• 平衡工作与娱乐
    【HR术语】什么是员工健康(What is employee wellbeing?) 什么是员工健康? 员工幸福感是指专业人员在心理、情感和身体健康方面的综合状态。根据盖洛普研究人员的研究,员工幸福感包括五个核心组成部分: 职业幸福感。人们对工作职责的满意度,以及他们每天在工作中花费时间的方式。 社会福祉。与朋友和家人建立健康、有意义的关系。 财务健康。能够成功管理个人财务。 身体健康。有健康的体魄和充沛的精力来维持基本功能和完成任务。 社区幸福。与他人建立联系,对所居住的地方有归属感。 人力资源领导为什么要关注员工福利? 作为公司最宝贵的资产--员工的监护人,人力资源部门应优先考虑员工的福祉。 幸福超越了健康。它表明员工在个人生活和工作中全面发展、发挥最佳功能并实现自身潜能。 员工健康和幸福有哪些优势? 身心健康可以增强心理耐力、情商和应变能力--这是提高生产力、创造力和效率所必需的三项软技能。 因此,员工身心健康是高绩效工作、蓬勃发展的员工队伍和成功企业的基石。 员工身心健康在很大程度上有助于: 实现目标 承担风险 为出现的挑战找到实用、明智的解决方案 减少缺勤 提高员工留任率和参与度 减少医疗开支 蓬勃发展的企业文化 人力资源领导者如何促进员工福利? 如果您想把员工的健康放在首位,就应将其作为公司文化的一部分。虽然每个人都必须关注自己的健康,但人力资源部门可以通过强调健康是一种工作价值来鼓励员工的健康。以下是将健康融入公司工作方式的三种方法: 平衡工作与娱乐。虽然保持工作流程是提高生产力的必要条件,但人不是机器人。要有精力工作,就必须有时间娱乐。组织员工徒步旅行或公园野餐等促进情绪、社区建设和社交聚会,让员工有机会充电和重新建立联系。 培养感恩之心。人力资源领导者可以通过表彰和感谢员工的辛勤工作和取得的成就来鼓励员工之间的友情和有意义的工作经历。表达谢意可为工作社区注入良好的氛围和意义。 鼓励正念。正念为明智的决策、高质量的工作、更好的沟通和发散思维奠定了基础。养成正念的习惯有助于人们调节情绪和思想。团队可以在开会前通过集体呼吸练习或冥想来练习正念。为了在个人层面上支持正念,公司可以指定一个房间或花园作为无技术区,让人们有安静、不受干扰的独处时间。 制定有效的员工福利计划和措施有哪些技巧? 虽然整合一个通用的健康计划可能很诱人,但还是要尽量考虑贵公司的具体需求。您可以通过以下方式做到这一点: 确定问题所在。这些问题可能包括职业倦怠、缺乏目标和动力以及工作与生活失衡。 评估影响福利的主要障碍。也许是管理不善、工作量过重,或者是工作场所的价值观不一致,阻碍了员工实现身心健康。 评估员工幸福感低的代价。缺乏幸福感会如何影响生产力和底线? 规划福利计划。贵公司目前正在采取哪些行动来促进员工身心健康,这些措施与内部和外部基准相比有何不同? 实施量身定制的健康计划。健康计划应为员工提供切实可行、量身定制的解决方案,应对他们面临的挑战和不同的人生阶段。例如,该计划可包括员工援助计划(EAP)、辅导和导师机会或个人财务咨询机会。 如何有效衡量员工福利? 幸福是综合的,因此您需要收集幸福拼图的所有部分,才能看到完整的画面。让我们来看看一些评估和衡量幸福感的方法: 通过脉搏调查收集反馈。通过提出正确的问题,人力资源部门可以了解团队成员的健康状况。与某一具体问题相关的问题,如果能让员工对自己的感受进行评分,就能提供有用的答案。开放式问题也能提供见解,但要确保有时间和资源来阅读和处理每个答案。调查可以包括涉及薪酬、参与度、归属感、工作量和职业目标等主题的问题。 跟踪员工数据。虽然数据不能反映一个人的内心挣扎,但它可以说明面临的挑战,如高缺勤率或低生产率--潜在潜在问题的迹象。 简短的检查。人力资源部门或经理可以定期与专业人士会面。无论是当面交谈还是通过视频聊天,都能提供调查和数据无法显示的反馈信息。 员工福利如何改善公司文化? 欣欣向荣的员工构成了欣欣向荣的企业文化。当整体的每个部分--每个人--都处于健康状态时,他们就能高效地工作,与团队成员有效合作,并为积极而充满活力的企业文化做出贡献。 以下为文章原文: What is employee wellbeing? Employee wellbeing refers to a professional’s holistic state of mental, emotional, and physical health. According to Gallup researchers, employee wellbeing includes five core components: Career wellbeing. The satisfaction people feel with work responsibilities and how they spend their time at work every day. Social wellbeing. Engaging in healthy, meaningful relationships with friends and family. Financial wellbeing. Being able to manage personal finances successfully. Physical wellbeing. Having health and energy for basic functioning and accomplishing tasks. Community wellbeing. Having a connection with others and feeling a sense of belonging in the place you live. Why should HR leaders care about employee wellbeing? As guardians of a company’s most valuable asset—its people—employee wellbeing should be a priority for HR. Wellbeing goes beyond health. It indicates that people are thriving holistically, functioning optimally, and actualizing their potential in their personal lives and at work. What are the advantages of employee health and wellbeing? Wellbeing can support mental stamina, emotional intelligence, and resilience—three soft skills necessary for productivity, creativity, and efficiency. Thus, employee wellbeing is the bedrock of high-performance work, a thriving workforce, and a successful business. Employee wellbeing largely contributes to: Goal achievement Risk taking Finding practical, intelligent solutions to challenges that arise Decreased absenteeism Increased retention and engagement Reduced healthcare expenses A thriving company culture What can HR leaders do to promote employee wellbeing? If you want to make your people’s wellbeing a priority, make it part of your company culture. While everyone must take care of their health, HR can encourage wellbeing by emphasizing it as a work value. Here are three ways to infuse wellbeing into your company’s approach to work: Balance work with play. While maintaining workflow is necessary for productivity, people aren’t robots. To have energy for work, there must be time for play. Organizing mood-boosting, community-building, and social gatherings, such as staff hikes or park picnics, gives people a chance to recharge and reconnect. Cultivate gratitude. HR leaders can encourage camaraderie and meaningful work experiences by recognizing and thanking people for their hard work and accomplishments. Communicating appreciation infuses good vibes and meaning into the work community. Encourage mindfulness. Mindfulness sets the foundation for smart decision-making, high-quality work, better communication, and thinking outside the box. Making mindfulness a habit helps people regulate their emotions and thoughts. Teams can practice mindfulness through group breathing exercises or meditations before conducting a meeting. To support mindfulness on an individual level, companies can designate a room or garden as a tech-free zone for people to have quiet, uninterrupted alone time. What are some tips for building effective employee wellbeing programs and initiatives? While it may be tempting to integrate a generic wellness program, try to consider your company’s specific needs. You can do so by: Identifying the problem areas. These may include burnout, lack of purpose and drive, and work-life imbalance. Evaluating the major barriers to wellbeing. Perhaps there is poor management, too heavy a workload, or a misalignment of workplace values preventing people from achieving a state of wellbeing. Assessing the cost of low employee wellbeing. How does a lack of wellbeing affect productivity and the bottom line? Planning a wellbeing program. What actions is your company currently taking to promote wellbeing, and how do these initiatives compare with internal and external benchmarks? Implementing a customized wellness program. The wellness program should provide practical, tailored solutions for staff, addressing their challenges and different life stages. The program could include, for example, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), coaching and mentorship opportunities, or personal financial advising opportunities. How can you effectively measure employee wellbeing? Wellbeing is integrative, so you’ll need to gather all pieces of the wellbeing puzzle to see the complete picture. Let’s look at some ways to assess and measure wellbeing: Gather feedback through pulse surveys. By asking the right questions, HR can narrow in on team members’ state of wellbeing. Questions that relate to one specific issue and give people the option to rate how they’re feeling on a scale can provide helpful answers. Open-ended questions can also offer insightl, but make sure you have the time and resources to read and address each answer. Surveys can include questions that touch on topics such as compensation, engagement, belonging, workload, and career goals. Keep track of workforce data. While data doesn’t reflect a person’s internal struggles, it can illustrate challenges such as a high rate of absenteeism or low productivity— signs of a potential underlying issue. Brief check-ins. HR or managers can routinely meet with professionals. Getting together to talk, whether in person or through video chats, can provide feedback that may not have been apparent through surveys and data. How can employee wellbeing improve company culture? Thriving people make up a thriving company culture. When each part of the whole—each person—is in a state of wellbeing, they can work productively, collaborate effectively with team members, and contribute to a positive and vibrant culture.