• 投融资
    校园兼职平台青团社完成1000万Pre-A融资,投资人为腾讯前副总裁刘成敏。 早期兼职产品的想要解决的问题是虚假兼职信息、兼职者权益没有保障等问题。通过实名信息发布、建设应用内支付体系等措施,目前上述问题得到基本解决。在解决这个问题的过程中,“X 兼职” 们开始发现,这桩生意中其实最重要的是解决 B 端的问题。 杭州的校园兼职平台 “青团社” 就是这些公司中的一家。创始人邓建波透露,他们在 5月 份已经获得 1000 万元的 Pre A 轮融资,拥有注册用户 20 万,每天在平台完成的求职交易超过 2000 单。目前青团社已经开始准备 A 轮融资。 青团社主要为 B 端客户解决两个问题,一是地推,二是招聘。 共享经济思路解决地推问题 O2O 和打车软件这些强线下运营和地面推广的公司在新城市落地的时候需要大量的兼职,而城市落地团队往往苦于招聘这些基础岗位人员。此类公司的线下业务也都很相似,包括发单,拓展商户,线下活动,订单派送等等。对于员工的要求虽然不高,但是需要快速铺开业务面,又同时面临人员流动性强的问题,培训成本也难以控制。 青团社的 “云地推” 的思路是用自己的团队和线下资源,来承接这些地推业务。“云地推” 团队要有比较强的业务能力,能够快速进入到不同公司的岗位角色,完成推广任务。这样就是一个团队服务多家 B 端企业,且保证了一定的效率。目前云地推已经覆盖了 13 个城市,承接过来自滴滴打车,淘点点,河狸家等公司的地推业务。目前月流水已经过百万,并且保持了较高的增长率。 “云地推 “做法面临的挑战就是,当供应能力和需求不匹配时,便显得非常被动。在一线城市,“X 兼职” 们有限的地推团队无论从质还是量上都有局限性,毕竟线下业务落地是 O2O 创业公司的核心竞争力,不自建团队难以建立竞争壁垒;在在中小城市,需求没有那么多,青团社雇佣一支地推团队又显得成本高昂。 创始人邓建波对这种现象有自己的思考,在大城市他们会多建立这样的服务团队,也不会增加太多成本,加上与合作方协议错开合作时间,就能够提高服务效率。“云地推” 本身的盈利能力不错。而在三四线城市,“青团社” 只提供项目,资源和执行方案,兼职团队由第三方提供,借此来控制成本。 云地推服务是建立在青团社拥有的兼职人员的数量基础上的,而作为一个同时服务于 C 端的校园兼职平台,青团社在沉淀学生资源方面也同时在发力。 除了 “云地推” 之外,在兼职这件事上,青团社的做法与 “X 兼职 “们大同小异。有学生版和商家版两个版本,商家版后台上线的招聘职位达到预设人数上线之后,该职位就会自动 “下架”。目前每个城市可报名应聘的岗位在 100 个左右,每个学生每天有三次投递简历的机会。提供工资发放平台 “青团宝” 功能,商家按照协议将兼职员工工资发到青团宝,学生可以提现到银行卡。 2015年2月,青团社拿到一笔100万元的天使轮融资。到5月,青团社又拿到了一笔千万元级别的融资。   原创文章,作者:左诚
  • 投融资
    专注于蓝领资源线上线下转换,“聘聘”已完成数百万元天使轮融资   近日,基于LBS+社交的蓝领招聘平台“聘聘”创始人陈磊向记者独家透露,聘聘已完成数百万元天使轮融资,资金已全部到账,此轮融资为伯乐遇马天使投资人翁哲锋个人所投,据了解,翁哲锋具有一定的人力资源背景。目前,聘聘的估值为2000万。 虽然蓝领招聘市场已有众多互联网玩家,“闪聘”、“蓝领公社”、“招工雷达”、“橄榄公社”、“蓝领之家”等都在此领域获得投资机构青睐,但都还处于发展阶段,并未规模化,蓝领招聘的大蛋糕还未被瓜分定型。 蓝领招聘老手58同城和赶集网相继推出“10亿美金打造蓝领生态圈”和“蓝领金融分期产品”。无论是是巨头还是新咖,都在计划着如何圈地拉人。 蓝领招聘平台大致可分为两种模式:一种是基于LBS+社交的社区软件应用;一种是单靠LBS的信息招聘发布网站。猎云网今天介绍的“聘聘”属于前者。聘聘是一款偏社交的的蓝领招聘应用软件,分为个人版本和企业版本,个人版本具备IM、分享、找附近工作,找老乡朋友等功能。企业版本主要是供企业发布招聘信息,另外还为“聘聘经纪人”(劳务派遣公司)独立打造APP,供劳务派遣公司招人和抢单。     