• 硅谷
    云存储服务提供商Box上一财季营收5700万美元 增速已连续放缓 受削减销售与营销支出的影响,云存储服务提供商Box的增长速度正在逐步放缓。     这家公司最新向美国证券交易委员会提交的S1报告显示,在截至10月31日的上一财季,公司营收同比增长近70%,为5700万美元。     不过在截至7月末的财季中,Box营收为5100万美元,同比增长了81%。再向前追溯,Box在截至4月末的财季中营收同比增幅达到了94%,在截至1月末的财季中营收同比增长了97%。     与此同时,投资人当前普遍担心的是Box的销售与营销支出问题。在今年3月向美国证券交易委员会提交招股说明书时,这家公司的销售与营销支出甚至要高于其总营收。     不过Box已经开始限制公司的销售与营销支出。该公司上一财季销售与营销支出为5500万美元,低于公司5700万美元的营收。Box上一财季的净亏损为4500万美元。     Box的财务数据展示出了软件即服务公司当前普遍面临的困境,客户获取成本与其营收增幅息息相关。当前的最大问题是Box能否让现有客户长期付费使用公司的服务,从而减少销售与营销支出不断增长对公司业绩构成的影响。     Box首席执行官在接受BI采访时表示,“订阅营收模式的优势在于用户会长期付费使用公司的服务,而不像是出售软件那样只获得一次性营收。”     Box提交的S1文件还显示,目前已有10%的用户成为付费用户,比例高于第一次发布招股说明书时的7%。此外,只有5%的Box在到期后选择不再缴纳订阅费,比例低于上年同期。(无忌)   BI中文站 12月11日报道
  • 硅谷
    实习与求职平台LookSharp收购Readyforce LookSharp现已收购了Readyforce,这笔交易的财务条款目前不详。LookSharp是一家提供求职信息的创业公司,旗下运作有InternMatch平台;Readyforce则是一个针对大学生和应届毕业生的专业网络。     自2010年创立以来,Readyforce已经筹集到超过1200万美元的资金,投资方包括Menlo Ventures、First Round Capital和U.S. Ventures。LookSharp的公司名称之前就是InternMatch,后来才开始为雇主和学生推出更多的服务。到目前为止,该公司的融资总额为780万美元,投资方包括ARTIS Ventures、Rudy Gadre、500 Startups、Kapor Capital、Subtraction Capital和Vishal Makhijani等公司。     LookSharp表示,这次收购将会用来充实它的实习、初级职位和内容数据库,以便更好地帮助学生们找到第一份工作。     两家公司合并后还将有利于双方在一个碎片化市场更好地竞争。LookSharp面临着众多竞争者,比如CareerBuilder、Monster、Dice和Indeed,该公司的差异化经营方式就是:让雇主在工作、福利和公司文化方面提供更多的信息,以便找到最好的潜在求职者,而不是被数以百计的工作申请所淹没。与LookSharp合作的企业既有众多创业公司,也有Facebook、亚马逊、嘉信理财(Charles Schwab)、迪斯尼和波音这样的知名企业集团。     另一方面,Readyforce主要针对计算机科学和工程专业的学生提供服务。今年9月份,该公司推出了一个称为“探寻你的选择”(Explore Your Options)的工具,有了这个工具,已有录用通知的学生们在接受这份工作之前,还有机会看一看其他的工作机会。     LookSharp表示,自2011年创立以来,该公司每年用户增长速度都超过500%,现在其平台上有3万个雇主和1000万名学生。     LookSharp, An Internship And Job Listings Platform, Acquires Readyforce   LookSharp, a startup that offers job listings and operates InternMatch, has acquired Readyforce, a professional network for college students and new graduates. The deal’s financial terms were undisclosed.   Since launching in 2010, Readyforce has raised more than $12 million in funding from investors including Menlo Ventures, First Round Capital and U.S. Ventures. LookSharp, which was formerly known as just InternMatch before it began to roll out more services for employers and students, has raised a total of $7.8 million from ARTIS Ventures, Rudy Gadre, 500 Startups, Kapor Capital, Subtraction Capital and Vishal Makhijani.   LookSharp says the acquisition will allow it to grow its database of internships, entry-level positions, and content geared toward helping students looking for their first jobs.   Combining forces will also help the two companies better compete in a fragmented marketplace. LookSharp seeks to differentiate from rivals like CareerBuilder, Monster, Dice and Indeed by allowing employers to offer more information about their jobs, benefits and company culture, in hopes of finding the best prospective candidates instead of getting flooded with hundreds of applications. Companies that list on LookSharp include startups, as well as corporations including Facebook, Amazon, Charles Schwab, Disney and Boeing.   Readyforce, on the other hand, focuses mainly on computer science and engineering students. In September, the company launched a tool called “Explore Your Options,” which lets students who have already received offers see what other opportunities are out there before accepting a job.   Since launching in 2011, LookSharp says it has grown more than 500 percent year-over-year and now has 30,000 employers and 10 million students on its platform.   来源:techcrunch
  • 硅谷
    培训即服务创业公司Lesson.ly融资110万美元,2014年营收增长850% 提供上岗培训管理和培训工具的创业公司 Lesson.ly 在今天早晨宣布,已获得 110 万美元投资。此轮融资由 Allos Ventures 领投,数位天使投资人参投。Lesson.ly 是首个接受“ExactTarget 三位联合创始人作为投资人”的公司。ExactTarget 是一家与 Lesson.ly 类似的美国中西部公司,于 2013 年被 Salesforce 收购。     Lesson.ly 在 2013 年获得过一小笔种子融资。该公司拒绝透露先前一笔融资的具体金额。不过却表示最近一笔融资获得了超额认购,其最初计划融资 100 万美元,最终却多获得了 10% 的资金。     Lesson.ly 计划利用这笔资金来增加营销开支,扩展产品和扩充团队人数到正常水平。     TechCrunch 上一次报道 Lesson.ly 还是在 2013 年底,当时 Lesson.ly 只有三名员工,每月的营收增速达 245% 。考虑到当时这家公司成立还不久,相对比例没什么意义。现在 Lesson.ly 拥有 10 名员工,预计到年底员工数将达 12 名,并计划在 2015 年让员工数翻番。     Lesson.ly 的创始人兼首席执行官马克思·尤德(Max Yoder)表示,Lesson.ly 今年的营收增长了 850% 。他预计 Lesson.ly 2015 年的营收将增长 300% 。     尤德向 TechCrunch 表示,Stripe 和 Lyft 都是 Lesson.ly 的客户。我问尤德,Lesson.ly 是不是严重依赖于某一个客户,得到的答复是没有一个客户对营收的贡献超过 10% 。       作为一家热切希望向硅谷客户销售的非硅谷公司,Lesson.ly 很出众。我问尤德,中西部创业环境近况如何。他提到了不少退出案,并表示“天使投资要比以往任何时候都强,芝加哥和俄亥俄州风投对中西部创业公司的兴趣在这些年也大幅增加。”我曾经也是芝加哥科技圈的参与者,这话我爱听。     培训并不是最性感的行业,但增长是一家年轻公司能展示的最具吸引力的东西。Lesson.ly 是否能实现其 2015 年的增长预期令人期待,祝他们好运。     Training-As-A-Service Startup Lesson.ly Picks Up $1.1M After Growing Its Revenue 850% In 2014 Lesson.ly, a startup that provides onboarding and training tools, announced this morning that it has raised a $1.1 million round led by Allos Ventures, and participated in by several angels. The firm claims to be the first company to “count all three ExactTarget co-founders as investors.” ExactTarget, a Midwest company like Lesson.ly, was acquired by Salesforce in 2013.   The $1.1 million follows a smaller seed round in 2013. The company declined to detail the amount of its former fundraising. It did note that its most recent capital event was oversubscribed — the company had initially planned to raise a flat $1 million, but accepted 10 percent more cash.   