• confirm.io
    Facebook收购总部位于波士顿的初创企业Confirm.io Facebook收购总部位于波士顿的初创企业Confirm.io,该公司可以提供API,帮助其它公司快速核实用户的身份信息。光看Confirm这个名字就知道是做什么的了. ​​​​ We're excited to announce that we have agreed to be acquired by Facebook! This is the culmination of three years of hard work building technology that will keep people safe and secure online. When we launched Confirm, our mission was to become the market's trusted identity origination platform for which other multifactor verification services can build upon. Now, we're ready to take the next step on our journey with Facebook. However, in the meantime this means all of our current digital ID authentication software offerings will be wound down.   We would like to thank our customers, partners, investors and advisory board for their support and help along the journey so far. We're proud of what we've been able to accomplish together and we look forward to the future at Facebook!  
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