陈磊说:“蓝领招聘的根本目的是如何去整合中国目前的蓝领资源,单纯靠定位、信息筛选、社群来打造蓝领生态圈是不现实的。重要的是如何去整合线下资源以及灵活转换线上线下转换资源。” 聘聘从招聘入手,将劳务中介所和劳务派遣公司拉到线上,筛选目前国内靠谱的劳务派遣公司入驻,入驻公司可在平台直接招人,同时效仿滴滴打车“抢单模式”,帮助劳务公司解决招人和找订单的痛点。 未来,聘聘想要打造一个蓝领招聘+蓝领培训+蓝领社保代缴+蓝领金融的蓝领生态圈。 笔者认为,无论蓝领收入再高,始终是弱势群体,工作的强度、安全、福利、保险等问题一直未标准化,众多互联网蓝领玩家,能够解决其中的问题,才能得到蓝领的“芳心”,用户累计和市场扩大也只不过是时间问题而已。 团队方面,创始人兼CEO陈磊是程序员出身的产品经理,同时也是一位连续创业者,“门道”创始人;CTO董铮,曾任上市公司神州泰岳客户高端开发工程师,擅长安卓开发、IOS开发、PHP开发。运营副总裁时赵国余和战略股东翁哲锋,是某跨国人力资源公司的高管,翁哲锋现任宁波人力资源协会会长。 记者获悉,聘聘已启动Pre-A轮融资。   文/马凤仪 来源:猎云网
  • 投融资
    企业软件Apttus融资1.08亿美元 估值超10亿 [摘要]Apttus受欢迎的原因是它让整个销售过程变得更快捷和轻松。   企业软件公司Apttus在2006年创立伊始时,其三位创始人决定做一件很少有科技初创公司会做的事:在尽量长的时间内不依靠风险资金运作。   他们相信,他们等待的时间越长,他们就能在不向投资者放弃太多控制权的情况下获得更多的融资。   在接下来的七年里,Apttus一直不需要任何风投资金:这家公司获得了足够的现金收入,盈利颇丰,其规模每年都在翻倍。Apttus推出的是一个帮助企业生成报价、处理合同和达成交易的软件,该软件获得了巨大的成功,在公司成立六个月内,在仅有六名客户的情况下,就签下了价值100万美元的协议。   然而,随着公司不断发展和市场机会变得清晰——市场研究公司Gartner估计Apttus所进入的市场价值已达310亿美元——Apttus觉得有必要对销售和营销加大投资,以夺得更大的市场份额。因此,在2013年,Apttus进行了第一轮金额为3700万美元的风险资本融资,今年初,Apttus再次获得4100万美元融资。   离上一轮融资仅仅七个月,Apttus周二宣布,该公司在C轮融资中获得了1.08亿美元投资,领投方为起亚,跟投的有Iconiq Capital, K1 Capital, and Salesforce Ventures。   Apttus首席执行官Kirk Krappe告诉Business Insider:“我们正把目光投向了这个市场。我们认识到,如果我们不去抢占这个市场,这个市场就会被别人占领。”   Krappe预计Apttus的年化营收在今年年底达到1.2亿美元,年增长率为80%。Apttus目前拥有350个客户,包括通用电气、Salesforce和PayPal,其员工数年底预计可达1400名,为2013年的四倍。Krappe还表示,Apttus的平均交易规模大于一些顶尖的云软件公司,包括Workday和NetSuite。   为什么Apttus如此受欢迎呢?Krappe认为原因很简单——Apttus让整个销售过程变得更快捷和轻松。当销售人员跟潜在客户联系上时,Apttus帮助其汇总了所有适当产品和合同的财务条款,而且可以在软件内生成法律文书。   举个例子,通用电气拥有好几十万个不同的产品供选择,如果依靠手工,需要花费很长时间才能向潜在客户提出正确报价和合同条款——在不同的地区和行业,这还会变得更复杂。   Krappe说:“我们的业务主要是处理户关系管理系统和财务系统之间的业务过程。这个过程非常复杂。”   按照Apttus目前的增长趋势,上市似乎为期不远了。Krappe表示,Apttus的财务数字已经具备了上市条件,本轮融资可能是上市前的最后一轮融资。然而,由于Apttus两年前才开始融资,Krappe称公司尚未受到来自投资者的上市压力。   他表示:“我们可能在明年上市,但最重要事情是,怎样做才对公司最有利。”(翼飞)   来源:BI中文站 9月2日报道
  • 投融资
