• 酒店
    【美国】数字支付平台提供商Grazzy获得400万美元种子轮融资,提高酒店和服务行业的财务健康 面向酒店和服务型企业的数字支付平台 Grazzy宣布完成 400 万美元的种子轮融资,参与方包括 AZ-VC、In Revenue Capital、Iron Skillet Partners、Tuesday Capital 和 Next Coast Ventures。最新的融资将帮助 Grazzy 扩大团队,加快新客户入职速度,扩大合作关系、整合和市场战略,以继续保持公司的指数级增长。 Grazzy 的客户群在过去 18 个月里增长了 100 倍,这反映了酒店市场对数字小费的信心,即数字小费是留住劳动力的有力工具,Grazzy 独特灵活、可扩展的解决方案是大型企业的最佳选择。去年秋天,Grazzy 成为唯一一家获得全球四大酒店品牌认可的数字小费供应商,进一步增强了企业对 Grazzy 的信任。 “Grazzy 创始人兼首席执行官Russell Lemmer说:"我们正在以一种能够真正为一线员工提供更多资金、更频繁地支付小费的解决方案来满足人员严重不足的市场需求。“在 Grazzy 平台上,我们已将数百万美元直接转入数千名员工的钱包。我们在做到这一点的同时,还为企业客户每月节省了数千美元的招聘和留用成本。这笔最新资金将用于支持新客户获取、功能开发和生态系统合作伙伴整合,从而进一步加快 Grazzy 的显著增长。 事实证明,Grazzy 的创新平台为客户带来了明显的效益,使企业能够通过高效的当日支付解决方案提高员工满意度并留住员工。通过满足行业对现代化、安全的小费支付方式的需求,Grazzy 帮助企业节省了招聘和留住员工的成本,同时确保一线员工及时收到收入。 “Iron Skillet Partners 运营合伙人兼 Carnation Auto Spa 首席执行官 Drew Shepard 说:"自从与 Grazzy 合作以来,Carnation Auto Spa 的员工实得工资有了显著提高。“我们看到员工赚取的小费增加了 5 倍,小费总价值增加了 4 倍。数字小费选项的增加也大大提高了我们在达拉斯-沃斯堡地区 20 多家分店的安全性,最大限度地减少了现场现金数量,降低了失窃风险。 “AZ-VC很高兴能投资Grazzy的最新一轮融资。与过时的现金小费习惯相比,他们提供了现代化的解决方案。AZ-VC的风险合伙人Ashok Santhanam表示:"Grazzy能够快速、无缝地扩展到不同地区和不同规模的服务,这使他们成为任何希望采用数字小费解决方案的企业的重要合作伙伴。 关于 Grazzy Grazzy 帮助小时工赚更多的钱,当天就能使用,并以更有意义的方式储蓄和消费。通过改善一线员工的财务状况,Grazzy 降低了酒店、酒吧、餐馆、美容院、洗车店等的留用和招聘成本。Grazzy 还通过协助确保税务合规、为任何规模的企业提供扩展服务以及专家护理团队的实时协助,使后方运营受益匪浅。我们可扩展的支付平台可实现数字小费、即时付款和包容性银行解决方案,这些都是为任何规模的酒店和服务企业量身打造的。 关于 AZ-VC AZ-VC 是亚利桑那州最大的风险投资基金。AZ-VC 成立于 2022 年,首期基金规模为 1.15 亿美元,主要投资于亚利桑那州和西南地区的早期 B2B 软件公司。作为创始人的长期合作伙伴,AZ-VC 的投资团队利用深厚的运营经验和网络,帮助产品与市场契合的初创企业成长为伟大的公司。
  • 酒店
    【美国】零工招聘平台instawork获得C轮融资6000万美元 美国零工招聘平台Instawork今天宣布,它在C轮融资中筹集了6000万美元,使总资金达到1亿美元。 Craft Ventures领投,Greylock、Corner Ventures、Four River Group、WndrCo和Tilman Fertitta(Landry's和休斯顿火箭队的老板)参与了本轮融资;现有投资者Benchmark、Spark Capital、GV、Burst Capital和SV Angel也参与了融资。 Craft普通合伙人Jeff Fluhr将加入Instawork的董事会。 "我们每天都听到更多关于企业无法雇用工人以满足急剧上升的需求的新闻,"Fluhr说。"Instawork已经破解了雇用灵活小时工的密码:它的无缝市场解决了接待企业、餐馆、仓库、体育场馆和零售店都遇到的问题。" Instawork成立于2016年,它说它连接了美国成千上万的企业和超过一百万的工人。目标行业包括美国25个以上市场的食品和饮料、酒店和仓库/物流行业。 Instawork 是面向本地小时工专业人员的领先灵活的人员配置解决方案。其数字市场将美国各地的企业和合格的专业人士联系起来,在当地经济中发挥着关键作用。
  • 酒店
    趣活(QH.US)宣布1.33亿收购来来信息科技(深圳)有限公司54.22%股权 10月13日,趣活(QH.US)宣布,就收购来来信息科技(深圳)有限公司54.22%的股权达成最终协议,交易总对价约为1.33亿元人民币,以现金和股权的形式支付。 根据协议,趣活同意以定向增发的形式向出售来来股权的股东发行135.7759万股趣活A类普通股。交易双方希望在2020年10月完成交易。 据了解,来来信息科技(深圳)有限公司是一家专为酒店和民宿提供服务解决方案的平台。来来科技是一家酒店人力资源服务提供商,依托大数据驱动的深度学习技术,为用户提供临时、长期酒店服务员劳务派遣,帮助用户解决酒店用工难题,旗下拥有“派员工”产品   BEIJING, China, October 13th, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quhuo Limited (NASDAQ: QH) (“Quhuo,” the “Company,” “we” or “our”), a leading tech-enabled workforce operational solution platform in China, today announced that it has entered into a definitive investment agreement (the “Agreement”) to acquire a 54.22% equity interest in Lailai Information Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (“Lailai”), an on-demand workforce platform that specializes in housekeeping solutions for hotels and B&Bs, for a total consideration of approximately RMB133.0 million in the form of cash and the Company’s securities in aggregate. According to the Agreement, the Company agreed to issue 1,357,759 Class A ordinary shares of the Company (“Consideration Shares”) to the selling shareholders of Lailai under a private placement pursuant to an exemption or exclusion from the registration requirements under the Securities Act of 1933. The Consideration Shares will be subject to relevant restrictions on transfer. The Company has agreed to repurchase the Consideration Shares or pay the balance of the resale price if the resale price of the Consideration Shares falls below an indicative minimum price within a certain period after the transfer restrictions expire. The parties expect to close the transaction in October 2020, subject to the relevant corporate approvals and customary closing conditions. There is no assurance that