The company intends to use its new capital, it informed TechCrunch, to grow its marketing spend, and build out its product, normal enough stuff.   TechCrunch last discussed Lesson.ly in late 2013, when the company had three employees, and revenue growth in the hundreds of percent per month. Given its youth at that stage, however, the relative percentages weren’t too meaningful — the law of large numbers does work to the inverse, in reverse. Today, Lesson.ly has 10 employees, expects to make it to 12 by the end of the year, and plans to nearly double its staff in 2015.   According to the company’s founder and CEO Max Yoder, Lesson.ly’s revenue has grown 850 percent this year. He expects the company’s top line to grow 300 percent in 2015.   Lesson.ly counts companies like Stripe and Lyft among its customer base, Yoder told TechCrunch. I asked if the company was heavily dependent on any single customer, but was told that no single account constitutes more than 10 percent of its revenue.   As a company, Lesson.ly stands out somewhat for being a staunchly non-Valley play, but one that is more than willing to sell to Valley-centric customers. I asked Yoder how the Midwest startup scene was growing. He cited several exits as important moments, and stated that “angel funding is stronger than ever, and interest from Chicago and Ohio VCs has grown significantly over the years.” I was once a participant in the Chicago technology scene, making that somewhat edifying to hear.   Training is not the sexiest technology, but growth is the most attractive thing a young company can post. It will be interesting to see if Lesson.ly can not only meet its 2015 growth expectations, but best them.   来源:techcrunch
  • 硅谷
    硅谷最火的创业公司Airbnb和Pinterest怎么招人? 史丹佛大学最热门的一堂课就是教导学生如何创造一个网路帝国,硅谷投资人 Sam Altman 每周会带来硅谷最火红的名人来跟学生分享他们的创业秘笈。最近他们开设了一门为期两周的课程,教导学生如何建立良好的企业文化。Airbnb 的 CEO Brian Chesky 和 Pinterest 的 CEO Ben Silbermann 就是其中两位讲师。以下是两场演讲的精华节录,文末附有Youtube完整影片。 「Don’t fuck up the culture.(别搞砸了公司文化)」 这是 Chesky 向 PayPal 的创办人 Peter Thiel 寻求意见时,所得到的答案。比较好的说法是,要在组织中建立「热情」且「忠诚」的文化并不容易。技术人员往往把重心放在产品和行销上面,而低估了建立团队文化的重要性。 企业想要长久经营就必须要有一个清楚的使命,明确的价值观和做事方法,才能让这间公司和员工变得独一无二。 Chesky 强调公司想要长久经营,需要有一个明确的使命,这个使命要渗透公司里大大小小的事情。以苹果来说,他们所有的东西都经过精美的设计,无论是产品或是发表会。Airbnb 的宗旨就是让人们聚在一起,所以当他们搬到旧金山的新办公室时,他们自然而然地在这个两倍大的空间里举办种活动(我个人也去过两次,那里非常友善)。反观苹果,他们从不办任何鸡尾酒派对,那不是他们的核心价值。 「每个人都必须雇用更好的人,公司的水平才会提升。」 Chesky 表示,公司在快速成长的时候,品质很容易被稀释掉,只有在每次征才时都设定更高的标准,才能保有公司原有的水平,而这不单单只是在技术层面,对于新进员工是否符合公司文化也是一样的,这样才能找到稳定度较高的员工。 「我习惯问那些重量级的人物:你们在找什么样的人才?」 Silbermann 说,多数经营者只有在招募的过程之中,才开始明白他们要找的是什么样的人,但是他在招募之前,透过与那些成功人士的对话中,找到最好的答案,然后持续向他们学习。 「我们在找的是那些有创意且充满好奇心的人,他们需要有一些特定的兴趣。我们要找的是那些可以把事情做得很好,但是不自满的人。他们喜欢承担风险,勇于挑战自己。」 用兴趣来区分人才是一个很好的方法,最有名的例子,就是GOOGLE 在广告看板上写了一个数学题目,邀请大家来解谜,然而这个测验的重点并不是找到数学天才,而是找到充满好奇心的人。 「我并不会忽略人的特质。他们心愿是什么?做事风格?他们有多想被记住?如果你知道这些东西,代表你很关心他们本人,总的来说,这也就是你的目标」 花时间去了解员工,可以让他们更融入团队,让他们觉得自己是团队的一份子。很多员工整天只是坐在电脑前面,除非有人打破僵局,主动了解大家,不然很多能力和特质都会被埋没掉。 「传统的观念里,你只会雇用那些长期使用公司产品的人,但对我们来说,我喜欢那些有理想,喜欢上网的人。」 Pinterest 的 CEO Silbermann 不希望整个团队都是产品狂热份子,他喜欢雇用那些没有很喜欢 Pinterest 的使用者,他们才可能创造出让「非 Pinterest 使用者」满意的产品。 YouTube视频地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfWgVWGEuGE;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Dl8rZ6qwE 复制去Google翻译翻译结果
  • 硅谷
    企业版Dropbox将推API,携手第三方企业工具对抗Box Dropbox 的消费者品牌形象以及缺乏过硬企业安全功能一直以来都阻碍其“企业版”产品获得更多企业客户。但 TechCrunch 获得的一份 Dropbox 内部发布计划书显示,Dropbox 即将发布的企业版 Dropbox API 或将改变这一切。     企业版 Dropbox API 原计划于美国时间周三发布(不过此次泄露可能会改变原计划),可以让企业客户将现有的第三方安全和合规工具与自己的云存储相连,或者搭建自己的企业版 Dropbox(DfB,下同)应用。Dropbox 已经与包括微软、戴尔和 IBM 在内的十几个企业工具开发商进行合作,这些公司的产品将在 DfB API 推出时提供支持。Dropbox 还未就此事发表评论。   Dropbox 似乎已经意识到,要打造出吸引企业客户的所有必需功能耗时太久,而且其中许多功能已经有开发商提供。因此,为了赶上 BOX及其经营多年的企业应用平台,Dropbox 面向其企业版Dropbox 客户推出了 DfB API。这套 API 可以让企业客户填补企业版 Dropbox 中的空缺功能,而不是转而使用功能完整的企业云存储服务。这一举动很明智,既体现了 Dropbox 为大客户着想,也大幅提高了 Dropbox 作为严肃企业云存储服务提供商的形象。     为什么企业版 Dropbox 需要一套 API? 个人版 Dropbox 已经培育了一个连接 10 万应用的平台。这些应用提供从照片同步到高级文件搜索的所有功能。对于 3 亿 Dropbox 用户来说,这些应用的作用很大。     但企业的需求与普通消费者截然不同。这也是 Dropbox 在4月单独推出企业版Dropbox 的原因。企业版 Dropbox 提供分享审计日志功能,可以检查谁看了什么文件;还可以让 IT 部门将文件限制在工作电脑上或让特定团队查看;还提供远程擦除功能,在员工离职或电脑被盗时抹除企业版 Dropbox 的文件。     企业版 Dropbox 与一些成熟的企业软件产品如 Salesforce、 Slack、 Asana、 Trello、雅虎达成了合作,最近又与微软OFFICE部门达成合作,可以让用户在这些服务内轻松保存或获取自己的 Dropbox 文件。   不过,这仍然是隔靴挠痒,因为没有方法可以接入后端企业工具。     此次泄露的内部发布计划书详细描述了 Dropbox 对此的应对措施,并对与这套 API 有关的诸多问题进行了解答。计划书中还显示 Dropbox 最近签下了凯悦集团、Heart Corporation 和新闻集团。为了获得更多与敏感信息打交道的大公司客户,Dropbox 需要围绕机密数据、认证、员工活动日志、加密和大文件转移增加额外保障。     要打造所有这些安全功能耗时太久,Dropbox 没有这么时间来投入,于是很快推出了 API 让合作伙伴加入,帮忙推进这一过程。     DfB API 的功能? 企业版Dropbox  API 可以将诸多第三方企业工具与企业版 Dropbox 连接在一起: 防止数据丢失:防止个人身份信息或支付卡信息泄露 数据迁移:协助大规模数据转移或就地备份 数字权限管理:为严格监管行业企业的数据提供加密和解密服务 身份管理:提供身份认证和一次性登录,从而让员工在访问企业版 Dropbox 时保持认证状态 依法保存和 eDiscovery 电子检索:安全地保留可能稍后需要在法庭上提供的文件 安全信息和活动管理(SIEM):审计员工活动日志,检查员工访问的文件。   如果企业版 Dropbox 客户的工作流程未被第三方工具覆盖,它们还可以基于这套 API 自行搭建应用。Dropbox 提供了丰富文档来满足这一需求。   企业版 Dropbox API 的发布计划书显示,发布当天支持该 API 的合作伙伴可能包括微软 Azure AD、戴尔数据保护、 IBM WebSphere Cast Iron、 Okta、 Domo、 Splunk、 Meldium、 nCrypted Cloud、 Mover.io、 SkySync、 Ping Identity、 CloudLock、 Centrify、 Sookasa 和 CirroSecure。未来 Dropbox 将推出更多 API 功能,并增加合作伙伴的数量。     目前企业版 Dropbox 15 美元/月的收费不会变动。这和企业版 Box 的收费一样,不过 Box 会为大企业订单提供额外优惠。     软件即服务不是孤岛 这套 API 将让 Dropbox 进一步与 Box在企业云存储领域展开竞争,但 Box 首席执行官艾伦•列维(Aaron Levie)表示,功能齐全不仅仅是指安全。“说到‘平台’这个词时,我们认为平台要相当成熟”,列维说道。他还表示与企业工作流程和业务流程整合也必不可少。Dropbox 也需要考虑这些方面。     列维表示道:“我们很早就意识到,要完全保护企业内的终端用户和关键内容,我们就必须与整个生态系统合作。”他还提到,Box早在2011年就与开发者们一道从事这一方面的工作了。   但企业平台的游戏才刚刚开始。IT 部门的消费者化,自带设备上班以及自底及上的分发模式对完成工作的方式产生了重大影响。列维表示,这超过了“在办公室四堵墙之间保证安全”的范畴。没有人能从头打造这一切。企业必须依赖其他人打造的工具才能发展壮大。     这一开放模式意味着越来越多的工具会冒出来,而企业需要管理其在所有合作伙伴中数据的中心化方式。列维称,“预计整个生态系统会在两年后发生剧变。这是一场思维方式的变革,也是技术变革,企业和开发商都需要适应。”     难怪Dropbox去年一直在努力壮大并推出了企业版服务。企业模式的变革会带来滚滚财源,而这正是 Dropbox 和 Box 在追逐的东西。     翻译:1thinc0  来源: TechCrunch
