险评分)
Impact of Loss Score(员工离职影响评分)
Internal Mobility Metrics(内部流动指标)
Number of Promotions(晋升人数)
Promotion Rate(晋升率)
Time to Promotion(晋升所需平均时间)
Lateral Moves(横向调动数量)
Lateral Move Rate(横向调动率)
Time to Lateral Move(横向调动所需时间)
Demotions Rate(降职率)
Time to Demotion(降职所需时间)
Build Rate(内部填补职位比例)
Buy Rate(外部招聘比例)
Performance Metrics(绩效表现指标)
% High Performers(高绩效员工比例)
% Low Performers(低绩效员工比例)
% High Potentials(高潜人才比例)
% Talent(人才比例)
Learning and Development Metrics(培训与发展指标)
Learning Completion Rate(培训完成率)
Total Training Hours(培训总时长)
Total Training Cost(培训总成本)
Cost per Employee for Training(人均培训成本)
Time to Productivity(员工达成生产力的时间)
Skill Gap Percentage(技能差距百分比)
Organizational Structure Metrics(组织结构指标)
Reporting Layers(报告层级数量)
% Managers(经理比例)
Direct Span of Control(直接管理幅度)
Indirect Span of Control(间接管理幅度)
Rewards Metrics(薪酬激励指标)
Total Base Pay(总基本薪酬)
Total Bonus(奖金总额)
Total Fully Loaded Labor Cost(员工完全负担成本)
Average Base Pay (Full-time)(全职员工平均基本薪酬)
Average Base Pay (Part-Time)(兼职员工平均基本薪酬)
Target Bonus(目标奖金)
Actual Bonus(实际奖金)
% Bonus Achieved(奖金达成比例)
Fully Loaded Cost per Employee(每名员工的综合成本)
Relative Salary Position(相对薪资水平)
Compa Ratio(薪酬比率)
Time to Salary Raise(薪资提升所需时间)
Diversity and Inclusion Metrics(多元与包容性指标)
Diverse Employees(多元员工数量)
% Diverse Workforce(多元化员工比例)
% Diverse Managers(多元化经理比例)
% Diverse Leadership Team(多元化领导团队比例)
% Diverse Promotions(多元化晋升比例)
% Diverse Hires(多元化招聘比例)
% Diverse Turnover(多元化员工流失比例)
Inclusion Index(包容指数)
Inclusion Net Promoter Score (iNPS)(包容性净推荐值)
Pay Gap Across Diverse Groups(不同群体间的薪酬差距)
Absenteeism Metrics(缺勤指标)
Absence Rate(缺勤率)
Absence Cost(缺勤成本)
Absence Frequency(缺勤频率)
Absence Duration(缺勤时长)
Bradford Factor(布拉德福德系数)
Succession Management Metrics(继任管理指标)
Coverage Ratio(继任候选人覆盖比例)
Listed Successors(列出继任候选人数)
Available Successors per Position(每职位可用继任者数量)
Succession Readiness(继任准备度)
Employee Engagement Metrics(员工敬业度指标)
Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)(员工净推荐值)
Employee Engagement Participation Rate(员工敬业度活动参与率)
其他重要指标(Other HR Metrics)
Average Revenue per Employee(人均创造收入)
Time to Productivity(员工达到生产力的平均时间)
Skill Gap Percentage(技能差距比例)
Total Training Cost per Employee(每位员工培训成本)
Time to Salary Raise(获得薪资提升的时间)
Build Rate(内部培养率)
Buy Rate(外部招聘率)
Number of Listed Successors(被列为继任者的员工数量)
Available Successors per Position(每个职位的可用继任者数量)
Promotion Rate(晋升率)
Demotion Rate(降职率)
Reporting Layers(组织结构报告层级)
Direct Span of Control(管理人员直接管辖人数)
Indirect Span of Control(管理间接范围)
Skill Gap Percentage(技能缺口比例)
Total Training Cost per Employee(每名员工的培训成本)
% Absenteeism(缺勤率)
Average Bonus Percentage(平均奖金比例)
Training Cost per Employee(每名员工的培训成本)
【HR术语】什么是员工满意度?(What is employee satisfaction?)
让感恩成为一种常规做法。说 “谢谢 ”会对参与度产生长期影响。认可员工的辛勤工作、成就和奉献精神,可以为他们的工作生活增添意义,并为他们注入持久的动力。
What is employee satisfaction?
Employee satisfaction refers to professionals’ overall contentment regarding their company and job. A high level of employee satisfaction implies that the employer is meeting people’s needs in various areas, such as compensation and benefits, co-worker and manager relationships, career opportunities, and infusing meaning into the workplace.
Why is employee satisfaction important?
Satisfied professionals can contribute more to their company.
Low compensation, bullying in the workplace, or an overly heavy workload, for example, can detract from productivity, innovation, collaboration, and high work performance.
While employee satisfaction isn’t the only factor that drives success, it is a major contributor to an engaged workforce, an improved bottom line, better customer service, and a positive brand.
How can you improve employee satisfaction?
HR professionals can’t control people’s happiness or attitudes toward work, but they can integrate practices to boost employee satisfaction. Some practical steps HR can take are:
Make gratitude a regular practice. Saying thank you can have a long-term impact on engagement. Recognizing people’s hard work, achievements, and dedication can bring meaning to their work lives and infuse them with motivation that lasts.