any such procedures or transactions will be completed in a timely manner. Leslie Yu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, commented, “After extensive discussions with Lailai’s highly experienced management team, I am pleased that we were able to sign the definitive investment agreement. We believe that this strategic partnership will bring significant benefits to both companies. Our housekeeping solution is one of our new growth drivers and this transaction is part of a greater strategic plan to scale our housekeeping solution business by enhancing our management and fulfillment capabilities, which allows us to broaden and diversify our housekeeping service scope. Lailai has done a fantastic job in building a talented team, a highly recognizable brand, solid supply chain management capabilities and strong customer base. This investment allows us to integrate our capabilities serving hotels and B&Bs in China and create enormous operational synergies that will capture additional value in the markets Lailai currently serves. By investing in Lailai, we expect to strengthen and expand our platform, capitalize on the growing on-demand service needs in China and drive sustainable long-term growth for our shareholders.” ABOUT LAILAI Lailai is a Shenzhen-headquartered on-demand workforce platform that specializes in housekeeping solutions for hotels and B&Bs. Leveraging its one-stop hotel workforce outsource platform empowered by advanced mobile and SaaS technologies, Lailai has served over 1,000 hotels with over 20,000 active workers across 25 provinces in China since its inception in December 2017, including some well-known brands such as Hilton Hotels and Resorts, Kingkey Group, Marriott International, and Kempinski Hotels. SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT This press release contains ‘‘forward-looking statements’’ within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical or current fact included in this press release are forward-looking statements, including but not limited to statements regarding the completion of the acquisition of Lailai and the Company’s business plans and outlook. Forward-looking statements include statements containing words such as “expect,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “project,” “will” and similar expressions intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on the Company’s current expectations and current market conditions, all of which involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond the Company’s control. Further information regarding these and other risks, uncertainties or factors is included in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, without limitation, the final prospectus related to the IPO filed with the SEC on July 10, 2020. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and Quhuo undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof. ABOUT QUHUO LIMITED Quhuo Limited (NASDAQ: QH) was the largest workforce operational solution platform in China in 2019*. Quhuo provides tech-enabled, end-to-end operational solutions to blue-chip on-demand consumer service businesses in industries with significant e-commerce exposure, including food delivery, ride-hailing, housekeeping and bike-sharing. Quhuo’s platform helps its industry customers mobilize a large team of workers and utilizes a combination of training, performance monitoring and refinement, and incentives to transform them into skilled workers who can follow industry-specific, standardized and highly efficient service procedures. Within the on-demand consumer service ecosystem, the Company plays a unique and indispensable role as the link between consumer service businesses and the end consumers to enable the delivery of goods, services and experiences to consumers.
