• 容器管理
    Docker 面向企业客户推商业解决方案:售价每个月 150 美元起 Docker 今天宣布,该公司的商业解决方案将面向所有想要使用其容器管理软件的企业客户推出。除了自家零售渠道,Docker 的商业解决方案还将通过亚马逊云计算服务 Amazon Web Services 以及 IBM 和微软销售,起售价为每个月 150 美元,价格相对适中。   付费订阅了 Docker 商业解决方案以后,客户可以获得 Docker 全天 24 小时的技术支持、最多 10 个认证 Docker 引擎和 Docker 管理工具的授权。根据客户的具体需要,Docker 还将提供额外的服务。   这项服务的核心内容是 Docker Trusted Registry,后者基于 Docker Hub Registry 开发。Docker Hub Registry 是 Docker 推出的一项旨在存储容器的服务,但企业客户现在还可以在自有系统和防火墙内使用它存储和分享 Docker 照片。这项服务提供 LDAP 与 Active Directory 整合的能力,这样,企业客户就可以利用他们现有的认证系统,设置基于角色的访问政策,同时保存审计日志。   Docker Trusted Registry 自今年 2 月以来一直在进行测试,目前已有超过 800 家企业在使用。Docker 首席执行官本·格鲁布(Ben Golub)说:“自去年 6 月份在 Docker Con 旧金山大会上发布以来,Docker Hub 就吸引了数十万个人用户和数万企业用户的参与,他们向我们提供了有关 Docker 商业解决方案的重要反馈意见,希望了解我们怎样帮助他们部署对企业业务至关重要的分布式应用。我们已充分利用这种反馈意见,以及 Docker Trusted Registry 测试项目所获得的反馈意见,对用于生产环境的 Docker 商业解决方案进行定义。”   由于 IBM、微软和 Amazon Web Services 成为 Docker 商业解决方案的经销商,再加上相对适中的订阅价格,所以 Docker 应该可以吸引大批想要订阅这项服务的企业客户。   Docker Launches Commercial Support, Starting At $150/Month Docker today announced the general availability of its commercial solutions for businesses that want to use its container management software. Docker’s commercial solution will be available through Docker itself, but also from Amazon Web Services, IBM and Microsoft, starting at a relatively modest price of $150 per month.   For that, subscribers get 24/7 support for their Docker deployments, a license for up to 10 certified Docker Engines and Docker’s management tools. The company will also offer additional service tiers, depending on its customers’ needs.   At the core of this new service is the Docker Trusted Registry. This was built on top of the Docker Hub Registry, Docker’s service for storing containers, but enterprises can now use it on-premise and behind their firewalls to store and share Docker images. The on-premise registry offers LDAP and Active Directory integration, so businesses can use their existing authentication systems to set up role-based access policies for the service and keep audit logs. The Trusted Registry has been in beta since February and is currently in use at over 800 companies. “Since its launch at DockerCon SF last June, Docker Hub has attracted hundreds of thousands of users and tens of thousands of organizations, all of whom have given us valuable feedback on the nature of the commercial solutions they need from us to support deployment of business-critical distributed applications,” said Ben Golub, Docker’s CEO. “We have used this feedback, as well as feedback from our Docker Trusted Registry beta program, to define our commercial solutions for production environments.”   With IBM, Microsoft and Amazon Web Services on board as resellers and a modest subscription price, Docker should be able to attract a large number of businesses that will want to subscribe to this service.   来源:techcrunch