• 最佳工作机会
    GLASSDOOR公布了2018年美国50个最佳职业,人力资源职位上榜第五位! 近五分之一(38%)的求职者和员工,包括一半以上(56%)的千禧一代(18-34岁)正在寻找工作,计划在明年 1 , 世界上最大, 发展最快的 工作场所 之一 Glassdoor 今天宣布,其年度就业报告确定了 2018年美国50个最佳职位 。 该报告根据每个作业的总体Glassdoor作业分数突出显示了50个最佳作业。 Glassdoor工作分数是通过平均衡量三个关键因素来确定的:基于年平均基本工资,工作满意度等级和职位空缺数量的收入潜力。 使这份名单在所有三个类别中脱颖而出的工作。 2018年美国 前五名 最佳职位 是: 数据科学家 工作分数:4.8 工作满意度评分:4.2 招聘职位数量:4,524 中位数基本工资:$ 110,000 Devops工程师 工作分数:4.6 工作满意度评分:4.0 招聘职位数量:3,369 中位数基本工资:$ 105,000 市场经理 工作分数:4.6 工作满意度评分:4.0 招聘职位数:6,439 中位数基本工资:$ 85,000 查看工作 职业治疗师 工作得分:4.5 工作满意度评分:4.0 职位数目:11,903 中位数基本工资:$ 74,000 人力资源经理 工作得分:4.5 工作满意度评分:3.9 招聘职位数量:4,458 中位数基本工资:$ 85,000   Glassdoor首席经济学家安德鲁博士说:“今年名单上的一半职位是快速发展的技术和医疗保健行业的职位,强化了高技能岗位需求,薪酬和员工满意度。管家。 “具有创造性,灵活性和良好判断力等一定技术和软技能的工人在医疗保健,融资到人力资源等行业中占有优势,可以利用人工智能和自动化方面的进步。 这是因为人工智能越来越补充这些工作,而不是取代做这些工作的人。“ 在最近的Glassdoor经济研究报告中, 乔布斯的前景是什么? 张伯伦博士 在2018年提出了五个中断事件 ,其中提到人工智能和自动化如何以某种方式影响几乎所有员工的各个方面,特别是在人才招聘和金融行业。 科技工作岗位占2018年Glassdoor在美国的50个最佳工作岗位中的20个,高于2017年的14个工作岗位。今年新增加的技术工作包括 前端工程师 (15,4.4)和 数据分析师 (38号, 4.2)。 由于与收集,组织和分析数据有关的技术角色的强大存在,今年还有四个与业务运营相关的工作,其中包括了解数据以为业务决策提供信息: 战略经理 (第 4,5 号) , 业务开发经理 (14,4.4), 商业智能开发人员 (42,4.1)和 业务分析师 (43,4.1)。 此外,医疗保健行业有五项工作,其中包括 年薪中位数最高的 医师助理 (第25,4.3),最高为104,000美元; 职业治疗师 (第4,5.5)目前职位空缺11903人,另外三人。 以上由GOOGLE AI 翻译自动翻译。阅读原文请看下面: With nearly two in five (38 percent) job seekers and employees, including more than half (56 percent) of millennials (18-34 year olds), looking for a job now or planning to in the next year 1 , Glassdoor , one of the world's largest and fastest-growing job sites , today announced its annual jobs report identifying the 50 Best Jobs in America for 2018 . The report highlights the 50 best jobs based on each job's overall Glassdoor Job Score. 2 The Glassdoor Job Score is determined by weighing three key factors equally: earning potential based on median annual base salary, job satisfaction rating and number of job openings. The jobs that made this list stand out across all three categories. The top five Best Jobs in America for 2018 are: Data Scientist Job Score: 4.8 Job Satisfaction Rating: 4.2 Number of Job Openings: 4,524 Median Base Salary: $110,000 Devops Engineer Job Score: 4.6 Job Satisfaction Rating: 4.0 Number of Job Openings: 3,369 Median Base Salary: $105,000 Marketing Manager Job Score: 4.6 Job Satisfaction Rating: 4.0 Number of Job Openings: 6,439 Median Base Salary: $85,000 Occupational Therapist Job Score: 4.5 Job Satisfaction Rating: 4.0 Number of Job Openings: 11,903 Median Base Salary: $74,000 HR Manager Job Score: 4.5 Job Satisfaction Rating: 3.9 Number of Job Openings: 4,458 Median Base Salary: $85,000   “Half of the jobs on this year's list are those within the fast-growing technology and health care industries, reinforcing that highly skilled jobs are in-demand, well compensated and those in which employees are satisfied,” said Glassdoor Chief Economist Dr. Andrew Chamberlain. “Workers with certain technical and soft skills, such as creativity, flexibility and good judgement, are at an advantage across industries, from health care to finance to HR, to leverage advances in artificial intelligence and automation. That's because AI is increasingly complementing these jobs, while not replacing the people needed to do them.” In a recent Glassdoor Economic Research report, What's Ahead for Jobs? Five Disruptions to Watch in 2018 , Dr. Chamberlain cites how AI and automation are poised to impact nearly every facet of the workforce in some way, especially in the talent acquisition and finance industries. Tech jobs make up 20 of Glassdoor's 50 Best Jobs in America for 2018, up from 14 jobs in 2017. New tech jobs added to the list this year include Front End Engineer (No. 15, 4.4) and Data Analyst (No. 38, 4.2). With a strong presence of tech roles related to collecting, organizing and analyzing data, there are also four jobs this year related to business operations, which can include making sense of data to inform business decision making: Strategy Manager (No. 7, 4.5), Business Development Manager (No. 14, 4.4), Business Intelligence Developer (No. 42, 4.1) and Business Analyst (No. 43, 4.1). Plus, five jobs are in the health care industry, including Physician Assistant (No. 25, 4.3), which has the highest median annual base salary of $104,000, and Occupational Therapist (No. 4, 4.5), which has the highest number of current job openings at 11,903, among three others.