  • 酒店
    要做服务和酒店行业的“领英” ,Industry 获得230万美元种子轮融资 提到职业社交网站,大多数人会首先想到领英。不过,虽然领英拥有超过4亿名会员,但并不意味着它能满足所有类型的工作。 比如说服务和酒店行业,需要的更多是视觉展现,像是厨师准备食物、调酒师准备饮品,单凭一张简历无法准确展示工作所需的必要技能,美国服务和酒店行业的招聘解决方案提供平台 Industry 找准这一切入点,成为集网络、市场和招聘行业顶尖人才解决方案于一体的专业平台。 近日,Industry 获得230万美元种子轮融资,Sand Hill Road(沙山路)上的隐形风投基金领投。 公司计划利用该笔资金招募人才,将团队规模从6人扩大到15人;公司还将扩大目前在西海岸的9大市场份额,包括圣地亚哥、洛杉矶、旧金山、波特兰、西雅图、丹佛、拉斯维加斯、斯科茨代尔和凤凰城。迄今为止,公司共筹集资金250万美元。 Industry 成立于2014年,总部位于美国旧金山,作为服务和酒店行业的招聘解决方案专业提供商,从初次求职者、事业建设者到经验丰富的“老兵”,其平台能够满足行业内不同层次人群的需求, 初次求职者可以这里介绍自己、展示优点以及发现自己的个性是否与公司文化相匹配;对于想要获得提升的事业建设者而言,这里可以展示他们的技能;而对于那些经验丰富的“老兵”来说,他们可以利用平台来讲述自己的故事,就像 Scatori 披萨店和意大利餐厅的资深厨师 Kevin Levine,就在网站上创建了一个视频,讲述他的整个职业生涯。 尽管 Industry 并未透露有多少求职者或企业使用其平台,但公司战略的一部分是锁定所进驻市场的餐厅,让更多的企业参与进来。例如,在华盛顿,该公司与华盛顿酒店协会合作,该协会的注册餐厅有6000家,目前大部分均使用该平台找到新员工。 平台上七成的餐馆都是家族拥有和经营的,公司主要针对的是有5到15家分店的餐厅,它们通常是潮流引领者,以最快的速度开设分店。所以帮助他们找到人才,也会赢得这些家族企业的信赖。 目前公司的客户包括美高梅国际酒店集团、迪斯尼、Hell’s Kitchen 、Cohn Restaurant Group 、Fox Restaurant Concepts 和 Stone Brewing Co. 等。 与此同时,Industry 也向求职者展示了自己的价值,因为在平台的帮助下,找工作的时间大大缩短了。一般来说,服务和酒店业找到工作需要28天,而 Industry 将时间缩减到一个星期,甚至更少。 在某些情况下,像是服务生或调酒师这样的工作,不出24小时,餐馆就能找到50到100名申请者。而厨房工作,像是厨师,花费的时间要长一些,因为申请者相对较少,不过也不会超过一个星期。 Industry 目前采用 pay-per-applicant(依申请人付费)付费模式,每个职位都有自己的底价起点,平均价格是3美元。 但根据不用的需求价格会各有不同。比如说,招聘的职位需要的工作经验越丰富、越具体,企业支付的费用越多。 所以说,如果你想雇用一个执行主厨,要求持有烹饪学校学位、至少有10年工作经验,价格就会很高,因为满足条件的申请人会很少,可能餐厅要为每名申请人支付25美元。但是至少能找到合适的人选,所以对餐厅来说还是非常划算的。 Industry 允许客户设置费用上限。举例来说,如果餐馆想招酒保,找到一个应聘者的费用是3美元,然后餐馆表示最多会支付75美元,那么他能获得25名申请者;而大型酒店或企业,则不会有金额上限。 目前平台对求职者免费。但公司计划在未来也会收费,像是使用会员制度。公司还会提供广告机会。 目前,圣地亚哥是其最大、增长最快的市场,有着20%的员工和业务量,其次是洛杉矶、拉斯维加斯和西雅图。 从美国市场来看,服务和酒店行业有着1700万从业者,而且这个数字还会迅速增长。加之餐厅、酒吧、夜总会、酒店的员工流动率为72%,所以放眼全球,Industry 很有可能成为这一利用的领英。 本文来自翻译:vator.tv,如若转载,请注明出处:http://36kr.com/p/5055147.html