  • 硅谷
    微软收购电邮客户端Acompli 价格超2亿美元 HRTECH注:11月28日,在HRTechChina上我们报道了《微软不小心泄露收购邮件服务Acompli》 的新闻,今日,微软官方宣布,该公司已经收购了Android和iOS电子邮件客户端Acompli。据悉,其联合创始人是JJ Zhuang (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jjzhuang)是位华人,毕业于上海交大~~   北京时间12月2日凌晨消息,微软周一宣布,该公司已经收购了Android和iOS电子邮件客户端Acompli,此举旨在增加其在这两个移动平台上的生产力应用数量。   微软称:“这项收购交易是公司计划的一部分内容,旨在帮助人们利用其移动设备做到更多事情。今年我们已将Office带到了iPad和iPhone上,并在最近宣布把Office带到Android平台上。我们提供跨越多个移动平台的最好生产力体验的相关工作已取得重大进展,未来将继续推进此事。”     Acompli则表示:“在产品上线以后不久,我们开始与许多企业的IT部门合作,它们认为伟大的产品需要‘被用户所热爱,被IT所信赖’。大致就在同一时间,我们开始与微软的员工进行对话,内容是我们能如何将Office 365平台的功能进一步整合到我们的产品中去,同时继续为苹果公司、Dropbox、谷歌和Box的电邮和文件服务提供令人惊喜的支持。这些对话带来了今天,我们觉得(与微软合为)一家公司能让我们有机会追求实现更好、更快和更强的电邮体验。”     微软上个月宣布,iOS版Office不再需要用户订阅Office 365服务即可编辑文件,并宣布推出了包括Word、PowerPoint和Excel在内的iPhone版Office应用。另外,微软还已与云存储服务提供商Dropbox达成合作,向其提供一体化的Office服务支持。     据美国科技博客Re/code报道,微软收购Acompli交易的价格为2亿美元以上,但这两家公司均未透露相关信息。(唐风)   来源:新浪科技
  • 硅谷
    云计算是未来 不过“屌丝”企业还是别玩了 来源:腾讯科技   12月1日,最新一期出版的美国著名财经杂志《巴伦周刊》撰文分析了当前云计算市场的发展趋势。文章指出,与微软等传统软件巨头相比,云计算软件产业的前期固定资产和设备投资过于庞大,导致整个产业陷入盈利困局。不过,由于市场需求旺盛以及产业的规模化发展,云计算产业的未来发展趋势仍是一片光明。 以下是文章内容全文: 上世纪九十年代末的互联网发展给人们最重要的启示之一是:所谓“无缝接入”的电子商务产业需要真金白银作为强大支撑。当前的云计算产业再次提醒人们,盈利才是产业的生存之本。 像老大哥微软一样,当前的云计算软件公司都在销售软件代码产品。然而,与微软提供CD集成版软件不同的是,这些软件公司在各自的服务器计算机上运行软件代码,而需要使用软件的企业客户则直接通过互联网来接入这些服务器就可以了。 自由现金流收益率偏低 这些新兴的软件开发商其实更类似于电信运营商,因为它们需要自己建设和维护大量的服务器才能保障自身软件的良好存储和运行。我们最好把这些软件开发商称为软件“运营商”。由于前期网络和服务器建设需要投入大量的资金,因此大多数云计算软件开发商当前的盈利能力普遍偏弱。 两年前成功上市的Workday正在成为一家颇具实力的云计算软件开发商。在截至明年1月底的2014财年,Workday的财年营收预计将同比大幅增长67%至7.85亿美元。然而在购买房产、办公地和设备方面支出了1.01亿美元后,Workday从云计算软件业务获得的现金净利润却仅为可怜的760万美元。也就是说,其自由现金流收益率(Free Cash Flow Yield, 以下简称FCFY)仅为1%。 而软件巨头微软今年的年营收将达到980亿美元,其FCFY有望达到26%。也就是说,微软今年将有250亿美元现金用于支付股息和回购股票,或者干脆把这笔钱存到银行里。 当然,微软已经拥有近40年的发展历史,与之进行对比似乎并不公平。但纵观整个云计算软件产业,其FCFY和资本集中水平却根本与微软建立起来的高收益业务没有可比性。 在对22家云计算软件公司进行调查后发现,其FCFY的平均值仅为4.5%,并不比互联网零售巨头亚马逊的2%高多少。而亚马逊则是业内利润率最低、资本最为集中的科技巨头。这22家公司包括Workday、在线旅行订票系统Sabre、IT商业软件公司ServiceNow以及营销软件公司Marketo。 股票期权支出大 业内投资者往往都十分关注这些云计算软件公司在股票期权方面的支出表现。今年前9个月,Workday的股票期权支出高达1.17亿美元,占其营收的比例为21%。作为全球最大的云计算软件开发商,Salesforce.com今年前9个月的股票期权营收比虽然仅相当于Workday的一半,但实际支出则高达4.13亿美元。 然而股票期权固定支出却模糊了固定资产支出在营收中的占比。毕竟,后者才是软件公司运行服务器最重要的基础。对于上述22家公司来说,其固定资产支出的营收占比要远远高于微软这样的业内老牌软件公司。 根据市场研究机构FactSet的统计显示,微软在2014财年的固定资产和设备支出在营收的占比可能为6%,占其运营现金流的19%。与之形成鲜明对比的是,上述22家软件公司当前财年的平均固定资产支出营收占比可能会达到8.6%,占其营收现金流的比例则可能高达207%。也就是说,这些公司每获得1美元的现金净利润,就需要支出2美元用于固定资产和设备投资。 这些数字还因各个公司的具体情况而有所不同。云端客户服务处理应用Zendesk在今年前9个月支出了1900万美元用于租赁办公地以及购买服务器和与云服务有关的必要设备,这直接导致该公司的现金流达到负1900万美元。华尔街分析师预计,该公司本财年的资本支出占营收的比例将达到令人难以置信的34倍。 今年,投资者总体上也在一直抛售云计算软件股票。Saleforce的年内股价增幅为8.5%,成为云计算股表现最好的个股之一。而Workday的年内股价增幅则仅为4.7%。 ServiceNow的年内股价涨幅高达14%,这可要得益于该公司已经成为IBM或另一家大型科技公司潜在收购目标的缘故。 市场需求旺盛 那么问题就来了,如果一家公司需要支出2美元才能赚到1美元净利润的话,整个产业为何还会呈现出当前的勃勃生机呢? 简单来说,就是市场需求旺盛。越来越多的企业用户都想通过购买云计算服务而省去软件的运行费用,从而彻底砍掉安装新应用的成本开支。因此,很多年轻的创业公司都采取这种方法与微软、甲骨文和SAP等老牌软件巨头展开业务竞争。 云计算产业的未来曙光在于,随着时间的推移,软件开发商的软件运行成本会变得越来越低。随着云计算软件开发商规模化发展的进一步加深,其新增用户的增量成本将会下降。这就意味着,每个服务器可以为越来越多的客户运行软件,每个服务器所产生的净利润也就越来越高。 与业内的小型竞争对手相比,Workday和Salesforce等大型云计算软件开发商的资本支出营收比或者资本支出与自由现金流之比相对较高。然而,整个云计算产业似乎并没有出现降低固定资产支出的任何迹象,因此要想达到整体营收超过成本支出的拐点也尚需时日。此后,才能出现净利润的井喷式增长。 然而,投资者今年并没有对云计算产业的巨额资本支出给予多大的耐心。(景隼)   欢迎跟帖讨论~ 复制去Google翻译翻译结果 ServiceNow
  • 硅谷
    微软不小心泄露收购邮件服务Acompli google 推出inbox 之后,邮件服务就变得有趣起来了,大家都在找寻一些有趣的服务,Email 可能大家认为不过如此了,但是越来越多的新的APP出现,让这种假象打破了~ 微软在未发布的博客中不小心透漏了这个消息: http://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2014/11/25/microsoft-acquires-acompli/。 小编使用的就是Acompli ,为什么呢,因为可以收取Gmail 在国内!! 当然还很好用,这个不假,建议你可以试试!其联合创始人是JJ Zhuang (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jjzhuang)是中国人额!上海交大的校友! 在Acompli的官方网站称,该公司的宗旨是改善移动邮箱的体验,全面提升用户的工作效率,其认为和传统的PC端邮箱相比,移动优先还有很大的空白需要填补。 该公司总部位于旧金山,风险投资人中包括了红点资本、Felicis资本等。据报道,该公司之前已经融资了730万美元。 目前该公司的邮箱客户端已经推出了iOS和安卓版本,提供用户免费下载。该客户端可以管理用户的多个邮箱帐号。   复制去Google翻译翻译结果 https://www.linkedin.com/in/jjzhuang
  • 硅谷
    WORKDAY预计2016年营收低於市场预估,早盘股价下挫 路透11月25日 - 人力资源软件生产商WORKDAY (WDAY.N) 预计,2016会计年度营收低於市场预估;另外第四季营收预估暗示,在截至明年1月的本会计年度,营收将大约增长66-67%,远低於2014会计年度增长的71%。 包括高盛在内的至少六家券商,将WORKDAY目标价预估最多下调10美元,至90美元,目标价预估中值为100美元。 在周二早盘交易中,WORKDAY股价下挫4.9%,报87.87美元,最新市值162亿美金。     