    从大公司内推切入,移动招聘服务 “仟寻” 获 “前程无忧” 大股东 Recruit 集团 600 万美元投资   移动招聘服务提供商“仟寻”创始人王向导确认,已经获得了来自“前程无忧”大股东 Recruit 集团和 IVP 600 万美元的新一轮投资。本轮投资后,“仟寻” 将继续完善内推产品,也有机会与 Recruit 集团投资组合下的公司进行深度合作,不排除进军日本市场的可能。“仟寻”是一款基于微信的 SaaS 移动招聘系统,主要功能包括职位的移动端发布、传播和申请,以及基于社交关系的员工绑定和内部推荐。仟寻系统记录企业和用户端所有的发布、传播、申请和入职数据,同时可以与企业现有的 ATS(申请追踪系统或企业招聘系统)系统整合。 目前对于 “内推” 的机制,业内的主要质疑的地方有两点。 推荐人其实并不能从企业用人的角度进行推荐,“A 认识 B ,但不意味着 A 知道 B 真正适不适合公司岗位” 早期创业公司其实在线下就已经完成了内推的活动 因此 “仟寻” 目前服务的其实是内推活动渠道意义大于匹配意义的大公司。据创始人王向导透露,他们目前的客户包括阿里巴巴、京东、奇虎 360、携程等互联网公司,也有欧莱雅、博世、毕马威等外企。同时,在招聘这件事上,大公司就是天然的人才入口。当 “仟寻” 平台上人才数据累积到一定程度,后期才有更多的想象空间,才能进一步提升匹配效率,如职位订阅、平台数据支持等方式。 目前 “仟寻” 企业客户有 1000 多家,绑定内推程序的员工数不便透露。公司正对内推产品进行完善,例如跟踪 JD 分享浏览数据,直接让 HR 看到传播用户、点击浏览的用户,例如开发职位订阅功能。(他们认为简历在中间不是重点,重点是知道这个人的存在和获得联系方式) 另一方面,从企业服务市场推广的角度看,服务大公司的经验是 “仟寻” 在市场推广上非常好的背书。“做 2B 生意标杆客户很重要,这个会产生网络效应”。 “仟寻” 之前曾获得英诺天使基金和正和岛基金联合投资的千万级人民币天使融资。王向导曾担任百度校园品牌传播经理。   作者:饭遥 来源:36氪
  • 投融资
    机智云宣布完成经纬等2亿人民币B轮融资 [摘要]机智云员工80%为技术研发人员,在完成融资后,研发人员规模将扩展到300人。                      机智云创始人兼CEO黄灼 8月31日消息,智能硬件自助开发和云服务平台机智云今日宣布完成由九仁资本和经纬中国共同投资的2亿人民币B轮融资。不过,腾讯科技无法证实其融资额的真实性。   机智云成立于2010年,是国内专门为智能硬件提供后台支持的云服务平台,为智能硬件开发商提供智能硬件开发工具,为智能硬件厂家提供一站式物联网开发和运维服务,目前服务的客户来自消费类智能硬件厂家(含智能家居、智能硬件、可穿戴产品)、工业及商业应用客户、智慧城市建设及创新创业支持等。去年8月,机智云曾获得经纬数百万美元A轮融资。   机智云定位为研发驱动,员工80%为技术研发人员,在完成此次B轮融资后,公司研发人员的规模将会扩展到300人。   本轮融资完成后,机智云会升级平台功能和易用性。同时,机智云会和对应的行业企业合作打造结合物联网技术的SaaS服务。   据机智云官方公布的数据显示,截至2015年6月底,机智云平台拥有的客户超过300家,平台上接入的智能家居和可穿戴设备等智能硬件激活设备超过300万台。   来源:腾讯科技
  • 投融资
    企业营销服务商时趣获联想控股5850万美元战略投资 联想控股今日正式对外宣布5850万美元战略投资时趣Social Touch(以下简称时趣),但并未透露具体占股比例。这也是时趣的D轮融资,借助本轮融资将更强力推进上下游资源的整合、投资产品与技术创新、吸引业内优秀人才。   时趣成立于2011年,是移动社交时代企业数字营销解决方案提供商。创始人为张锐,曾在摩根士丹利工作多年,2005年回国创业创办同城活动社交魔时网,2011年又创办如今的时趣,专注于移动数字营销领域,主要通过一整套包含了战略-软件-大数据-广告投放为一体的营销解决方案帮助客户实现数字营销的价值,进行移动互联网的转型。2013年10月,公司宣布完成规模超过千万美元的 C 轮融资,本轮融资由 Sierra Ventures 领投,在 A、B 轮融资时进入的君联资本、纪源资本跟投。   