帮政府实现数字化办公,SeamlessDocs 宣布完成 700 万美元 B 轮融资
SeamlessDocs 宣布完成 700 万美元 B 轮融资,由 Motorola Solutions 领投,原有投资机构 Govtech Fund 跟投,此外 New York State Innovation Fund 等亦有在本轮跟投。去年末,SeamlessDocs 曾获 500 万美元 A 轮融资。
据了解,SeamlessDocs 新一轮融资将用于雇佣更多工程师、销售人员和客户服务代表。
SeamlessDocs,由云端应用 Bizodo 演化而来,如今定位为帮助政府实现数字化办公。众所周知,大多数政府文件都要求当面交流,或最起码需要打印、传真、或邮寄资料夹等书面文件,而 SeamlessDocs 致力于帮政府实现无纸化办公,希望在手机等设备上就能处理签名、填写表单等事物。
SeamlessDocs 支持任何设备端上传文件,并可以快速完成创建与标记,不管是标记日期,还是签名,都可以通过双击鼠标来完成(需要用户自定义设置),对于每天处理无数公文的政府来说,这将节省很大的成本。该类公文数据将保存在数据库内以便随时进行搜索,同时也可以一键同步 Google Drive、Box、Dropbox 等外部工具的信息。
数据挖掘公司 D square nv 完成 500 万欧元 B 轮融资
D square nv日前完成 500 万欧元 B 轮融资,融资方为 Gemma Frisius Fonds, Jürgen Ingels, Limburgse Reconversie Maatschappij, Fortino Capital。
D square nv 成立于 2007年12月,总部位于比利时哈瑟尔特。当时由创始团队自掏腰包 13.5 万欧元作为种子轮。后于 2008年7月,获得 45 万欧元的天使轮投资,资方为 Gemma Frisius & Vinnof。2010年9月,再次获得 250 万欧元的 A 轮融资,投资方为 Gemma Frisius Fonds 和 Limburgse Reconversie Maatschappij。
D square nv 是一家提供数据挖掘应用软件和性能优化解决方案的公司,可以帮助工厂管理部门检测、分析和解决流程工业上的关键瓶颈,达到甚至超过最严苛的生产目标。D square nv 把商业咨询、数据挖掘及创新打包成实时软件产品,在每个操作环节提供支持和交互。
TrendMiner 是 D square nv 旗下的产品名称。在测试阶段,TrendMiner 就已经占据荷兰和比利时试用地区 15%的市场份额,并且和化学、石油、天然气行业的知名企业合作。这些客户甚至帮助其确定了最终的产品性能。
为了保持产品的高速发展,TrendMiner 的团队成员已从 15 人扩张一倍到 30 人。D square nv 的老办公室,在奋斗了四年的情况下,也已人满为患。下一步,D square nv 会在美国建立一支销售团队。
B 轮融资
B 轮融资
个性化营销公司 Bluecore获2100万美元 B 轮融资
据科技媒体 VB 消息,日前,个性化营销方案提供公司 Bluecore 获得 2100万美元 B 轮融资,本轮融资由 Georgian Partners 领投。
据网站介绍,这家公司的发展速度非常快,全年经常性收入(ARR)的增速为每 45 天增加 100 万美元。
Bluecore 提供的方案可以让营销人员很好的利用,主要是通过一些行为数据和电子邮件与客户接触;
在产品方面, Bluecore 还提供一个产品目录数据,方便企业改变价格和库存。
目前包括Staples、Express和Cabelas 等电子商务公司都采用 Bluecore提供的营销方案。B轮融资的资金提供方Georgian Partners 非常看好提供企业服务且成长迅速的初创公司,之前投过的公司还有Shopify、Tealium和FreshBooks。
Bluecore raises eight-figure series B for email personalization
Bluecore, a marketing automation solution focused on personalization, has raised $21 million in its series B round of investment.
The company has been growing quickly, adding $1 million in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) every 45 days, and doubling AAR every six months. A number of top ecommerce retailers are now customers, including Staples, Express, and Cabelas.
This kind of growth has impressed investors, including Georgian Partners, which led the round. Georgian has focused investments in companies applying analytics to improve or automate existing processes. Previous investments include companies like Shopify, Tealium, and FreshBooks.
What sets Bluecore apart?
Bluecore lets marketers use behavioral data to personalize customer engagements, primarily via email. We’ve found in our own research that behavioral data is often the most valuable type of data for marketers. Behavioral data provides real-time insight about a consumer’s interest and intent, most of it coming from web and mobile activity.
Yet most marketers today haven’t been able to capitalize on this data. One reason for Bluecore’s success is its ability to capture and process large volumes of behavioral data, like product page views, search term use, and cart abandonment. In conjunction with behavioral data, Bluecore also uses product catalog data, including changes in price or inventory.
Consumers increasingly expect personalization and are unsubscribing from irrelevant emails. As a result, marketers are looking to personalization as a way to increase relevance, along with key metrics and revenue.
In ourublishe report on email personalization pd yesterday, we found that the vast majority of marketers reported increased open rates and click-through rates (CTR) by employing some form of email personalization (including even the most basic personalization tactics).
We also found that email personalization reduces unsubscribe rates and increases revenue by an even greater factor (around 6x).
Most marketers still rate poorly on our email personalization maturity framework, but growing interest will continue to fuel investment in marketing automation and personalization tools like Bluecore.
For those interested in the technical details, Bluecore explained in an email that it drives personalization in several ways, including:
Similar products versus recommendations based on co-view and co-purchase models
Aggregated profile data based on session searches, category navigation and facets, as well as wish list, add to cart, and purchase behavior.
Audience data based on product catalog analytics, used to personalize emails by answering questions like “If the inventory drops on a product by more than 50%, which customers are the most likely to buy the fastest?”
The new round of funding will bring Bluecore’s total funding since 2013 to $28.2 million.