附录: Workday Announces Fiscal 2015 Third Quarter Financial Results     PLEASANTON, CA--(Marketwired - Nov 24, 2014) - Workday, Inc. (NYSE: WDAY), a leader in enterprise cloud applications for finance and human resources, today announced results for the fiscal third quarter ended October 31, 2014. Total revenues were $215.1 million, an increase of 68% from the third quarter of fiscal 2014. Subscription revenues were $164.4 million, an increase of 75% from same period last year. Operating loss was $51.5 million, or negative 23.9% of revenues, compared to an operating loss of $40.4 million, or negative 31.6% of revenues, in the same period last year. Non-GAAP operating loss for the third quarter was $2.9 million, or negative 1.4% of revenues, compared to a non-GAAP operating loss of $19.9 million last year, or negative 15.6% of revenues.1 Net loss per basic and diluted share was $0.33, compared to a net loss per basic and diluted share of $0.27 in the third quarter of fiscal 2014. The non-GAAP net loss per basic and diluted share for the third quarter was $0.03, compared to a non-GAAP net loss per basic and diluted share of $0.12 during the same period last year.1 Operating cash flows for the third quarter were $41.0 million and free cash flows were $13.3 million. For the trailing twelve months, operating cash flows were $88.5 million and free cash flows were a negative $4.8 million.2 Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities were approximately $1.8 billion as of October 31, 2014. Unearned revenue was $508.1 million, a 44% increase from last year. "We had a strong third quarter and saw increasing customer demand globally," said Aneel Bhusri, co-founder and CEO, Workday. "We also welcomed a record number of customers to our eighth annual customer conference, Workday Rising, where we announced our newest suite of applications, Workday Insight Applications, to deepen the value our customers gain with one system in the cloud for finance and human resources." "We are very pleased with our solid third quarter results," said Mark Peek, chief financial officer, Workday. "We generated record quarterly revenues and trailing twelve month operating cash flows. Looking ahead, we anticipate fourth quarter total revenues to be within a range of $219 and $222 million, or growth of 54% to 56% as compared to the prior year." Recent Highlights Workday held its eighth annual customer conference, Workday Rising, bringing together more than 4,500 members of the Workday community for education and collaboration in San Francisco. Workday introduced Workday Insight Applications, a new suite of applications that will use the power of advanced data science and machine learning algorithms to help customers make smarter financial and workforce decisions. Workday is scheduled to make select Workday Insight Applications generally available to customers in calendar year 2015. Workday Financial Management momentum continued as the company surpassed the 100-customer milestone. Additionally, in its latest feature release, Workday 23, Workday unveiled Composite Reporting, an advanced reporting tool, as well as industry-specific functionality to further address the finance needs of large organizations. Workday plans to host a conference call today to review its third quarter financial results and to discuss its financial outlook. The call is scheduled to begin at 2:00 p.m. PT/ 5:00 p.m. ET and can be accessed via webcast or through the company's Investor Relations website atwww.workday.com/investorrelations. The webcast will be available live, and a replay will be available following completion of the live broadcast for approximately 45 days. 1 Non-GAAP operating loss and net loss per share for the fiscal third quarters of 2015 and 2014 exclude share-based compensation, employer payroll taxes on employee stock transactions and debt discount and issuance costs associated with convertible notes, and for the fiscal third quarter of 2015, also exclude amortization expense for acquisition-related intangible assets. See the section titled "About Non-GAAP Financial Measures" in the accompanying financial tables for further details. 2 Free cash flows are defined as operating cash flows minus capital expenditures, assets acquired under a capital lease and purchased other intangible assets. See the section titled "About Non-GAAP Financial Measures" in the accompanying financial tables for further details. About Workday Workday is a leading provider of enterprise cloud applications for finance and human resources. Founded in 2005, Workday delivers financial management, human capital management, and analytics applications designed for the world's largest companies, educational institutions, and government agencies. Hundreds of organizations, ranging from medium-sized businesses to Fortune 50 enterprises, have selected Workday. Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures Reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to Workday's financial results as determined in accordance with GAAP are included at the end of this press release following the accompanying financial data. For a description of these non-GAAP financial measures, including the reasons management uses each measure, please see the section of the tables titled "About Non-GAAP Financial Measures." Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements including, among other things, statements regarding Workday's fourth quarter revenue projections. The words "believe," "may," "will," "estimate," "continue," "anticipate," "intend," "expect," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. If the risks materialize or assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements. Risks include, but are not limited to: (i) breaches in our security measures, unauthorized access to our customers' data or disruptions in our data center operations; (ii) our ability to manage our growth effectively; (iii) competitive factors, including but not limited to pricing pressures, industry consolidation, entry of new competitors and new applications and marketing initiatives by our competitors; (iv) the development of the market for enterprise cloud services; (v) acceptance of our applications and services by customers; (vi) adverse changes in general economic or market conditions; (vii) delays or reductions in information technology spending; (viii) our limited operating history, which makes it difficult to predict future results; and (ix) changes in sales may not be immediately reflected in our results due to our subscription model. Further information on risks that could affect Workday's results is included in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including our Form 10-Q for the quarter ended July 31, 2014 and our future reports that we may file with the SEC from time to time, which could cause actual results to vary from expectations. Workday assumes no obligation to, and does not currently intend to, update any such forward-looking statements after the date of this release. Any unreleased services, features, or functions referenced in this document, our website or other press releases or public statements that are not currently available are subject to change at Workday's discretion and may not be delivered as planned or at all. Customers who purchase Workday services should make their purchase decisions based upon services, features, and functions that are currently available. © 2014. Workday, Inc. All rights reserved. Workday and the Workday logo are registered trademarks of Workday, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Workday, Inc. Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (in thousands) (unaudited) October 31, 2014 January 31, 2014(1) Assets Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 192,142 $ 581,326 Marketable securities 1,642,517 1,305,253 Accounts receivable, net 118,943 92,184 Deferred costs 19,024 16,446 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 37,120 28,449 Total current assets 2,009,746 2,023,658 Property and equipment, net 116,640 77,664 Deferred costs, noncurrent 18,342 20,797 Goodwill and acquisition-related intangible assets, net 35,079 8,488 Other assets 52,511 45,658 Total assets $ 2,232,318 $ 2,176,265 Liabilities and stockholders' equity Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 9,610 $ 6,212 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 34,508 17,999 Accrued compensation 47,510 55,620 Capital leases 4,681 9,377 Unearned revenue 441,324 332,682 Total current liabilities 537,633 421,890 Convertible senior notes, net 484,855 468,412 Capital leases, noncurrent -- 3,589 Unearned revenue, noncurrent 66,807 80,883 Other liabilities 13,807 14,274 Total liabilities 1,103,102 989,048 Stockholders' equity: Common stock 185 181 Additional paid-in capital 1,891,872 1,761,156 Accumulated other comprehensive income 64 269 Accumulated deficit (762,905 ) (574,389 ) Total stockholders' equity 1,129,216 1,187,217 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 2,232,318 $ 2,176,265 (1) Amounts as of January 31, 2014 were derived from the January 31, 2014 audited financial statements. Workday, Inc. Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited) Three Months Ended October 31, Nine Months Ended October 31, 2014 2013 2014 2013 Revenues: Subscription services $ 164,403 $ 93,925 $ 431,462 $ 243,454 Professional services 50,667 33,947 130,125 83,618 Total revenues 215,070 127,872 561,587 327,072 Costs and expenses(1): Costs of subscription services 27,426 18,076 73,258 49,333 Costs of professional services 44,363 30,515 121,590 76,711 Product development 85,270 49,349 227,905 126,799 Sales and marketing 80,681 54,051 227,371 136,565 General and administrative 28,796 16,280 76,781 42,970 Total costs and expenses 266,536 168,271 726,905 432,378 Operating loss (51,466 ) (40,399 ) (165,318 ) (105,306 ) Other expense, net (8,047 ) (6,893 ) (21,999 ) (10,628 ) Loss before provision for income taxes (59,513 ) (47,292 ) (187,317 ) (115,934 ) Provision for income taxes 399 242 1,199 593 Net loss $ (59,912 ) $ (47,534 ) $ (188,516 ) $ (116,527 ) Net loss per share, basic and diluted $ (0.33 ) $ (0.27 ) $ (1.03 ) $ (0.68 ) Weighted-average shares used to compute net loss per share, basic and diluted 184,310 174,385 182,770 171,269 (1) Costs and expenses include share-based compensation as follows: Costs of subscription services $ 1,959 $ 783 $ 4,622 $ 1,446 Costs of professional services 4,214 1,559 9,931 2,835 Product development 19,191 7,032 46,796 12,404 Sales and marketing 8,678 4,583 22,807 7,431 General and administrative 12,966 5,726 32,508 12,766 Workday, Inc. Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (in thousands) (unaudited) Three Months Ended October 31, Nine Months Ended October 31, 2014 2013 2014 2013 Cash flows from operating activities Net loss $ (59,912 ) $ (47,534 ) $ (188,516 ) $ (116,527 ) Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 15,682 9,361 42,679 23,981 Share-based compensation expenses 47,008 19,683 116,664 36,882 Amortization of deferred costs 5,740 3,211 14,113 8,449 Amortization of debt discount and issuance costs 6,083 5,764 18,005 8,554 Other 1,808 86 2,654 256 Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of business combinations: Accounts receivable (18,598 ) (19,997 ) (27,052 ) (19,674 ) Deferred costs (4,340 ) (5,346 ) (14,236 ) (12,449 ) Prepaid expenses and other assets 1,586 (2,652 ) (8,512 ) (12,794 ) Accounts payable 4,056 1,891 1,603 5,563 Accrued expense and other liabilities 15,271 16,458 1,760 22,720 Unearned revenue 26,658 26,151 94,566 66,509 Net cash provided by operating activities 41,042 7,076 53,728 11,470 Cash flows from investing activities Purchases of marketable securities (454,219 ) (499,787 ) (1,490,404 ) (1,229,488 ) Maturities of marketable securities 368,984 256,240 1,136,456 833,107 Sales of available-for-sale securities -- -- 8,138 -- Business combinations, net of cash acquired -- -- (26,317 ) -- Purchases of property and equipment (27,699 ) (16,757 ) (65,981 ) (48,384 ) Purchase of cost method investment -- -- (10,000 ) -- Other -- -- 1,000 90 Net cash (used in) investing activities (112,934 ) (260,304 ) (447,108 ) (444,675 ) Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from borrowings on convertible senior notes, net of issuance costs -- -- -- 584,291 Proceeds from issuance of warrants -- -- -- 92,708 Purchase of convertible senior notes hedges -- -- -- (143,729 ) Proceeds from issuance of common stock from employee equity plans 2,615 2,637 20,780 9,312 Principal payments on capital lease obligations (1,123 ) (2,817 ) (8,285 ) (9,505 ) Shares repurchased for tax withholdings on vesting of restricted stock -- (637 ) (8,291 ) (637 ) Other 91 41 151 121 Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 1,583 (776 ) 4,355 532,561 Effect of exchange rate changes (183 ) 32 (159 ) (54 ) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (70,492 ) (253,972 ) (389,184 ) 99,302 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 262,634 437,432 581,326 84,158 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period $ 192,142 $ 183,460 $ 192,142 $ 183,460 Workday, Inc. Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Data Three Months Ended October 31, 2014 (in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited) GAAP Share-Based Compensation Other Operating Expenses(2) Amortization of Debt Discount and Issuance Costs Non-GAAP Costs and expenses: Costs of subscription services $ 27,426 $ (1,959 ) $ (13 ) $ -- $ 25,454 Costs of professional services 44,363 (4,214 ) (69 ) -- 40,080 Product development 85,270 (19,191 ) (628 ) -- 65,451 Sales and marketing 80,681 (8,678 ) (485 ) -- 71,518 General and administrative 28,796 (12,966 ) (330 ) -- 15,500 Operating loss (51,466 ) 47,008 1,525 -- (2,933 ) Operating margin (23.9 )% 21.9 % 0.6 % -- (1.4 )% Other expense, net (8,047 ) -- -- 6,083 (1,964 ) Loss before provision for income taxes (59,513 ) 47,008 1,525 6,083 (4,897 ) Provision for income taxes 399 -- -- -- 399 Net loss $ (59,912 ) $ 47,008 $ 1,525 $ 6,083 $ (5,296 ) Net loss per share, basic and diluted (1) $ (0.33 ) $ 0.26 $ 0.01 $ 0.03 $ (0.03 ) (1) Calculated based upon 184,310 basic and diluted weighted-average shares of common stock. (2) Other operating expenses include employer payroll taxes on employee stock transactions and amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets. Workday, Inc. Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Data Three Months Ended October 31, 2013 (in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited) GAAP Share-Based Compensation Other Operating Expenses(2) Amortization of Debt Discount and Issuance Costs Non-GAAP Costs and expenses: Costs of subscription services $ 18,076 $ (783 ) $ -- $ -- $ 17,293 Costs of professional services 30,515 (1,559 ) (164 ) -- 28,792 Product development 49,349 (7,032 ) (390 ) -- 41,927 Sales and marketing 54,051 (4,583 ) (87 ) -- 49,381 General and administrative 16,280 (5,726 ) (188 ) -- 10,366 Operating loss (40,399 ) 19,683 829 -- (19,887 ) Operating margin (31.6 )% 15.4 % 0.6 % -- (15.6 )% Other expense, net (6,893 ) -- -- 5,764 (1,129 ) Loss before provision for income taxes (47,292 ) 19,683 829 5,764 (21,016 ) Provision for income taxes 242 -- -- -- 242 Net loss $ (47,534 ) $ 19,683 $ 829 $ 5,764 $ (21,258 ) Net loss per share, basic and diluted (1) $ (0.27 ) $ 0.11 $ -- $ 0.04 $ (0.12 ) (1) Calculated based upon 174,385 basic and diluted weighted-average shares of common stock. (2) Other operating expenses include employer payroll taxes on employee stock transactions. Workday, Inc. Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Data Nine Months Ended October 31, 2014 (in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited) GAAP Share-Based Compensation Other Operating Expenses(2) Amortization of Debt Discount and Issuance Costs Non-GAAP Costs and expenses: Costs of subscription services $ 73,258 $ (4,622 ) $ (101 ) $ -- $ 68,535 Costs of professional services 121,590 (9,931 ) (204 ) -- 111,455 Product development 227,905 (46,796 ) (2,098 ) -- 179,011 Sales and marketing 227,371 (22,807 ) (996 ) -- 203,568 General and administrative 76,781 (32,508 ) (688 ) -- 43,585 Operating loss (165,318 ) 116,664 4,087 -- (44,567 ) Operating margin (29.4 )% 20.8 % 0.7 % -- (7.9 )% Other expense, net (21,999 ) -- -- 18,005 (3,994 ) Loss before provision for income taxes (187,317 ) 116,664 4,087 18,005 (48,561 ) Provision for income taxes 1,199 -- -- -- 1,199 Net loss $ (188,516 ) $ 116,664 $ 4,087 $ 18,005 $ (49,760 ) Net loss per share, basic and diluted (1) $ (1.03 ) $ 0.64 $ 0.02 $ 0.10 $ (0.27 ) (1) Calculated based upon 182,770 basic and diluted weighted-average shares of common stock. (2) Other operating expenses include employer payroll taxes on employee stock transactions and amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets. Workday, Inc. Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Data Nine Months Ended October 31, 2013 (in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited) GAAP Share-Based Compensation Other Operating Expenses(2) Amortization of Debt Discount and Issuance Costs Non-GAAP Costs and expenses: Costs of subscription services $ 49,333 $ (1,446 ) $ (8 ) $ -- $ 47,879 Costs of professional services 76,711 (2,835 ) (511 ) -- 73,365 Product development 126,799 (12,404 ) (940 ) -- 113,455 Sales and marketing 136,565 (7,431 ) (470 ) -- 128,664 General and administrative 42,970 (12,766 ) (413 ) -- 29,791 Operating loss (105,306 ) 36,882 2,342 -- (66,082 ) Operating margin (32.2 )% 11.3 % 0.7 % -- (20.2 )% Other expense, net (10,628 ) -- -- 8,554 (2,074 ) Loss before provision for income taxes (115,934 ) 36,882 2,342 8,554 (68,156 ) Provision for income taxes 593 -- -- -- 593 Net loss $ (116,527 ) $ 36,882 $ 2,342 $ 8,554 $ (68,749 ) Net loss per share, basic and diluted (1) $ (0.68 ) $ 0.22 $ 0.01 $ 0.05 $ (0.40 ) (1) Calculated based upon 171,269 basic and diluted weighted-average shares of common stock. (2) Other operating expenses include employer payroll taxes on employee stock transactions. Workday, Inc. Reconciliation of GAAP Cash Flows from Operations to Free Cash Flows (A Non-GAAP Financial Measure) (in thousands) (unaudited) Three Months Ended October 31, Nine Months Ended October 31, 2014 2013 2014 2013 GAAP cash flows from operating activities $ 41,042 $ 7,076 $ 53,728 $ 11,470 Capital expenditures (27,699 ) (16,757 ) (65,981 ) (48,384 ) Property and equipment acquired under capital lease -- -- -- (115 ) Free cash flows $ 13,343 $ (9,681 ) $ (12,253 ) $ (37,029 ) Trailing Twelve Months Ended October 31, 2014 2013 GAAP cash flows from operating activities $ 88,521 $ 17,410 Capital expenditures (78,322 ) (57,479 ) Property and equipment acquired under capital lease -- (945 ) Purchase of other intangible assets (15,000 ) -- Free cash flows $ (4,801 ) $ (41,014 ) About Non-GAAP Financial Measures To provide investors and others with additional information regarding Workday's results, we have disclosed the following non-GAAP financial measures: non-GAAP operating loss, non-GAAP net loss per share and free cash flows. Workday has provided a reconciliation of each non-GAAP financial measure used in this earnings release to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure. The non-GAAP financial measures non-GAAP operating loss and non-GAAP net loss per share differ from GAAP in that they exclude share-based compensation, employer payroll taxes on employee stock transactions, amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets and non-cash interest expense related to our convertible senior notes, as applicable. Free cash flows differ from GAAP cash flows from operating activities in that it treats capital expenditures, assets acquired under a capital lease and purchased other (non-acquisition related) intangible assets as a reduction to cash flows. Workday's management uses these non-GAAP financial measures to understand and compare operating results across accounting periods, and for internal budgeting and forecasting purposes, for short- and long-term operating plans, and to evaluate Workday's financial performance and the ability of operations to generate cash. Management believes these non-GAAP financial measures reflect Workday's ongoing business in a manner that allows for meaningful period-to-period comparisons and analysis of trends in Workday's business, as they exclude expenses that are not reflective of ongoing operating results. Management also believes that these non-GAAP financial measures provide useful information to investors and others in understanding and evaluating Workday's operating results and future prospects in the same manner as management and in comparing financial results across accounting periods and to those of peer companies. Additionally, management believes information regarding free cash flows provides investors and others with an important perspective on the cash available to make strategic acquisitions and investments, to fund ongoing operations and to fund other capital expenditures. Management believes excluding the following items from the most directly comparable GAAP measures is useful to investors and others in assessing Workday's operating performance due to the following factors: Share-based compensation. Although share-based compensation is an important aspect of the compensation of our employees and executives, management