据了解,时趣客户主要分为两类:一类是传统企业的移动社交转型,代表客户涉及快消、线下零售、电子产品、金融服务等品牌;另一类是数字化的创新企业,代表客户是一些互联网应用、电子商务平台、在线服务等类型的企业。   目前,时趣Social Touch拥有四大业务组合,分别是营销策略和执行服务、移动原生广告采购和投放服务、企业移动营销管理软件和实施服务、企业移动营销数据管理和数据分析服务。   联想控股表示,互联网,特别是移动互联网是联想控股战略投资的重要方向之一,此次投资时趣主要基于两方面原因:   第一,看好时趣所在行业。万众创业的浪潮下,中国涌现出大批中小企业,而传统企业的商业模式也在重塑,各行业都在面对互联网化的趋势,企业服务市场,特别是营销领域有很大的成长空间和投资空间,未来有机会走出新的行业巨头;第二,看好时趣及其团队。
  • 投融资
    客户管理工具Intercom完成C轮3500万美元融资 Intercom 成立于 2011 年,总部位于旧金山。   Intercom 为企业提供一个同时集成销售、市场、产品和售后服务的客户沟通系统,让多部门的人员能基于网页、手机应用、E-mail 为客户提供支持。   本轮投资由 coniq Capital 领投,Bessemer Venture Partners,The Social+Capital Partnership 跟投。   消息来源:techeu Irish-founded business-to-consumer communication software startup Intercom raises $35m to scale globally Intercom, which has developed a platform that businesses can use to communicate with customers directly online and via apps, has raised $35 million in Series C funding.   The company is based in San Francisco, but was founded by four Irish entrepreneurs and has its entire R&D and product management team based in Dublin. All in all, 50% of Intercom's 140 staff is based in Dublin today (and half of its 7,000 paying customers are outside the United States).   The funding round brings Intercom's total funding to $66 million. ICONIQ Capital took the lead, with Series A lead investor The Social + Capital Partnership and Series B lead investor Bessemer Venture Partners chipping in.   Intercom says its customers communicate 3 million times per day, with over 250 million of their end users on the platform today. The company also says it nearly tripled headcount in 2014, and plans to double again both in Dublin and San Francisco in the next 12 months.   That's the kind of growth investors obviously love to see.          
