BOSS直聘将公开发行4800万股美国存托股份(ADS),价格区间为每股ADS 17-19美元,募资约10亿美元,估值超过80亿美元。成为中国市值NO.1。在全球人力资源上市公司市值创新品牌榜单中的市值排名11位,仅次于澳洲的招聘集团Seek的83亿美元市值。上市后,BOSS直聘创始人、董事长兼CEO赵鹏将持有17.6%的股份,身价超过14亿美元,拥有76.22%的投票权。
今日资本创始人、总裁徐新持股10.4%,腾讯通过Image Frame持股8.6%,2019年11月独家投资boss直聘5亿美元,成为公司第三大股东。高榕资本通过Banyan持股6.6%,策源创投持股6.1%,此外,高盛持股5.2%,纪源资本持股4.5%,其它投资方还包括顺为资本。
(A number of new investors have indicated their interest in subscribing for an aggregate of up to US$275 million worth of the ADSs being offered in this offering, including (i) up to US$100 million by UBS Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited, (ii) up to US$100 million by GIC Private Limited, and (iii) up to US$75 million by an entity affiliated with Mubadala Investment Company, an Abu Dhabi-based sovereign investor. In addition, entities affiliated with Sequoia Capital China, an affiliate of one of our shareholders, and Tiger Global Investments, L.P., another affiliate of one of our shareholders, have indicated their interest in subscribing for an aggregate of up to US$100 million worth of the ADSs being offered in this offering. These subscriptions for ADSs will be at the initial public offering price and on the same terms as the other ADSs being offered in this offering. Assuming an initial public offering price of US$18.00 per ADS, the midpoint of the estimated initial public offering price range, the number of ADSs to be purchased by these investors would be up to 20,833,333 ADSs, representing approximately 43.4% of the ADSs being offered in this offering, assuming the underwriters do not exercise their option to purchase additional ADSs.)