believes it is useful to exclude share-based compensation in order to better understand the long-term performance of our core business and to facilitate comparison of our results to those of peer companies. For restricted share awards, the amount of share-based compensation expenses is not reflective of the value ultimately received by the grant recipients. Moreover, determining the fair value of certain of the share-based instruments we utilize involves a high degree of judgment and estimation and the expense recorded may bear little resemblance to the actual value realized upon the vesting or future exercise of the related share-based awards. Unlike cash compensation, the value of stock options and the Employee Stock Purchase Plan, which is an element of our ongoing share-based compensation expenses, is determined using a complex formula that incorporates factors, such as market volatility and forfeiture rates, that are beyond our control. Other Operating Expenses. Other operating expenses included employer payroll taxes on employee stock transactions for the three and nine months ended October 31, 2014 and 2013 and amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets for the three and nine months ended October 31, 2014. The amount of employer payroll taxes on share-based compensation is dependent on our stock price and other factors that are beyond our control and do not correlate to the operation of the business. For business combinations, we generally allocate a portion of the purchase price to intangible assets. The amount of the allocation is based on estimates and assumptions made by management and is subject to amortization. The amount of purchase price allocated to intangible assets and the term of its related amortization can vary significantly and are unique to each acquisition and thus we do not believe it is reflective of the ongoing operations. Amortization of debt discount and issuance costs. Under GAAP, we are required to separately account for liability (debt) and equity (conversion option) components of the convertible senior notes that were issued in private placements in June 2013. Accordingly, for GAAP purposes we are required to recognize the effective interest expense on our convertible senior notes and amortize the issuance costs over the term of the notes. The difference between the effective interest expense and the contractual interest expense and the amortization expense of issuance costs are excluded from management's assessment of our operating performance because management believes that these non-cash expenses are not indicative of ongoing operating performance. Management believes that the exclusion of the non-cash interest expense provides investors an enhanced view of the company's operational performance. Additionally, we believe that the non-GAAP financial measure, free cash flows, is meaningful to investors because we review cash flows generated from or used in operations after deducting capital expenditures, whether purchased or leased, and purchased other intangible assets, due to the fact that these expenditures are considered to be an ongoing operational component of our business. This provides an enhanced view of cash available to make strategic acquisitions and investments, to fund ongoing operations and to fund other capital expenditures. The use of non-GAAP operating loss and net loss per share has certain limitations as they do not reflect all items of income and expense that affect Workday's operations. Workday compensates for these limitations by reconciling the non-GAAP financial measures to the most comparable GAAP financial measures. These non-GAAP financial measures should be considered in addition to, not as a substitute for or in isolation from, measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. Further, these non-GAAP measures may differ from the non-GAAP information used by other companies, including peer companies, and therefore comparability may be limited. Management encourages investors and others to review Workday's financial information in its entirety and not rely on a single financial measure. Contact: Investor Relations Michael Haase (925) 951-9005 Michael.Haase@Workday.com Media Eric Glass (415) 432-3056 Eric.Glass@Workday.com 复制去Google翻译翻译结果
  • 硅谷
    自由职业市场发展迅猛:Elance-oDesk融资3000万美元,备战IPO 自由职业外包平台Elance-oDesk宣布融资3000万美元,帮助自由职业者和企业雇主更好的进行匹配。本轮融资由现有投资者 Benchmark、以及T. Rowe Price、FirstMark、Sigma West, NEA 、the Stripes Group领投。     去年12月,Elance以及oDesk——自由职业市场两家最大的竞争者宣布合并。不过合并后两家网站保持独立运营。合并后两家公司的自由职业者用户达到1000万,2013年收入为7.5亿美元。     而现在,该公司宣称用户上升为1300万,2014年年收入将达到9亿美元。     Elance-oDesk允许用户发布一些自由职位信息,比如编写代码、设计以及抄写、翻译等。雇主可以在这个平台上挑选自由职业者并支付报酬、他们可以通过Elance-oDesk平台进行交流,Elance-oDesk也会对雇佣情况进行追踪。     根据Elance-oDesk官方数据显示,目前其平台上总共有将近500万个岗位,创造价值为50亿美元以上。每分钟有1.2个岗位通过该平台发布,需求最大的前十大岗位是:网站编程、写作、PHP工程师、HTML工程师、平面设计、网络营销、市场营销、Adobe Phtoshop、行政助理、CSS。     目前在美国,Freelancer 以及远程办公等更加自由的工作方式已经变得平常,也促进了Freelancer、Guru、Elance-oDesk等自由职业网站的快速发展。不过Elance-oDesk CEO Fabio Rosati称:尽管在线工作的趋势不可避免,但目前这种方式占全部工作类型的份额仅为2%-3%。     Benchmark合伙人Kevin Harvey透露Elance-oDesk将于近期IPO,本轮融资将是其IPO之前最后一轮融资。     Elance于1999年成立,已经有15年历史;oDesk成立于2003年,也已经有10年历史。在合并之前,oDesk共计融资4400万美元,Elance共计融资约9000美元。   来源:快鲤鱼