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    云服务企业Velostrata完成A轮1400万美元融资 Velostrata 是一家成立于 2014 年公司,总部位于美国加州。Velostrata 为客户提供混合云解决方案,降低企业服务器的计算压力,将数据存储部署在本地,在云上运营虚拟的计算器。本轮投资由 83 North 领投,Norwest Venture Partners 跟投。   消息来源:Xconomy Velostrata Lifts Veil On New Hybrid Cloud Model, Raises $14M San Jose, CA-based startup Velostrata emerged from stealth mode today with $14 million in hand and a new option for businesses that are wary of storing their data in the Web-based servers of the “public cloud.’’ Velostrata’s software makes it possible for companies to tap into the computing power available from that shared Web-based infrastructure, without also being required to store their data in the public cloud. Customers can quickly switch some of their processing workload to an outside company such as Amazon Web Services, but continue to store their data in their own in-house IT centers, according to Velostrata. Dozens of businesses have been using the software in beta testing. The tactic of “decoupling compute from storage” allows companies to use Web-based computing as needed, and avoid the expense of overbuilding their own infrastructure to handle periods of peak demand, says Velostrata founder and CEO Issy Ben-Shaul (pictured above.) The startup, which Ben-Shaul founded in 2014 with Velostrata chief product officer Ady Degany, claims its technology is the first of its kind. “The most consistent feedback we have heard from customers, analysts and press, is that they have not heard (of) any company that does this, so there are no competitor(s) that offer decoupling compute from storage,” Ben-Shaul said in an e-mail exchange with Xconomy. Ben-Shaul was previously a co-founder of Actona, a wide area networks optimization company that was acquired by Cisco in 2004, and Wanova, a desktop virtualization company bought by VMware in 2012. Velostrata announced today that it has closed a $14 million Series A funding led by Norwest Venture Partners and 83North, formerly named Greylock IL Partners. Norwest Venture Partners general partner Dror Nahumi, in a statement about the funding announcement, said Velostrata’s technology addresses a bottleneck in the adoption by businesses of the “hybrid cloud”—the combined use of public and private computing and storage infrastructure as needed. “Every CIO is being asked by the management team and board to migrate enterprise infrastructure to the cloud, yet a mere fraction of IT spending goes toward cloud services,” Nahumi said. “Adoption is low because current cloud migration technologies are plagued by challenges like security and compliance risks, cost, migration time, complexity and vendor lock-in. Velostrata provides an innovative hybrid cloud approach that eliminates all these challenges and empowers CIOs to accelerate the migration quest using an evolutionary, secure, and highly cost effective platform.”