Encourage effective management. Managers play a critical role in employee satisfaction. A micromanaging, unappreciative, and disorganized manager can tip the scales negatively. Conversely, managers who communicate effectively, inspire team members, and guide professionals to work autonomously can steer the workforce toward satisfaction, engagement, and productivity.
Create meaningful opportunities. Integrating growth opportunities helps people actualize their potential and find purpose. Satisfying basic needs through sufficient compensation and a safe work environment is crucial. Yet by going beyond the basics to include L&D and career opportunities, HR can satisfy people’s innate hunger for growth and meaningful work.
Communicate. Lack of communication leads to unclear boundaries and expectations. Letting people know what’s expected of them in a clear, kind way nurtures the employee-employer relationship. Providing regular constructive feedback also helps people understand how and what to improve.
How do you measure employee satisfaction?
Employee satisfaction can be hard to gauge. Someone may seem satisfied, but inside they may be unhappy with their job. Running employee satisfaction surveys can help HR better assess how their people actually feel about their workplace experience.
What are some examples of employee satisfaction survey questions and tools?
Company culture, management, and meaningful work are key components of employee satisfaction. Thus, HR can touch on these topics by including questions such as:
Do you feel your co-workers collaborate as a team?
Do you feel your managers value your feedback?
Does your job allow you to use your skills and talents?
Additionally, you can measure employee satisfaction through employee net promoter score (eNPS), a questionnaire that assesses how willing people are to recommend the company to friends.
Why should employee satisfaction be a part of modern HR strategy?
Employee satisfaction is a precondition for a happy, engaged, productive workforce. So by addressing and prioritizing employee satisfaction, HR can help build a financially successful company with a positive reputation and satisfied customers.
【HR术语】什么是员工忠诚度?(What is employee loyalty?)
What is employee loyalty?
Employee loyalty is when your people choose to continue working with you for a long time because they love doing so. They’re happy with the working environment, are motivated, work hard to achieve company goals, and believe in the business’s mission. Loyal employees are less likely to jump ship if they spot opportunities elsewhere.
If you improve employee loyalty, you won’t just boost your employee retention rates—you’ll notice a positive effect on your business as a whole.
Why is employee loyalty important to companies?
Employee loyalty is very important to companies because it has a huge bearing on effective human capital management, as well as on their overall success. It can provide a number of benefits, including:
Boosted profits
Reduced employee turnover
Increased productivity and employee engagement
A positive impact on customers
Improved brand image
A healthy company culture—because loyal team members have a positive attitude that’s infectious
go to promotion
How do you measure employee loyalty?
You can measure employee loyalty by:
Running surveys. Regularly running employee engagement surveys and employee satisfaction surveys helps you understand how motivated your people are to do their work, and how they feel about working for you.
Calculating your employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS). This is a way of assessing employee loyalty and identifying ways in which you can improve it.
Having one-on-one meetings. Encourage an honest working environment where people feel comfortable having one-on-one conversations with their managers, or with other relevant people. This can be in the form of a regular, scheduled meeting or an informal chat. It’s a good way to connect with professionals to gauge how they feel.
What keeps an employee loyal?
Employee satisfaction is linked to loyalty. People feel loyal to companies that look after them and that have a positive work culture.
But what exactly keeps an employee loyal? There are several common features:
Competitive pay
Opportunities for professional growth, learning, and career advancement
An employer that recognizes people’s achievements, and shows appreciation for their hard work
A positive, friendly, and social office environment that’s free from bullying
The possibility for professionals to have flexible start times, as well as the freedom to choose between hybrid or remote work
An employer that trusts their people’s expertise, giving them the responsibility to make decisions associated with their work
An employer that treats professionals with respect, caring about them both personally and professionally
A good work-life balance
An environment where professionals have all the tools they need to carry out their work effectively
An employer that encourages honest employee feedback and openness
A management team that helps with the day-to-day tasks when it’s busy, so that everyone feels supported and on the same side
How does a loyal employee behave?
Loyal employees genuinely care about the company they work for, so they’ll make sure they give you honest advice and feedback to help you improve.
They’ll be curious, and look for ways to innovate and help the company grow, but they’re also willing to listen and learn.
Loyal employees are passionate about the work they do and will be more productive as a result. They take pride in a job well done, are dedicated, and are willing to work hard when needed—they’ll go the extra mile. A loyal employee is happy and will have a positive influence on their colleagues, and on the company culture, encouraging team spirit. In fact, their enthusiasm will inspire the rest of the team, helping your business to take great strides forward.
With such a powerful influence, loyal employees are crucial to your success.
How can you improve employee loyalty at your company?
Once you’ve measured company loyalty, identify what areas in particular you could improve on.
Did work-life balance repeatedly come up as a suggestion in an employee satisfaction survey? Or more competitive salaries? Once you’re aware of the ways in which you can better support your people, you can create a long-term strategy. Find ways to start putting in place the common features that keep people loyal.
Remember that the foundation of loyalty is a solid, long-term relationship of trust between you and your team. This kind of relationship can take time to develop, so it may take a while before you see an increase in employee loyalty.
After all, you’re changing the culture of the business, which is unlikely to happen overnight.
Any strategy you put in place could include actions that you take every week to improve the culture. A great place to start is with regular employee recognition, showing how much you appreciate your people’s hard work through weekly prizes—or even just a conversation.
By taking regular action each week, you’ll show your people that you’re listening, and that you care. Because, at the end of the day, what really matters is that you and your managers show that you personally care about each and every person at your company. That’s what nurtures a long-term relationship where your people care about you too, and that’s what will build employee loyalty.