• 在线问答
    企业在线问答公司AnswerDash(Qazzow)获得种子轮290万美金融资 AnswerDash成立于2012年,总部位于美国西雅图。 AnswerDash通过技术嵌入功能答案帮助企业更好地回答消费者的问题,从而帮助企业削减相应的用户支持开支,同时保持用户不流失。 本轮融资由Voyager Capital 领投,Arnold Venture Group、Summit Capital、The W Fund、WRF Capital跟投。   UW spinout AnswerDash raises $2.9M to support growth of online contextual help platform What started as an idea inside the Information School at the University of Washington is now a full-fledged business that’s raising cash from venture capital firms. UW-spinout AnswerDash today announced a $2.9 million seed investment round led by Voyager Capital, with participation from existing investors WRF Capital, Summit Capital, the W Fund, and Arnold Venture Group. AnswerDash, formerly known as Qazzow, wants to fundamentally change how online businesses answer questions that customers might have. Rather than forcing people to comb through an FAQ or use a written-based solution like email or live chat, AnswerDash’s technology embeds answers within a website’s functionality. The company helps its clients offer customers instant, contextual answers to a question they may have while browsing a given web page on desktop or mobile. When a user clicks on something they have a question about — this could be an image, link, header, etc. — AnswerDash employs a machine learning search process to retrieve the most relevant questions and answers. The idea is to reduce the amount of time customers search for answers online, ultimately helping businesses improve the consumer experience while retaining revenue that previously could have been lost due to user frustration. “By enabling users to quickly and easily find their own answers to commonly asked questions, AnswerDash prevents costly and repetitive help requests that would otherwise arrive via e-mail, phone or live chat,” explained CEO Bill Colleran. “AnswerDash also reduces the likelihood that online shoppers will abandon their shopping activity because they fail to receive answers to their questions simply and intuitively.” Colleran, a former longtime CEO of Impinj, joined AnswerDash in June when he replaced co-founder Jake Wobbrock, who started AnswerDash back in 2012 with fellow UW professor Andrew Ko and their Ph.D student, Parmit Chilana. AnswerDash co-founders Jake Wobbrock and Andrew Ko.Wobbrock and Ko have held the CEO and CTO roles, respectively, at AnswerDash for the past three years —Chilana went on to become a professor at the University of Waterloo — but will return to their careers in academia this fall. Wobbrock told GeekWire that “this was always a planned transition.” The co-founders will remain involved with AnswerDash in an advisory capacity, while Wobbrock will serve as a board observer. “Our goal as academic co-founders was to take the technology we created out into the world,” he said. “We wanted to get the startup going, get it funded, build a great launch team, refine our product, and get customers and value proof-points. Once we had achieved this, we knew that the best people to take the company to the next level would be seasoned industry executives with years of experience building companies and taking products to market.” The leadership baton is now passed to Colleran, who previously spent 14 years leading RFID technology-maker Impinj, and VP of Engineering Kevin Knoepp, who joined the team in January after spending more than two decades as a back-end technology executive. “AnswerDash will continue its evolutionary arc from a small, research-based product team to a vibrant, innovative and fast-growing SaaS company,” noted Colleran. Colleran said that the company has “matured dramatically” since starting three years ago. Now that the startup has established product-market fit — it has “dozens of customers” like Chef, PetHub, and PipelineDeals — it will use the fresh cash to expand its sales and marketing efforts while continuing to improve the AnswerDash platform. Colleran has lofty ambitions for AnswerDash, which makes money with a tiered subscription model based on the amount of usage its tool gets and also produces unique analytics to clients that can provide insight into what types of questions customers are asking while browsing through a given website. “AnswerDash’s service enables more efficient, succinct and clear communication over the web and on mobile devices, so over time our market will grow to include almost every website and mobile app,” he said. “That’s a huge opportunity.” Total funding for the 13-person company is now $5.3 million.   来源:GeekWire
  • 在线问答
    “快法务”推出在线问答app“来问律师”,要做法律行业的春雨医生? 曾报道过“快法务”,这是今年 6 月 1 日上线的一家为创业公司提供与公司注册、合同文书、财税代理等业务相关的非诉讼法律服务的互联网法律服务提供商。快法务主要做了两件重要的事情:第一,把法律服务这种非标业务中中相对标准化的服务项目找了出来,并且通过对运营规则、运营流程的控制让自身服务尽可能标准化;第二,采用整合共享律师的轻公司模式,但同时通过一套评分机制来规范律师。   上线半年后,快法务紧接着推出了一个移动端问答咨询类 app:来问律师。用户随时随地可以咨询个人(C 端)或者公司(B 端)两个大类下的任何法律问题,专业律师针对问题提供解答,并且这个过程完全免费。 从模式来看,与春雨医生非常相似。   法律服务很大一部分是由咨询构成的,即使把这项服务搬到了互联网上,依然会有很多用户是带着问题而来并急于寻求解答的。因此,整个问答流程的快捷与高效优化是 app 的重点。“来问律师”目前提供的是异步的问答机制,当用户编辑完一条问题之后,继而选择这条问题的所属分类,然后便可以提交。目前,“来问律师”可提供的个人类法律咨询服务包括:婚姻家庭、交通肇事、劳动争议、债务纠纷等;公司类服务则包括:公司注册、投资融资、股权期权、合同事项、知识产权等。   法律垂直领域和医疗健康领域类似,都需要让专家来介入。来问律师基于快法务的律师运营流程、规则以及评价体系,做了一些改进。   与快法务一样,来问律师使用整合加盟的“轻介入”形式发展律师,通过一套律师资质审核、评定标准作为加盟门槛和考核指标,使用标准化培训来保证服务质量,同时使用“用户评价 + 律师积分和等级”体系来监督律师服务。我的理解是,在快法务整合了一批律师资源后,团队又对这些律师的价值进行了二次开发。   针对每一个咨询,系统都会根据律师的擅长领域与所在地区等标签,对问题进行筛选,让问题精准推送到最适合解答的律师面前。每一次咨询结束后,用户都可以对律师的服务在“响应速度 / 服务态度 / 专业程度”三个维度进行评价,而用户评价与解答采纳率都会影响律师积分。积分转化为律师等级,可以综合显示一名律师的服务水平与能力,积分和等级体系也作为律师服务监督的重要指标。同时,“来问律师”还加入了律师同行评价功能,增加律师之间的相互促进。 目前,律师提供的服务是免费的,那么如何让律师获益?一个健康的生态应该是用户—服务者—平台本身,三者都可以获益的有效循环。一方面,来问律师会给律师一定的补贴;另一方面,案源转化是来问律师能够带给律师的最直接的激励。律师自己通过平台与用户建立沟通之后也可以进行服务转化,给自己带来收入。只不过,现阶段的转化是非标准化的。在下一个版本中,来问律师会在平台上嫁接标准化的产品,律师直接通过这些标准产品获益。   [36氪,作者: 张雨忻]