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    企业通讯工具Eko获570万美元A轮融资,近期欲进军中国市场 当Slack被人们广泛关注时,依然有很多人在使用着其他企业通讯工具。 Eko,这众多工具中的一款,在今天透露他们已获得570万美元的A轮融资,由中国的戈壁投资(Gobi Partners)领投。融资将用于新用户的拓展。 在16个月前Eko完成了一轮由500 Startups领投的种子轮融资。之前的投资者在A轮融资中再次参投。 Eko的创始人兼CEO Korawad Chearavanont说道:“Slack注重的是那些雇员人数在50以下的公司,我们针对的却是更大型的公司。带给我们回报最大的一个客户拥有近15万名雇员。这类公司和小型企业解决问题的方式是不一样的,而我们就致力于解决这类难题。”尽管Eko的目标客户是大型公司,它的App还是本着“移动优先”的原则,并且有着和即时通讯应用WhatsApp相似的界面设计。 Eko的下一个目标是中国市场。Korawad声称他们在中国已经引起了一些关注。的确,Eko的很大部分利润来源于中国。受此激励,他们计划在接下来的几个月里在北京开设分部。 Korawad说,如果进军中国市场,他们预备和诸如政府一类的机构进行合作。但是具体的合作对象和合作方式还未公布。中国的创业公司很多也有自己的职场聊天工具,脉脉是使用最广的一个。脉脉在去年曾获得2000万美元的B轮融资。 Korawad认为他们取胜脉脉的法宝就是——同大型公司进行紧密合作。“我们将会以一种非传统且盛大的方式在中国亮相。我们的首要任务是发展平台,其次才是推广品牌。” 不论Eko会选择怎样的进军方式,至少它已经有了一个紧密的中国盟友——戈壁投资。     Workplace chat app Eko gets $5.7M series A funding to make teams productive, quit Slacking While Slack gets all the headlines, most people around the world are using one of dozens of other workplace messaging apps. One of those apps, Eko, today revealed that it has secured US$5.7 million in series A funding to help it pick up new users. The investment in the Thai-American startup was led by China-based Gobi Partners. It comes 16 months after the Eko team nabbed seed funding led by 500 Startups. Earlier backers also contributed to the series A round. Teen entrepreneur “Whereas Slack is very strong for companies with under 50 employees, our product is not as strong for that segment,” says Korawad Chearavanont, the 20-year-old founder and CEO of Eko. “Our product only begins to truly add value to bigger companies. Our biggest revenue-generating customer has approximately 150,000 employees, for example.” “They have a very different set of problems from small businesses, and we work to resolve those features,” he adds. Even though Eko is going for larger firms, the app has the mobile-first mentality and the WhatsApp-esque interface of the new wave of business chat apps that are toppling the old dinosaurs like Yammer – apps like Slack, HipChat, Flowdock, Convo, Cotap, Pie, and Fleep. Korawad says Eko works a bit differently from some of its rivals by having a “high touch” relationship with some corporate clients that extends to them getting custom versions of the Eko app – not the app available for download on Google Play or Apple’s App Store. “I can’t yet disclose certain customers, due to the stage of launch, but I can say a few top 10 ASEAN banks are paying customers and they have a very specific set of security and regulation needs which we can fulfill, whereas Slack cannot,” he explains. The startup is keeping the number of active users under its hat. Korawad is the son of billionaire telco tycoon Suphachai Chearavanont, the president and CEO of True – and he’s the grandson of Dhanin Chearavanont, the wealthiest man in Southeast Asia with a net worth of over US$14 billion. Eko was started up from Korawad’s New Jersey boarding school dorm room when he was 17. The main product office remains in New York, and the startup has opened up a business office in Bangkok. Charging into China The next step for the Eko team is China, where Korawad claims the app already has some traction. Indeed, most of Eko’s revenue is generated in China. Inspired by that, the startup plans to open an office in Beijing within the next few months. He says the app has grown “organically through word of mouth from execs in current clients” in China. It’s also taking a tailor-made approach for some major clients in the country. “Our full launch in China was not intended or planned until much later. Our traction is different from the traditional early traction many startups may get. In China, we work with entities associated with the government,” Korawad says, but further details on who or how are kept under wraps. Chinese startups are working on enterprise chat apps of their own – most noticeably Maimai, which this time last year got US$20 million in series B funding. Korawad sees Eko standing out from Maimai just as it does from Slack – by working closely with some of the huge companies that use it. And he hints at more to come, propelled by this growth in China. “We will enter [China] in an unconventional and big way, which, when we do, you may not recognize us. Our priority is to grow our platform – growing our brand is secondary. Our long term vision is not to be an enterprise messaging app, but rather to be a mobile enterprise platform.” Whatever form that takes, the startup has a China ally in its newest investor.     Source:Techinasia
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    招聘软件Greenhouse获3500万美元C轮融资   这轮融资由 Thrive Capital 领投。这笔资金将为Greenhouse 走向全球市场提供动力,并为 Greenhouse 继续完善其软件提供资金支持。 Greenhouse 是招聘领域的 一家 SaaS 软件服务商,它通过定位、考核以及评估人才等为企业提供专业的招聘服务。在寻找应聘者环节,Greenhouse会将企业所有应聘者的来源(包括来自于招聘网站,猎头的推荐、社交媒体等等)汇总在一个招聘仪表盘里(dashboard),接着该软件会按照职位要求对应聘者进行A/B测试并实时提醒应聘者相关的岗位信息。在面试环节,Greenhouse会帮助雇主拟好相关面试问题并收集应聘者回答,使企业更加方便进行比较和选择。 融资历史: 2013年进行过一轮270万美元的融资。 2014年8月获得了总值750万美元的A轮融资,领投方为Facebook前Facebook前副总裁卡马斯·帕里哈毕提亚(Chamath Palihapitiya)创办的风投基金Social+CapitalPartnership。 2015年3月获 B 轮 1360 万美元融资。此轮由 Benchmark、TheSocia+Capital Partnership 和 Felecis Ventures 共同完成。 Hiring Software Juggernaut Greenhouse Swallows $35M Series C “We’re not trying to be the all-singing, all-dancing HR system. I don’t know how to be kickass at payroll” says Greenhouse CEO Daniel Chait. But what his startup is kicking ass at is hiring software. It now has over 800 customers including Slack and Pinterest, almost double the 450 it had when it announced its $13.9 million Series B in March. That progress, plus dreams of international expansion and selling to even bigger corporations, has won Greenhouse another round that brings it to about $60 million in funding. The $35 million Series C led by Thrive Capital will give Greenhouse fuel to grow abroad and refine its software for larger clients. It’s not a unicorn yet, but will be soon at this rate. The Greenhouse product fertilizes a company’s recruiting and hiring efforts. It compiles sources of job candidates such as job boards and referrals in a hiring dashboard where companies can A/B test job listings and remind employees about openings to be filled. Then during the interviews it helps hirers coordinate, Greenhouse structures the questions asked and answers received so they’re easily comparable. It all makes going from empty desk to strong hire quicker and cheaper. Greenhouse’s revenue is set to quadruple over the course of 2015 and headcount is swelling as employees pile onto the rocket ship. But Chait’s top concern is keeping his human resources company human. Staying personal is easy when the whole company fits around a few desks, but now Greenhouse has 125 employees. “You have a culture, but it’s very implicit, based on the founding team. As you grow, in order to sustain that culture you have to make it more explicit, talk about it, hire based on it.”“We try to act like real people” he tells me. “There’s a tendency of a lot of people where when you show up at work, you put on your worker personality and leave your real personality at home. I don’t think that does anyone justice. If you hire great people, they you should let them be themselves.” Chait tells me payroll, hiring, and other HR tools all used to be sold in “one big monolithic system from a vendor that did everything.” Think Oracle’s omni-tool Taleo. “I want to make the case to the customer that you can be 10X better at this stuff” by using dedicated software that does a smaller set of things. At least Chait won’t have to worry about funding for a while, since the Series C brings in more than all its previous rounds combined. He says he chose Thrive Capital because “they’re very smart, very hands-on, very involved. They’re not some corner office banker looking at a spreadsheet.” Greenhouse has only 10% of its business overseas right now, so the funding will partially go towards more international sales offices and staff. It will also go to development of better infrastructure and compliance so Greenhouse’s software can serve even larger massive clients. There’s a few secret R&D projects in the works too. Meanwhile, Greenhouse is hoping to keep its focus on functionality while beautifying the interface. When asked about mobile-first hiring startup Lever, Chait admitted its platform is “better looking than ours, it’s pretty.” But he stressed that hiring and setting up interviews is inherently complicated, and warned against over-simplifying it. “When you start out, you gin yourself up to this idea that there’s this big opportunity but you can only picture so many steps ahead,” Chait says with a tinge of nostalgia for quieter days. “At this point, it’s a really tangible set of problems that we’re trying to solve. The imagination is already there.” While others sing and dance, it’s time for Greenhouse to execute.